Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

All those dead birds are a pretty good indication that bells and whistles don't save birds from being killed by the spinning blades of turbines.

It is bizarre to be told on the one hand that it is green and good to use wind while on the other hand it is ok that the green power kills living creatures. Indeed, the Obama administration not only blithely ignores the death of birds, Obama et al even goes so far as to ok ignoring federal law when a protected species is killed.

Except when it comes to these highly overvalued delta smelt minnows in California. Then, we simply have to protect their environment so they can survive, and by doing so cause a total drought in the valley for 10,000 farmers who can no longer get the water to irrigate their fields. And I believe they estimated another 30,000 jobs lost if the farmers go down. This was 5 or 6 years ago and the last I knew the feds held firm and stopped the irrigation flow. Not sure if any of the minnows wrote thank you letters.
Californians lose 800,000 acre-feet of water to 305 minnows
Yes. The inconsistency is difficult to ignore. It makes you wonder what the green mind finds so special about wind.

I admit I do not know enough, but I gather these wind turbines are costing us tax payers billions. May be saving us some fossil fuel discharge, but no chance on saving us money. IOW, this wind program is unfortunately "ahead of its time."
What’s the True Cost of Wind Power?
Based on the inefficiency of the power source, the costs will always outweight all of those advantages Wind power doesn't have. Like I explained before, Solar and Wind power weren't worthless, they'd be able to compete in the market without government assistance, and they can't. The government is not only propping up those industries, but attacking their opponents in order to keep them from disappearing entirely. Among their numerous disadvantages, they rely on a source that's never constant, and even if their sources WERE constant, which is completely impossible, even with tracking technology in Solar Panels, they will never be able to produce decent amounts of energy, let alone out-pace their competitors.
Keep sucking that government dick, honey, and keep believing they'll take care of all your needs.

It's also more cost efficient to buy your pork at Walmart rather than buying guns, ammo and learning how to hunt and skin your own. So sell your guns and invest in a Walmart card!
Wind Turbines are worthless, so this is just silly.

Not an intelligent statement. Not at all.
Agreed. The costs are coming down to a point where I want to install a wind turbine for my home. Average wind speed around here is about 10mph, just right for home turbine use. I'm also considering a combination of solar and wind.

As for birds, it's like road kill and motorcyclists; evolution in action.

Evolution? It's a slaughter out there. And a preventable one. Don't allow wind farms on migratory paths. Change how you run the turbines to save bats.

All preventable. What is totally bizarre is that for a government so hell bent for leather to regulate every thing else including cow freaking farts it's not stepping up to the plate for making mandatory regulations for the placement and operation of the wind farms. Not voluntary.

You can't claim to be saving the planet when you are wantonly destroying wildlife including protected species.

That's bullshit.
Evolution? It's a slaughter out there. And a preventable one. Don't allow wind farms on migratory paths. Change how you run the turbines to save bats.

All preventable. What is totally bizarre is that for a government so hell bent for leather to regulate every thing else including cow freaking farts it's not stepping up to the plate for making mandatory regulations for the placement and operation of the wind farms. Not voluntary.

You can't claim to be saving the planet when you are wantonly destroying wildlife including protected species.

That's bullshit.
I know you LW treehuggers are always trying to save the fucking whales and whatnot, but the fact remains tens of thousands of species have fallen out of the evolutionary tree.

My concern is being able to move away from sucking government cock by being totally reliant upon them for power, water and sewage. It's not just about cost, it's about being as independent as possible is the system breaks down. Remember the rolling blackouts in California a few years back? How many of those home owners would have enjoyed the ability to keep their AC running? I've been through 5 hurricanes and 2 typhoons. I've been through countless ice and snow storms. It's no fun to lose all power for several days. I have a 9000 watt generator for emergencies, but being able to supplement my household power needs with wind and/or solar is a good option to have IMO.
Keep posting that fake news, Pumpkin Row.

Wind energy can reduce need for other types of energy by 33%.

I want to install some wind generators here with marine batteries. They'd be great in the event of a power outage, and there's a way to use the off-grid source without the power company dicking you.
Oh snaps, more Liberal buzzwords with no meaning. Did DNC-Controlled CNN tell you to say that~?

Study: Batteries Aren’t Efficient Enough To Support Wind And Solar Power

Even if you ran your Turbines constantly for a month, that would probably be four hours of electricity.
Based on the inefficiency of the power source, the costs will always outweight all of those advantages Wind power doesn't have. Like I explained before, Solar and Wind power weren't worthless, they'd be able to compete in the market without government assistance, and they can't. The government is not only propping up those industries, but attacking their opponents in order to keep them from disappearing entirely. Among their numerous disadvantages, they rely on a source that's never constant, and even if their sources WERE constant, which is completely impossible, even with tracking technology in Solar Panels, they will never be able to produce decent amounts of energy, let alone out-pace their competitors.
Keep sucking that government dick, honey, and keep believing they'll take care of all your needs.

It's also more cost efficient to buy your pork at Walmart rather than buying guns, ammo and learning how to hunt and skin your own. So sell your guns and invest in a Walmart card!
I don't believe they'll take care of anyone. What's hilarious is how ironic your statement is, given that you're saying that while buying into the lies the government has been spewing. Yeah, you keep sucking the government's dong, while claiming everyone else is. Gotta love those companies that they subsidize because they can't compete. Like I said the last time you pretended to be capable of debating; Why don't you go back to the Flame Zone? You'll fit in better with all of those brain dead Liberals.
I don't believe they'll take care of anyone. What's hilarious is how ironic your statement is, given that you're saying that while buying into the lies the government has been spewing. Yeah, you keep sucking the government's dong, while claiming everyone else is. Gotta love those companies that they subsidize because they can't compete. Like I said the last time you pretended to be capable of debating; Why don't you go back to the Flame Zone? You'll fit in better with all of those brain dead Liberals.
Me neither, yet you're the one seeking to ban home-generated power and forcing Americans to continue sucking government-supplied dick.

Be sure to rinse after sucking, dear. Here's another good invention for you LW city-lovers:
I don't believe they'll take care of anyone. What's hilarious is how ironic your statement is, given that you're saying that while buying into the lies the government has been spewing. Yeah, you keep sucking the government's dong, while claiming everyone else is. Gotta love those companies that they subsidize because they can't compete. Like I said the last time you pretended to be capable of debating; Why don't you go back to the Flame Zone? You'll fit in better with all of those brain dead Liberals.
Me neither, yet you're the one seeking to ban home-generated power and forcing Americans to continue sucking government-supplied dick.

Be sure to rinse after sucking, dear. Here's another good invention for you LW city-lovers:
Quote where I said I wanted to ban home-generated power. Do it.

Oh, right, you can't because I didn't. You're just asserting fallacies because you can't debate me. You even stopped debating entirely to start throwing playground insults. I'd say that's as good of an admission of defeat as any. Just like last time; I proved you wrong, you couldn't debate me, you began spewing insults. You should really look into spending all of your time in the Flame Zone, that's where all of your posts belong.
Based on the inefficiency of the power source, the costs will always outweight all of those advantages Wind power doesn't have. Like I explained before, Solar and Wind power weren't worthless, they'd be able to compete in the market without government assistance, and they can't. The government is not only propping up those industries, but attacking their opponents in order to keep them from disappearing entirely. Among their numerous disadvantages, they rely on a source that's never constant, and even if their sources WERE constant, which is completely impossible, even with tracking technology in Solar Panels, they will never be able to produce decent amounts of energy, let alone out-pace their competitors.
Keep sucking that government dick, honey, and keep believing they'll take care of all your needs.

It's also more cost efficient to buy your pork at Walmart rather than buying guns, ammo and learning how to hunt and skin your own. So sell your guns and invest in a Walmart card!

Well some of us prefer not to hire assassins to kill our food and instead prefer to harvest it ourselves.

And if you knew how your pig is being raised it would chill you to the bone.
Intensive hog farming is one of the cruelest type of meat production on the planet.

Not including the environmental damage done in dealing with hog waste. And just an FYI I've been a conservationist for decades mainly working on water conservation issues but currently involved in trying to stop a major hydro project called Bi Pole III which threatens very sensitive monarch breeding grounds here in Southern Manitoba.

And my husband and I have gone entirely primitive a few years back in Ontario just to see if we could do it. Wasn't easy. Strictly fire and candles. No television, no computers, nada. Pumping water by hand truly gives one a remarkable sense of how we abuse on a day to day our water supplies.

Until we find a way to talk seriously and without political rancor about the environment and conservation, solutions will never be found.

When I come onto a message board to discuss conservation and I end up reading posts by some teen who thinks conservation amounts to putting his pizza box in the paper recycle bin I must say, it's most disappointing.

Somehow, there has to be a way to meet in the middle.
Quote where I said I wanted to ban home-generated power. Do it.

Oh, right, you can't because I didn't. You're just asserting fallacies because you can't debate me. You even stopped debating entirely to start throwing playground insults. I'd say that's as good of an admission of defeat as any. Just like last time; I proved you wrong, you couldn't debate me, you began spewing insults. You should really look into spending all of your time in the Flame Zone, that's where all of your posts belong.
Are you now flip-flopping and declaring you see the wisdom in an ability to be independent from government power, water and other services?

As far as insult, scroll up sweetcheeks. Are you one of those idiots who can dish it out but cries like daddy's little girl when it's returned in kind? Grow up, kid.
Awesome, you can have two inefficient sources of power. Go for it, Libtard~
Evolution? It's a slaughter out there. And a preventable one. Don't allow wind farms on migratory paths. Change how you run the turbines to save bats.

All preventable. What is totally bizarre is that for a government so hell bent for leather to regulate every thing else including cow freaking farts it's not stepping up to the plate for making mandatory regulations for the placement and operation of the wind farms. Not voluntary.

You can't claim to be saving the planet when you are wantonly destroying wildlife including protected species.

That's bullshit.
I know you LW treehuggers are always trying to save the fucking whales and whatnot, but the fact remains tens of thousands of species have fallen out of the evolutionary tree.

My concern is being able to move away from sucking government cock by being totally reliant upon them for power, water and sewage. It's not just about cost, it's about being as independent as possible is the system breaks down. Remember the rolling blackouts in California a few years back? How many of those home owners would have enjoyed the ability to keep their AC running? I've been through 5 hurricanes and 2 typhoons. I've been through countless ice and snow storms. It's no fun to lose all power for several days. I have a 9000 watt generator for emergencies, but being able to supplement my household power needs with wind and/or solar is a good option to have IMO.

See post #29. Been there and seen it and done it. It's not easy but we saved a fortune being off the grid and when there was a serious power outage in the north east a few years back we were able to provide water to our neighbors because we pumped by hand.

Wood stove, one fireplace, a whole lot of candles and kerosene lamps and a quizzillion batteries for radio.

And if you don't mind me recommending that you get solar along with wind. You already have the generator so that totally would cover you.
Quote where I said I wanted to ban home-generated power. Do it.

Oh, right, you can't because I didn't. You're just asserting fallacies because you can't debate me. You even stopped debating entirely to start throwing playground insults. I'd say that's as good of an admission of defeat as any. Just like last time; I proved you wrong, you couldn't debate me, you began spewing insults. You should really look into spending all of your time in the Flame Zone, that's where all of your posts belong.
Are you now flip-flopping and declaring you see the wisdom in an ability to be independent from government power, water and other services?

As far as insult, scroll up sweetcheeks. Are you one of those idiots who can dish it out but cries like daddy's little girl when it's returned in kind? Grow up, kid.
Awesome, you can have two inefficient sources of power. Go for it, Libtard~
In other words, you can't quote it, because your assertion was a total fallacy. The least you could have done was admit it.

I'm not flip-flopping on anything. I don't care what anyone does, so long as they're not infringing on anyone else's rights. You're completely free to waste your money on inefficient power sources, just like the government is doing. Just like I'm free to mock you for it, and tell you how worthless those sources are.

Funny you're telling me to grow up, when you're the full-grown adult pitching playground insults like this is the Flame Zone, and asserting fallacies because he can't win a debate. Like I said, you'd be more at home in the Flame Zone.
....Until we find a way to talk seriously and without political rancor about the environment and conservation, solutions will never be found.....
Agreed. LW assholes come in two flavors on this subject: those who "want to save the planet" (i.e. let mankind whither and die) and those who want everyone completely dependent upon government resources. They hate anyone opposed to their agenda.

RW assholes usually come in a single flavor: Drill, Baby, Drill to make Exxon great again! They hate anyone opposed to their agenda.

In middle are those in which you are alluding, common sense approaches to both independent (home) and state resource solutions. I, for one, don't want to be completely dependent upon government or corporate resources for several reasons. #1 is contingency planning, the ability to go for days or weeks on self-sustaining resources.
I don't believe they'll take care of anyone. What's hilarious is how ironic your statement is, given that you're saying that while buying into the lies the government has been spewing. Yeah, you keep sucking the government's dong, while claiming everyone else is. Gotta love those companies that they subsidize because they can't compete. Like I said the last time you pretended to be capable of debating; Why don't you go back to the Flame Zone? You'll fit in better with all of those brain dead Liberals.
Me neither, yet you're the one seeking to ban home-generated power and forcing Americans to continue sucking government-supplied dick.

Be sure to rinse after sucking, dear. Here's another good invention for you LW city-lovers:

Where did she say to ban anything?
....I'm not flip-flopping on anything. I don't care what anyone does, so long as they're not infringing on anyone else's rights. You're completely free to waste your money on inefficient power sources, just like the government is doing....
Disagreed, but thanks for your demonstration of hypocrisy.

....Just like I'm free to mock you for it, and tell you how worthless those sources are......
LOL. So, you're free to mock others, but they can't do the same to you? Grow up, Princess.
Where did she say to ban anything?
Isn't that what this entire thread is about? Banning wind-turbine technology as being environmentally dangerous? This just goes to show that there is really very little difference between the far Left and the far Right.
Isn't China still where the majority of turbines are coming from?
This is a prime example of RW ludditeness.

Even if renewables are limited at the moment the rate of development will make todays performance look laughable in a few years.

Look at the evolution of the computer or mobile phone over the past few years.

Energy development will follow the same trajectory and we will all be free of the tyranny of the power companies.

What is wrong with you people ?

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