Finally.........A Palestinian Contribution To Mankind

Israel responsible for Gaza strikes on UN schools and shelters, inquiry finds
israel was responsible for striking seven United Nations sites used as civilian shelters during the 2014 Gaza war in which 44 Palestinians died and 227 others were injured, an inquiry ordered by UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon has concluded.

Releasing the report on Monday, Ban condemned the attacks “as a matter of the utmost gravity” and said “those who looked to them for protection and who sought and were granted shelter there had their hopes and trust denied”.

Ban insisted that UN locations were “inviolable”.

The issue is particularly sensitive as the locations of all UN buildings – including schools used as shelters – are routinely provided to the Israeli military and updated in times of conflict.
Israel responsible for Gaza strikes on UN schools and shelters, inquiry finds
A disabled people's home is a valid target for israeli thugs and their apologists
Blah, blah, blah. I've read about some of those "attacks" on schools. A bunch of poor innocent refugees lined up for tea and cookies and they get shelled by the evil Israeli (read: Jews). And then you find out that every single person who died in that particular shelling is a male between the ages of 15 and 40. Hmmmmm.

Couldn't possibly have been a valid military objective.

Its the same BS posted everywhere. Evil Israelis (read: Jews) just like killing people so they can take over the world. Blah. Blah. Standard anti-semitic crap. And the Palestinians are just poor innocents lined up for tea and cookies.
Blah, blah, blah. I've read about some of those "attacks" on schools. A bunch of poor innocent refugees lined up for tea and cookies and they get shelled by the evil Israeli (read: Jews). And then you find out that every single person who died in that particular shelling is a male between the ages of 15 and 40. Hmmmmm.

Couldn't possibly have been a valid military objective.

Its the same BS posted everywhere. Evil Israelis (read: Jews) just like killing people so they can take over the world. Blah. Blah. Standard anti-semitic crap. And the Palestinians are just poor innocents lined up for tea and cookies.
every single person who died in that particular shelling is a male between the ages of 15 and 40.​

What does that have to do with anything?
Blah, blah, blah. I've read about some of those "attacks" on schools. A bunch of poor innocent refugees lined up for tea and cookies and they get shelled by the evil Israeli (read: Jews). And then you find out that every single person who died in that particular shelling is a male between the ages of 15 and 40. Hmmmmm.

Couldn't possibly have been a valid military objective.

Its the same BS posted everywhere. Evil Israelis (read: Jews) just like killing people so they can take over the world. Blah. Blah. Standard anti-semitic crap. And the Palestinians are just poor innocents lined up for tea and cookies.
every single person who died in that particular shelling is a male between the ages of 15 and 40.​

What does that have to do with anything?

It was NOT a line up for tea and cookies. Pallywood.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, I have to chuckle at this.

You can't just indiscriminately bomb. That is illegal. You have to know what you are bombing and have good reason to.

It is standard practice for the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) (Palestinians) to fire thousand of rockets into Israel as a matter of indiscriminate fire.

Most Respectfully,
Rockets are indiscriminate by nature, when someone gives them controllable munitions, their fire will become more accurate,
A disabled people's home is a valid target for israeli thugs and their apologists
It's a valid targets when used by islamic terrorists to commit acts of war.

How fortunate for you that your islamic terrorist heroes have no objection to putting lives of noncombatants in the line of fire.

Dead lslamo's are worth the propaganda, right?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, I have to chuckle at this.

You can't just indiscriminately bomb. That is illegal. You have to know what you are bombing and have good reason to.

It is standard practice for the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) (Palestinians) to fire thousand of rockets into Israel as a matter of indiscriminate fire.

Most Respectfully,
fire thousand of rockets into Israel​

Interesting statement considering Israel has no border there.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, I have to chuckle at this.

You can't just indiscriminately bomb. That is illegal. You have to know what you are bombing and have good reason to.

It is standard practice for the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) (Palestinians) to fire thousand of rockets into Israel as a matter of indiscriminate fire.

Most Respectfully,
fire thousand of rockets into Israel​

Interesting statement considering Israel has no border there.
.....other than the border they defend from Islamic terrorists.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, I have to chuckle at this.

You can't just indiscriminately bomb. That is illegal. You have to know what you are bombing and have good reason to.

It is standard practice for the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) (Palestinians) to fire thousand of rockets into Israel as a matter of indiscriminate fire.

Most Respectfully,
fire thousand of rockets into Israel​

Interesting statement considering Israel has no border there.
.....other than the border they defend from Islamic terrorists.
Oooooooooo, terrorist! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Is that all you got?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, I have to chuckle at this.

You can't just indiscriminately bomb. That is illegal. You have to know what you are bombing and have good reason to.

It is standard practice for the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) (Palestinians) to fire thousand of rockets into Israel as a matter of indiscriminate fire.

Most Respectfully,
fire thousand of rockets into Israel​

Interesting statement considering Israel has no border there.
.....other than the border they defend from Islamic terrorists.
Oooooooooo, terrorist! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Is that all you got?

How else would one describe various franchises of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc.?
fanger, et al,

The two primary field action proponents for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons (SALW) and interception are Israel. The biggest obstacle (other than Israel) facing the transit of weapons were actions taken by Egypt and Jordan which control the borders with Palestine. Border enforcement operations hamper arming of Jihadist and Fedayeen in the West Bank -- in the interception or interdiction SALW traffic; border enforcement is usually on the hands of Israel.

Interception and interdictions operations have progressively become more effective, particularly since the unilateral withdrawal of Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from Gaza.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF), the Syrian Insurgency Force or the Army, Hezbollah, and Islamic Resistiance Movement (HAMAS) had been established and opened formal lines of communications to coordinate the supply of SALW and pass other monetary and material support. Other Palestinian resistance factions, such as Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and some members of the al-Aqsa Martyrs and the Salah Din brigades, including the PFLP-General Command in capitalizing on the transit of illicit SALW.

Since 2005, the Hostile Arab Palestinians successfully maintained the flow of numerous types SALW; as well as improved the transit medium weapons, mortars, medium and long-range missiles, as well as several types of ammunition and materials that can be used to manufacture rockets and bombs.

In the last decade, more than 10,000 medium rockets and mortars have been fired from Gaza alone.
Rockets are indiscriminate by nature, when someone gives them controllable munitions, their fire will become more accurate,

It is not likely that guided munitions would be provided to the HoAP by other than through illicit traffic channels.

Most of the active players in the Regional area (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt) are undertaking security, interdiction and interception efforts to halt the smuggling of SALW through the tunnels effort and to prevent HAMAS from preparing for the next round of HoAP provoked fighting. None of the active Regional players have any reason to assist the various HoAP with such, only to risk them turning these same weapons upon them or inciting more unrest in what is already a volatile regime.

It is common knowledge that supplying the various HoAP with such SALW is merely encouraging more violations of Customary and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) which specifically and explicitly hold that attacks solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, stated violations.

And, without regard to what various pro-Palestinian activist may argue, the use of SALW, numerous types of medium weapons, mortars, medium and long-range missiles, as well as several types of ammunition and materials that can be used to manufacture rockets and bombs against the territorial integrity and political independence of Israel, are also a violation of Customary and IHL.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, you argue that non-sense all the time.

fire thousand of rockets into Israel
Interesting statement considering Israel has no border there.

Every nation that transit into and out of Israel recognizes the need for travel documents when crossing a border control point. While tourist visa is not required for US citizens fin cases of stays not greater than 90 days. All diplomats must present their credentials to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or attain their Diplomatic Visa from the Israeli Consulate when traveling to Israel.

When this is done, this is recognition of "Statehood." Essentially, when Palestinians present their travel documents at the border checkpoint, that is a physical manifestation of a border within the realm of reality.

However, if as you claim, that Gaza and the West Bank are all one with Israel, then their is no occupation. Although you might make a case for either a "Protectorate Territory" or "Dependent Territory." In which case, international law does not apply to domestic issues.

But, I choose to think YOUR CHALLENGE is merely a pro-Palestinian Ploy. Every Palestinian (West Bank or Gaza) and every Regional State, knows without question where the border for Israeli Sovereignty and Independence is currently locate.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

We can assign any noun-nomenclature that you prefer; other than on that already is taken

P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, I have to chuckle at this.

You can't just indiscriminately bomb. That is illegal. You have to know what you are bombing and have good reason to.

It is standard practice for the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) (Palestinians) to fire thousand of rockets into Israel as a matter of indiscriminate fire.

Most Respectfully,
fire thousand of rockets into Israel​

Interesting statement considering Israel has no border there.
.....other than the border they defend from Islamic terrorists.
Oooooooooo, terrorist! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Is that all you got?

We can define the Arab Palestinian character and stature:

Stsirorret: A culture that is a dangerously disruptive influence to regional stability and security, associated with a very poor territory of human development, a non-self supporting people - dependent on international donations, know for their expertise in kidnapping and murder, Olympic Team Massacre, numerous airline hijackings, the deliberate targeting of innocent civilians and a people that instigate and incite violence for political gain that they are incapable of achieving though peaceful means.

You can deny the legacy earned of being a barbaric and savagely cruel --- But that changes nothing.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, you argue that non-sense all the time.

fire thousand of rockets into Israel
Interesting statement considering Israel has no border there.

Every nation that transit into and out of Israel recognizes the need for travel documents when crossing a border control point. While tourist visa is not required for US citizens fin cases of stays not greater than 90 days. All diplomats must present their credentials to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or attain their Diplomatic Visa from the Israeli Consulate when traveling to Israel.

When this is done, this is recognition of "Statehood." Essentially, when Palestinians present their travel documents at the border checkpoint, that is a physical manifestation of a border within the realm of reality.

However, if as you claim, that Gaza and the West Bank are all one with Israel, then their is no occupation. Although you might make a case for either a "Protectorate Territory" or "Dependent Territory." In which case, international law does not apply to domestic issues.

But, I choose to think YOUR CHALLENGE is merely a pro-Palestinian Ploy. Every Palestinian (West Bank or Gaza) and every Regional State, knows without question where the border for Israeli Sovereignty and Independence is currently locate.

Most Respectfully,
However, if as you claim, that Gaza and the West Bank are all one with Israel, then their is no occupation. Although you might make a case for either a "Protectorate Territory" or "Dependent Territory." In which case, international law does not apply to domestic issues.​

So, the Palestinians cannot be in violation of any international law. International terrorism is out too. That is good to know.

No occupation? I don't see where that is true.

Najd was a Palestinian farm village whose existence predated the Ottoman Empire. Najd was attacked and occupied by Zionist/Israeli troops before the 1948 war. The People were expelled into Gaza. The Israeli settlement of Sderot was built on Najd land.

I can find no evidence that Israel has ever legally acquired that land.

BTW, it is illegal to annex occupied territory.

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