Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists!

I hope this is something President Trump reverses.

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

The Obama administration on Wednesday finalized a rule that lets wind-energy companies operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years -- even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.
All those dead birds are a pretty good indication that bells and whistles don't save birds from being killed by the spinning blades of turbines.

It is bizarre to be told on the one hand that it is green and good to use wind while on the other hand it is ok that the green power kills living creatures. Indeed, the Obama administration not only blithely ignores the death of birds, Obama et al even goes so far as to ok ignoring federal law when a protected species is killed.
It's appalling. Not just raptors, but the turbines are allowed to be placed in migratory paths and the destruction of bats colonies is beyond the pale.

All for these stupid enviro whackos to pat themselves on the back and feel they are going green. Assholes.
Wind Turbines are worthless, so this is just silly.

Not an intelligent statement. Not at all.
Agreed. The costs are coming down to a point where I want to install a wind turbine for my home. Average wind speed around here is about 10mph, just right for home turbine use. I'm also considering a combination of solar and wind.

As for birds, it's like road kill and motorcyclists; evolution in action.
Wind Turbines are worthless, so this is just silly.

Not an intelligent statement. Not at all.
If they weren't worthless, they'd be able to compete without the government propping them up, and people making fraudulent claims in an attempt to convince people otherwise. There are states that actually use electricity to run those Turbines so that they look like they're more useful than they are.

On that topic, unlike other sources of energy, wind isn't always generated, so even if they produced more, it wouldn't be constantly. Wind power doesn't generate enough energy to compete, even if the wind were perpetually blowing.

I suppose you didn't know that, though, because CNN doesn't like to relay factual information to its drones.
Wind Turbines are worthless, so this is just silly.

Not an intelligent statement. Not at all.
Agreed. The costs are coming down to a point where I want to install a wind turbine for my home. Average wind speed around here is about 10mph, just right for home turbine use. I'm also considering a combination of solar and wind.

As for birds, it's like road kill and motorcyclists; evolution in action.
Awesome, you can have two inefficient sources of power. Go for it, Libtard~
Wind turbines are outer-space-looking democrat parisols that white elitist Dems refuse to allow on their own property. They have destroyed the aesthetic of the skyline in the prairie.
To quote Lewis Medlock from Deliverance when he was discussing the encroachment of the derivation of electricity for modern convenience... "You gonna RAPE this whole goddamn landscape! You gonna RAPE it!"
Democrats have.
All those dead birds are a pretty good indication that bells and whistles don't save birds from being killed by the spinning blades of turbines.

It is bizarre to be told on the one hand that it is green and good to use wind while on the other hand it is ok that the green power kills living creatures. Indeed, the Obama administration not only blithely ignores the death of birds, Obama et al even goes so far as to ok ignoring federal law when a protected species is killed.

Except when it comes to these highly overvalued delta smelt minnows in California. Then, we simply have to protect their environment so they can survive, and by doing so cause a total drought in the valley for 10,000 farmers who can no longer get the water to irrigate their fields. And I believe they estimated another 30,000 jobs lost if the farmers go down. This was 5 or 6 years ago and the last I knew the feds held firm and stopped the irrigation flow. Not sure if any of the minnows wrote thank you letters.
Californians lose 800,000 acre-feet of water to 305 minnows
Wind Turbines are worthless, so this is just silly.

Not an intelligent statement. Not at all.
If they weren't worthless, they'd be able to compete without the government propping them up, and people making fraudulent claims in an attempt to convince people otherwise. There are states that actually use electricity to run those Turbines so that they look like they're more useful than they are.

On that topic, unlike other sources of energy, wind isn't always generated, so even if they produced more, it wouldn't be constantly. Wind power doesn't generate enough energy to compete, even if the wind were perpetually blowing.

I suppose you didn't know that, though, because CNN doesn't like to relay factual information to its drones.
Awesome, you can have two inefficient sources of power. Go for it, Libtard~
Suck all the power company dick you like, sweet cheeks. Don't forget to wipe your chin after paying your bill.

Right now the costs are a bit high, but between increased battery efficiency tech and lowering costs, it should be easier to get off the grid in a few short years.
Based on the inefficiency of the power source, the costs will always outweight all of those advantages Wind power doesn't have. Like I explained before, Solar and Wind power weren't worthless, they'd be able to compete in the market without government assistance, and they can't. The government is not only propping up those industries, but attacking their opponents in order to keep them from disappearing entirely. Among their numerous disadvantages, they rely on a source that's never constant, and even if their sources WERE constant, which is completely impossible, even with tracking technology in Solar Panels, they will never be able to produce decent amounts of energy, let alone out-pace their competitors.
Putting what are whistles, basically, on the fins, can create noises that will drive away birds when the blades are moving.

Special paints may also drive them away.
But , but how will you dispose of the special paint tins ??
You on the left are hypocrites and not to be taken seriously.
Agreed, but so are those on the right who talk about being independent of government while drinking water from the city supply, shitting in a city sewage system and being dependent upon city power. The idiots who think being independent means having a few guns and a shitload of ammo don't have a clue.

Living on a well system powered by wind and/or solar, a septic tank and having the means to power a minimum household (my favorites are air conditioning and a large freezer) are essential to breaking one's dependence upon government provided resources.
Keep posting that fake news, Pumpkin Row.

Wind energy can reduce need for other types of energy by 33%.

I want to install some wind generators here with marine batteries. They'd be great in the event of a power outage, and there's a way to use the off-grid source without the power company dicking you.
Putting what are whistles, basically, on the fins, can create noises that will drive away birds when the blades are moving.

Special paints may also drive them away.
But , but how will you dispose of the special paint tins ??

Flourescent and metallic paints.

They'd be disposed of as they are currently. It wouldn't take a lot of paint to mark the fins.
All those dead birds are a pretty good indication that bells and whistles don't save birds from being killed by the spinning blades of turbines.

It is bizarre to be told on the one hand that it is green and good to use wind while on the other hand it is ok that the green power kills living creatures. Indeed, the Obama administration not only blithely ignores the death of birds, Obama et al even goes so far as to ok ignoring federal law when a protected species is killed.

Except when it comes to these highly overvalued delta smelt minnows in California. Then, we simply have to protect their environment so they can survive, and by doing so cause a total drought in the valley for 10,000 farmers who can no longer get the water to irrigate their fields. And I believe they estimated another 30,000 jobs lost if the farmers go down. This was 5 or 6 years ago and the last I knew the feds held firm and stopped the irrigation flow. Not sure if any of the minnows wrote thank you letters.
Californians lose 800,000 acre-feet of water to 305 minnows
Yes. The inconsistency is difficult to ignore. It makes you wonder what the green mind finds so special about wind.

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