Finally, A Win For Anti-Gay Marriage Republicans

Government punishes married couples. That's why many couples don't get married. If you're married you're taxed more. If you're a married couple on Medicare you are also punished.
So the 7 or 8 different tax breaks and credits married couples receive are also punishments?

And Medicare doesn't have any family plans...a married couple has to enroll how are married couples punished?
Survivor benefits, joint property, right to make medical decisions

Survivor benefits were put in place so a couple who propagated offspring, thus losing lifetime earnings and created tax payers would benefit from that relationship.
There are tax implication with concerns to filing status which even a non-state sanctioned (de-facto) couple can enjoy. Childcare and other offspring related tax benefits do not require marriage.

What other government benefits and privileges are dependent on marital status?

If you are in the military, a Fed Employee or a Veteran a whole host of benefits rely on martial status
If the Supreme Court returns marriage laws to the states, some states will make same-sex legal and some won't.
Is that why you folks want Brown v Board repealed too?

And while we are at it, why be shy..go for the gusto and bring back separate but equal and just let the states decide....

Conservatism, always wanting to go backwards......but too cowardly to own it
If you are in the military, a Fed Employee or a Veteran a whole host of benefits rely on martial status
All based historically on the assumption that the couple will propagate offspring, Lessoning lifetime earning while increasing lifetime expenses and supplying the nation with additional taxpayers.
Is that why you folks want Brown v Board repealed too?

And while we are at it, why be shy..go for the gusto and bring back separate but equal and just let the states decide....

Conservatism, always wanting to go backwards......but too cowardly to own it

^^^^^ Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a big hand to the newly crowned King of deflection!
All based historically on the assumption that the couple will propagate offspring, Lessoning lifetime earning while increasing lifetime expenses and supplying the nation with additional taxpayers.
Where is it written that marriage assumes the propagation of offspring?
All based historically on the assumption that the couple will propagate offspring, Lessoning lifetime earning while increasing lifetime expenses and supplying the nation with additional taxpayers.

Irrelevant as they are offered whether you have offspring or not
Is that why you folks want Brown v Board repealed too?

And while we are at it, why be shy..go for the gusto and bring back separate but equal and just let the states decide....

Conservatism, always wanting to go backwards......but too cowardly to own it

Actually, that was Sleepy Joe- your leader- who came out against Government School Desegregation back in the day.

And it was the Republican Party who passed the Brown decision.

BTW- Ike is only considered a "good Republican" by modern Dems and libs. In his own day, he was compared to Hitler.
So the 7 or 8 different tax breaks and credits married couples receive are also punishments?

And Medicare doesn't have any family plans...a married couple has to enroll how are married couples punished?
Tax breaks for married couples IF YOU HAVE KIDS. If your combined social security amount exceeds the cutoff, you pay for your Medicare premiums.
Is that why you folks want Brown v Board repealed too?

And while we are at it, why be shy..go for the gusto and bring back separate but equal and just let the states decide....

Conservatism, always wanting to go backwards......but too cowardly to own it
Once again you avoid the issue. Marriage laws are state issues. Grow up.
Where did you get the idea that Republicans are against interracial marriage, or that its even an issue in the GOP?

Its the D's who hate Justice Thomas' honky bride and the oriental chick that Sen. McConnell married, not the Republicans.
Interracial marriage has always been an issue with democrats
Irrelevant as they are offered whether you have offspring or not
Irrelevant as only the combination of the male reproductive system and the woman’s reproductive system can create offspring.

Some can’t because of reproductive disabilities. Are you implying same sex couples can’t because of some kind of disability? Choice is not a disability.
Survivor benefits, joint property, right to make medical decisions

Both property rights and medical decisions are purely civil, and don't require any state sanction. Survivor benefits are related to Social Security and are also available to non-state sanctioned (de facto) partners.

But, if you believe that it is only right and proper for the state to have a say in who, and who cannot marry, then why would you take exception to a state restricting marriage based on any number of "unacceptable" combinations?
If you are in the military, a Fed Employee or a Veteran a whole host of benefits rely on martial status

Then, I can see a case in the federal agency for whom one works setting a criteria for who is, and isn't an acceptable partner on marriages of their employees. Much as the US military did in decades past.

But, for those of us who aren't federal employees, the state should have no say in whatever sort of relationship (consensual) in which we care to engage.
The democrats went absolutely crazy when Justice Thomas was nominated and they still haven't accepted the fact a Black Supreme Court Justice is married to a White woman.

Part of the liberal outrage is that they portray black guys as insatiable for blond babes who can't control themselves. Remember the conniption the libs had when they lost their mind about Herman Cain and that Buy-a-Lick chick a few years ago.

The Tennessee House of Representatives has passed a bill that would allow people to refuse to perform a marriage if they disagree with it. The bill, which now moves to the state Senate, is the latest in an onslaught of measures that the Tennessee legislature has passed attacking LGBTQ rights. This bill could also apply to couples where at least one partner is transgender, or to mixed race couples.

Tennessee law already says that religious leaders do not have to officiate weddings they object to. Critics say the new bill goes beyond that and would empower county clerks to refuse to certify marriage licenses, meaning that LGBTQ, interfaith, or interracial couples could be unable to get married at all, rather than just needing to find a new officiant for their ceremony."

Finally, Republicans fight back against this travesty and they do it in a brilliant way. They didn't just allow for officials to deny marriage based on religious beliefs, but also because of a "person’s conscience". That way, if seeing a darkie marry a pure white woman goes against your conscience; you don't have to pretend its for religious reasons - since that would be harder to get away with. Plus, until we overturn the evil liberal legal opinion of Loving vs Virginia, we have to accept it.

And before you go there, No, nobody is going to prevent interracial marriage, so relax. Yea, I know folks were saying just last year that nobody was going to come after gay marriage, but that's different. Society for the most part has learned to get over darkies being able to marry out of their league; but under no circumstances are we going to normalize gays getting married. I have no idea why the House GOP hasn't proposed a bill like this at the national level yet. Who is to stop a couple of fags from going to an evil state where gay marriage is allowed -- then returning back to Tennessee and forcing people there to recognize their unholy union and possibly turning them gay too?
I really must wonder what is wrong with people who find it necessary to concern themselves with who other people love and marry. These people, who you support are selfish, ignorant and hatful people who want to deny rights to people who they disapprove of for no rational reason. We have have nation wide same sex marriage in this country for going on 8 yeas, and in some states for much longer We have had interracial marriage legal in every state since 1967. What evils have befallen the country as a result of that ? Do you really want a country where anyone can discriminate against anyone else for whatever bullshit reason that they can come up with? Maybe your straight white ass will be next when the “darkies become a majority and join forces with other oppressed minorities

This legislation has absolutely nothing to do with protecting the so called rights of those who object to certain marriages. No couple is going to want to have their marriage officiated by someone who disapproves of it...proof that this legislation is pure bullshit. It is clearly motivated by ignorant and opprobrious bigotry.

Furthermore, your assertion that officials would not have to pretend that refusing to marry an interracial couple is based on religion reflects a special kind of stupidity on your part. For one thing, bigots have long used religious beliefs against interracial marriages as they have against gay marriages. For another thing, religious freedom meant the ability to openly practice ones religion and live according to their faith without fear. Now you people perverted it to mean the ability to dictate how others live their lives.

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