Finally, A President Willing To Cut Off Boomers' Social Security And Medicare Charity

Why do have SS in the first place? Oh yeah, during the depression seniors were starving. Ah, the good old days.

Maybe the massive cost of having to repay Americans all that money that the politicians have stolen and spent is why Democrats like Cuomo were murdering thousands of senior citizens under the excuse of COVID-19 by forcing virus-infected patients into nursing homes.
A other fake news lie thread.

The funding mechanism of social security is also known as a Ponzi scheme.
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

Where the hell were ya when Obama cut off SocSec/Medicare income stream during HIS recession?? I doubt you were complaining.. Sure it's a BAD IDEA... In Obama's case -- it caused the SS/Med income stream to go NEGATIVE INTO THE RED about 7 years before projections... And since then has remained a FACT that it's dead broke...

All ya have here is ignorant hypocrisy and maybe cluelessness... If it's a BAD IDEA -- it's ALWAYS a bad idea.. And prior to Trump -- the Dems saw this as THE ONLY WAY to give tax breaks to the 40% of filers who PAY no Federal Income tax...
The "boomers" paid into the system for all of our working lives. Social Security and Medicare are not charity. Our pay stubbs show the taxes that we paid into the system from the first day we went to work. We didn't get to spend these thousands of dollar at the time. The people who want to abandon all social programs really want to turn the U.S. into a third-world country. They are also ignorant of the fact that the idea of each individual saving for his/her own retirement depends on whether a working person has any discretionary income to put away after paying day-to-day expenses, and totally throws any person who takes time off from work to raise children or care for elderly relatives, as well as the chronically ill, under the bus.
Social Security recipients don't realize their money was spent many years ago providing retirement cash for people now dead. Your money is long gone! You are now receiving money in your month;y SS direct deposit stolen from much younger workers.

The SS pyramid scheme was never viable, pyramid schemes never can be. Baby Boomers must face the truth, their generation forced the pyramid to crumble making them victims of the scam. Sorry folks, but someone must lose, and it looks like Baby Boomers have been chosen.
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest complishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

Why do have SS in the first place? Oh yeah, during the depression seniors were starving. Ah, the good old days.

In fact, getting rid of the payroll tax doesn't mean getting rid of SS or Medicare. They will simply be funded in other ways.

I'm sure it will go better than healthcare. First they gut Obamacare and then promise to fix it at some nebulous time in the future.
I'm for cutting off Social Security for everyone under 25yo - no more AFTER everyone above that who has actually paid into if for at least 20 years gets theirs paid.

You snowflakes seem to believe that the government is giving recipients government money each month, that they are doing recipients a favor by doing so. Those who believe that are just f*ing STUPID.



I don't know about you idiots who think killing SS without reimbursing anyone who has paid in is a good idea, but doing so would amount to THE LARGEST PONZI SCHEME IN WORLD HISTORY.

A man is sitting in prison right now for doing what is being suggested.

Screw that....

Tell you what...cut me a check right now for HALF of the money I have paid into SS, and you can do whatever you want with SS.

If you are a Baby Boomer, the president is finally ending your free ride.

How is paying into a system for 40 years then getting some of it back....a free ride ?
If politicians ever end social security without compensating Americans who have paid into it for decades, if Americans lose all that money, Americans need to drag millionaire politicians like Pelosi, Schumer, etc...out into the streets, seize their MULTIPLE HOMES, their $25k fridges, etc...until we get OUR money back.
Please, take care not to injure any members of the GOP, they've always fought for the rights of SS retirees.
See dim bulb the problem with your ignorant insult is that we paid many thousands per year into it for 30-40 years. You who have paid shit because you don’t do shit want free shit via taking from those who Did pay their own way
Real puss wad stance but what can you expect from an America hating liberal
Social Security recipients don't realize their money was spent many years ago providing retirement cash for people now dead. Your money is long gone! You are now receiving money in your month;y SS direct deposit stolen from much younger workers.

The SS pyramid scheme was never viable, pyramid schemes never can be. Baby Boomers must face the truth, their generation forced the pyramid to crumble making them victims of the scam. Sorry folks, but someone must lose, and it looks like Baby Boomers have been chosen.

Will never happen.
If you are a Baby Boomer, the president is finally ending your free ride.
You sound very bitter...and ignorant. Boomers have spent their entire working life paying into Social Security
because it was law and the government guaranteed their money would always be there for them.

Getting my money back as promised is not a free ride! Grab a pool cue, bend over and see if you can't go
fuck yourself. I bet someone slimy and slippery like you could.
I'm for cutting off Social Security for everyone under 25yo - no more AFTER everyone above that who has actually paid into if for at least 20 years gets theirs paid.

You snowflakes seem to believe that the government is giving recipients government money each month, that they are doing recipients a favor by doing so. Those who believe that are just f*ing STUPID.



I don't know about you idiots who think killing SS without reimbursing anyone who has paid in is a good idea, but doing so would amount to THE LARGEST PONZI SCHEME IN WORLD HISTORY.

A man is sitting in prison right now for doing what is being suggested.

Screw that....

Tell you what...cut me a check right now for HALF of the money I have paid into SS, and you can do whatever you want with SS.

If you are a Baby Boomer, the president is finally ending your free ride.

Social Security is PayGo....

The democrats made sure that was the case so nobody could really fuck with the system.

No baby boomer is getting a free ride.

We need to personalize S.S., but it's still going to be there.
If you are a Baby Boomer, the president is finally ending your free ride.
You sound very bitter...and ignorant. Boomers have spent their entire working life paying into Social Security
because it was law and the government guaranteed their money would always be there for them.

Getting my money back as promised is not a free ride! Grab a pool cue, bend over and see if you can't go
fuck yourself. I bet someone slimy and slippery like you could.

He's trolling everyone.

First, he's a left there is no way he is positioned to support this.

He's just trying to piss you off.
In fact, getting rid of the payroll tax doesn't mean getting rid of SS or Medicare. They will simply be funded in other ways.
Yeah, right. There is no other place to steal the money. So, borrowed money will be the only source available.

Great idea.
If you are a Baby Boomer, the president is finally ending your free ride.
You sound very bitter...and ignorant. Boomers have spent their entire working life paying into Social Security
because it was law and the government guaranteed their money would always be there for them.

Getting my money back as promised is not a free ride! Grab a pool cue, bend over and see if you can't go
fuck yourself. I bet someone slimy and slippery like you could.

He's trolling everyone.

First, he's a left there is no way he is positioned to support this.

He's just trying to piss you off.
I think so to but running the risk of melting jack ass snowflakes I normally charge but will fu^k him up for free.
If you are a Baby Boomer, the president is finally ending your free ride.
You sound very bitter...and ignorant. Boomers have spent their entire working life paying into Social Security
because it was law and the government guaranteed their money would always be there for them.

Getting my money back as promised is not a free ride! Grab a pool cue, bend over and see if you can't go
fuck yourself. I bet someone slimy and slippery like you could.
The government wasn't run by the champion at going bankrupt when you were "guaranteed" that money.
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

Social Security and Medicare are going to be expanded, and capital gains taxes are going up, along with the cap on income that contributes to them.

Trump will be in prison next year.

You were way off with this post.
Where the hell were ya when Obama cut off SocSec/Medicare income stream during HIS recession?? I doubt you were complaining.. Sure it's a BAD IDEA... In Obama's case -- it caused the SS/Med income stream to go NEGATIVE INTO THE RED about 7 years before projections... And since then has remained a FACT that it's dead broke...

All ya have here is ignorant hypocrisy and maybe cluelessness... If it's a BAD IDEA -- it's ALWAYS a bad idea.. And prior to Trump -- the Dems saw this as THE ONLY WAY to give tax breaks to the 40% of filers who PAY no Federal Income tax...
SS has always been set up as a Ponzi scheme just the way leftist icon FDR wanted it back in the 1930's.
But that's the arrangement we've been operating under and if the government wants to end the arrangement then vote it out but the people like the Boomers and Millennials should be taken care of because they've already had Uncle Scam dipping his hand into their pockets for decades.

Set up a date for those under eighteen to start anew without SS but don't take the money you mandated from me for decades and yank the rug out from under so many millions.

The person and party responsible for that will be signing his own political death certificate if he does.
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The government wasn't run by the champion at going bankrupt when you were "guaranteed" that money.
That's absolutely immaterial! Presidents are bound by laws and policies just like everyone else.
Social security is not called the "third rail" of politics for nothing. Anyone touching it will die!
In the 1980's when there was a massive SS tax increase talk of privatizing it was squashed. We were told that SS/medicare was good until the 2070's. But the CBO always tells you rosy annual GNP increases. It was based I believe on near 4% annual growth. We have averaged about a little over 2% growth for a few decades or so. The SS funds were put into the general fund and there has been surpluses but it is going negative soon. The differences owed to SS have been replaced with some type of certificates that they will pay the people who paid in. At worse there will not be increases in the annual COLA to match inflation. It is possible that SS can be worth less then currently but people will still collect unless there is a real bad economic contraction. And they still will probably get a check. Would half the amount in real terms be better then nothing?

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