Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

Putting what are whistles, basically, on the fins, can create noises that will drive away birds when the blades are moving.

Special paints may also drive them away.

Would you want to live near a whistling wind turbine?
Does it feed directly into my house or reduce my electric bill?

Why are some many here in favor of sucking OPEC's dick for energy?

That doesn't answer the question, would you want to live right near a whistling wind turbine?
Putting what are whistles, basically, on the fins, can create noises that will drive away birds when the blades are moving.

Special paints may also drive them away.

Would you want to live near a whistling wind turbine?
Does it feed directly into my house or reduce my electric bill?

Why are some many here in favor of sucking OPEC's dick for energy?

That doesn't answer the question, would you want to live right near a whistling wind turbine?
Is it any worse than the drum beat of an oil pump? Or a train?
Putting what are whistles, basically, on the fins, can create noises that will drive away birds when the blades are moving.

Special paints may also drive them away.

Would you want to live near a whistling wind turbine?
Does it feed directly into my house or reduce my electric bill?

Why are some many here in favor of sucking OPEC's dick for energy?

That doesn't answer the question, would you want to live right near a whistling wind turbine?
Is it any worse than the drum beat of an oil pump? Or a train?

How many people live near an oil pump?

As for trains, they are not constant. Like airplanes you can get used to them. But a whistle noise loud enough to scare away birds?
Putting what are whistles, basically, on the fins, can create noises that will drive away birds when the blades are moving.

Special paints may also drive them away.

Would you want to live near a whistling wind turbine?
Does it feed directly into my house or reduce my electric bill?

Why are some many here in favor of sucking OPEC's dick for energy?

That doesn't answer the question, would you want to live right near a whistling wind turbine?
Is it any worse than the drum beat of an oil pump? Or a train?

How many people live near an oil pump?

As for trains, they are not constant. Like airplanes you can get used to them. But a whistle noise loud enough to scare away birds?
So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists!

I hope this is something President Trump reverses.

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

The Obama administration on Wednesday finalized a rule that lets wind-energy companies operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years -- even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.
Using a word like "libtard" tells normal people that they aren`t reading the words of an adult and secondly, the Fish and Wildlife guy said he has no idea how many birds, if any, are dying. What he does say is many more are being killed by gunshots and poisonings. Do you want to ban guns Willow Tree? People who call others "libtards" usually have a shitload of guns under their trailers.
How many people live near an oil pump?

As for trains, they are not constant. Like airplanes you can get used to them. But a whistle noise loud enough to scare away birds?
Not many in the city, but plenty in the country. I have two gas wells within pistol shot of my house. I fail to see the problem on the US becoming independent of the fucking Arabs.

In fact, if we can develop solar, wind and, eventually, fusion technology, we won't need oil. The fucking Middle East can sink back into the sands of time and the world won't give a shit about them anymore than they do other Third World shitholes.
So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists!

I hope this is something President Trump reverses.

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

The Obama administration on Wednesday finalized a rule that lets wind-energy companies operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years -- even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.

Eagle is an American symbol.
Liberals hate both eagles and America.

So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists!

I hope this is something President Trump reverses.

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

The Obama administration on Wednesday finalized a rule that lets wind-energy companies operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years -- even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.

Eagle is an American symbol.
Liberals hate both eagles and America.

Prove that I, a liberal, hate Bald Eagles...And America...Which is really USA...
Putting what are whistles, basically, on the fins, can create noises that will drive away birds when the blades are moving.

Special paints may also drive them away.

Would you want to live near a whistling wind turbine?
too big for the back yard. twelve or thirteen one volt turbines will work as well, even in lighter winds.

not a sea of green but a sea of fans.
So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists!

I hope this is something President Trump reverses.

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

The Obama administration on Wednesday finalized a rule that lets wind-energy companies operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years -- even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.
Using a word like "libtard" tells normal people that they aren`t reading the words of an adult and secondly, the Fish and Wildlife guy said he has no idea how many birds, if any, are dying. What he does say is many more are being killed by gunshots and poisonings. Do you want to ban guns Willow Tree? People who call others "libtards" usually have a shitload of guns under their trailers.
So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists!

I hope this is something President Trump reverses.

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

The Obama administration on Wednesday finalized a rule that lets wind-energy companies operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years -- even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.

Why is it the Contards only love eagles when it means stopping wind power?

a) Eagles are not in danger of going 'extinct' because of this
b) This is not even on of the major causes of eagle deaths- isn't it odd that Contards like you are not actually working to stop any of the actual major causes of eagle deaths? Since you 'care' so much?
  • Electrocution by power lines
  • Lead poisoning- from eagles eating animals with lead shot in them
  • Shooting
  • Collisions with buildings, wires, cars
  • And of course habitat loss
68% of Bald Eagle Deaths Are Caused by Humans |

How many eagles have been killed by wind turbines?
But at a minimum, the scientists wrote, wind farms in 10 states have killed at least 85 eagles since 1997, with most deaths occurring between 2008 and 2012, as the industry was greatly expanding.

Hmmm 85 eagles since 1997.....2 a year?

I love eagles- but if we want to save eagles- maybe we should focus on eliminating the larger threats rather than on one of the most minor threats.
Putting what are whistles, basically, on the fins, can create noises that will drive away birds when the blades are moving.

Special paints may also drive them away.

Newer turbines have slower moving blades which almost entirely eliminate the threat.
So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists!

I hope this is something President Trump reverses.

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

The Obama administration on Wednesday finalized a rule that lets wind-energy companies operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years -- even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.

Why is it the Contards only love eagles when it means stopping wind power?

a) Eagles are not in danger of going 'extinct' because of this
b) This is not even on of the major causes of eagle deaths- isn't it odd that Contards like you are not actually working to stop any of the actual major causes of eagle deaths? Since you 'care' so much?
  • Electrocution by power lines
  • Lead poisoning- from eagles eating animals with lead shot in them
  • Shooting
  • Collisions with buildings, wires, cars
  • And of course habitat loss
68% of Bald Eagle Deaths Are Caused by Humans |

How many eagles have been killed by wind turbines?
But at a minimum, the scientists wrote, wind farms in 10 states have killed at least 85 eagles since 1997, with most deaths occurring between 2008 and 2012, as the industry was greatly expanding.

Hmmm 85 eagles since 1997.....2 a year?

I love eagles- but if we want to save eagles- maybe we should focus on eliminating the larger threats rather than on one of the most minor threats.
Are you in favor of not obeying the federal law against killing eagles for the guy who runs a wind turbine, but not the guy who hits one with his car or shoots one with a gun?
So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists!

I hope this is something President Trump reverses.

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

The Obama administration on Wednesday finalized a rule that lets wind-energy companies operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years -- even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.
Relax! Each dead eagle will posthumously be awarded a Participation Trophy.
So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists!

I hope this is something President Trump reverses.

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

The Obama administration on Wednesday finalized a rule that lets wind-energy companies operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years -- even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.

Why is it the Contards only love eagles when it means stopping wind power?

a) Eagles are not in danger of going 'extinct' because of this
b) This is not even on of the major causes of eagle deaths- isn't it odd that Contards like you are not actually working to stop any of the actual major causes of eagle deaths? Since you 'care' so much?
  • Electrocution by power lines
  • Lead poisoning- from eagles eating animals with lead shot in them
  • Shooting
  • Collisions with buildings, wires, cars
  • And of course habitat loss
68% of Bald Eagle Deaths Are Caused by Humans |

How many eagles have been killed by wind turbines?
But at a minimum, the scientists wrote, wind farms in 10 states have killed at least 85 eagles since 1997, with most deaths occurring between 2008 and 2012, as the industry was greatly expanding.

Hmmm 85 eagles since 1997.....2 a year?

I love eagles- but if we want to save eagles- maybe we should focus on eliminating the larger threats rather than on one of the most minor threats.
Are you in favor of not obeying the federal law against killing eagles for the guy who runs a wind turbine, but not the guy who hits one with his car or shoots one with a gun?
Unlike the guy shooting eagles, wind turbines serve a purpose that benefits everyone.
So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists!

I hope this is something President Trump reverses.

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

The Obama administration on Wednesday finalized a rule that lets wind-energy companies operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years -- even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.

Why is it the Contards only love eagles when it means stopping wind power?

a) Eagles are not in danger of going 'extinct' because of this
b) This is not even on of the major causes of eagle deaths- isn't it odd that Contards like you are not actually working to stop any of the actual major causes of eagle deaths? Since you 'care' so much?
  • Electrocution by power lines
  • Lead poisoning- from eagles eating animals with lead shot in them
  • Shooting
  • Collisions with buildings, wires, cars
  • And of course habitat loss
68% of Bald Eagle Deaths Are Caused by Humans |

How many eagles have been killed by wind turbines?
But at a minimum, the scientists wrote, wind farms in 10 states have killed at least 85 eagles since 1997, with most deaths occurring between 2008 and 2012, as the industry was greatly expanding.

Hmmm 85 eagles since 1997.....2 a year?

I love eagles- but if we want to save eagles- maybe we should focus on eliminating the larger threats rather than on one of the most minor threats.
Are you in favor of not obeying the federal law against killing eagles for the guy who runs a wind turbine, but not the guy who hits one with his car or shoots one with a gun?

Actually I am in favor of reducing harm to eagles.

We do not arrest electric companies whose power lines electrocute eagles, nor do we arrest hunters who hunt with lead shot that is injested by eagles and kills them.

The hypocrisy is rife- because the conservatives who bring this up never raise any other issues regarding any wildlife- except birds and wind turbines.

They don't care if millions of birds are killed each year by pet cats. Or that birds die from poison planted to kill coyotes and other 'nuisance' animals. They don't care if birds die when their habitat is cleared out for a coal plant.

Oddly enough- they only show up to care when it comes to complaining about alternative power production.

Which is why I always point out the major causes of eagle and raptor death- and conservatives always want to ignore them.
So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists!

I hope this is something President Trump reverses.

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

The Obama administration on Wednesday finalized a rule that lets wind-energy companies operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years -- even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.

Why is it the Contards only love eagles when it means stopping wind power?

a) Eagles are not in danger of going 'extinct' because of this
b) This is not even on of the major causes of eagle deaths- isn't it odd that Contards like you are not actually working to stop any of the actual major causes of eagle deaths? Since you 'care' so much?
  • Electrocution by power lines
  • Lead poisoning- from eagles eating animals with lead shot in them
  • Shooting
  • Collisions with buildings, wires, cars
  • And of course habitat loss
68% of Bald Eagle Deaths Are Caused by Humans |

How many eagles have been killed by wind turbines?
But at a minimum, the scientists wrote, wind farms in 10 states have killed at least 85 eagles since 1997, with most deaths occurring between 2008 and 2012, as the industry was greatly expanding.

Hmmm 85 eagles since 1997.....2 a year?

I love eagles- but if we want to save eagles- maybe we should focus on eliminating the larger threats rather than on one of the most minor threats.
Are you in favor of not obeying the federal law against killing eagles for the guy who runs a wind turbine, but not the guy who hits one with his car or shoots one with a gun?
Unlike the guy shooting eagles, wind turbines serve a purpose that benefits everyone.
So you are ok with not obeying laws, when the murder weapon is something you deem beneficial?
So for the sake of a few kilowatts libtards are willing to make Eagles extinct. Way to go environmentalists!

I hope this is something President Trump reverses.

Final wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

The Obama administration on Wednesday finalized a rule that lets wind-energy companies operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years -- even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.

Why is it the Contards only love eagles when it means stopping wind power?

a) Eagles are not in danger of going 'extinct' because of this
b) This is not even on of the major causes of eagle deaths- isn't it odd that Contards like you are not actually working to stop any of the actual major causes of eagle deaths? Since you 'care' so much?
  • Electrocution by power lines
  • Lead poisoning- from eagles eating animals with lead shot in them
  • Shooting
  • Collisions with buildings, wires, cars
  • And of course habitat loss
68% of Bald Eagle Deaths Are Caused by Humans |

How many eagles have been killed by wind turbines?
But at a minimum, the scientists wrote, wind farms in 10 states have killed at least 85 eagles since 1997, with most deaths occurring between 2008 and 2012, as the industry was greatly expanding.

Hmmm 85 eagles since 1997.....2 a year?

I love eagles- but if we want to save eagles- maybe we should focus on eliminating the larger threats rather than on one of the most minor threats.
Are you in favor of not obeying the federal law against killing eagles for the guy who runs a wind turbine, but not the guy who hits one with his car or shoots one with a gun?

Actually I am in favor of reducing harm to eagles.

We do not arrest electric companies whose power lines electrocute eagles, nor do we arrest hunters who hunt with lead shot that is injested by eagles and kills them.

The hypocrisy is rife- because the conservatives who bring this up never raise any other issues regarding any wildlife- except birds and wind turbines.

They don't care if millions of birds are killed each year by pet cats. Or that birds die from poison planted to kill coyotes and other 'nuisance' animals. They don't care if birds die when their habitat is cleared out for a coal plant.

Oddly enough- they only show up to care when it comes to complaining about alternative power production.

Which is why I always point out the major causes of eagle and raptor death- and conservatives always want to ignore them.
The topic is wind turbines and ignoring federal law in the killing of eagles. Your remark that conservatives don't care about birds unless they are killed by wind turbines is actually irrelevant. Since you brought it up though, I challenge you to prove that.

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