Finally! An Explanation Of The "global Warming" Scam!

What percentage of the population do you think has been duped?

Between my 3 cars I have 80 valves and about 900 horse. They get 16, 23 and 24 mpg. None are wildly modified. No juice. No aftermarket turbos.

New cars are even more wild. 13 sec 1/4 mile brand 2015 Mustangs. Unreal.

These new light bulbs use less energy and save me money.

How is this negatively affecting me now?

You seem never to miss an opportunity to miss the point of an OP.

There is no "global warming."

There is no PoliticalChic. Just PoliticalShit.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Of course, all the scientists in the whole world are a bunch of pinko Commies, right PoliticalShit?
Well hey now...Since we had real problems with air quality and fixed it we shouldnt believe those same scientists because they've been so wrong before. :rolleyes: And are you referring to the Ozone layer? Because that wasnt a US problem if I remember correctly.

Foolish fear of nothing? Are you talking about your conspiracy theories about me and every person, org and scientist worldwide all wanting to expand the US govt? Or are you referring to the data from scientist that got rid of the Air Quality problems we had before?

All I can do is laugh at your reading comprehension problems...

One: The O-zone hole is directly related to solar output. Recent study's of the Ozone process show that CFC's were NOT the cause of its depletion. Solar Radiation was. Now that the sun has decreased activity the ozone process has rapidly increased. There is even theroy that this is a potential cause for long term ice ages.

Two: You missed where the EPA shifted its mission from scientific to one of political control and Constitutional Subversion. that is why those "scientists" can no longer be trusted.

Finally: Why dont you go and tell the Chinese what they have to do first!

Damn. You dumb fuckers still posting flat statements and not backing them up? You are one prevaricating ass.
"So...some psychotherapy, a little prozac, and, perhaps a polo mallet, and the "Global Warming Movement" is history.

Remember when they simply dressed up as cowboys and Indians?" you wanna talk about Cosplay?

You did not say much about climate stats. Mostly talked about people wanting to associate with the oppressed. We can talk about that if we lay off the flame zone quality name calling and quit hiding this psych issue under a climate change banner.

Thats what PC does. She attempts to hide ad hominem attacks behind quotes and authors. In fact the OP saying that Global Warming hasnt occurred in the last few years tells you that she believes in Global Warming and doesnt know why there hasnt been any changes recently. You can find those answers thru science but the ad hominem attacker will dismiss scientists by simply proclaiming they are "liberals"

It isn't's a scam to authorize big government to get even bigger.

Worldwide thousands of scientists since the 1900's got together to plan to make the US govt bigger. Thats fantasic! And the purpose of that would be your obligatory "control our lives" stump speech right? Thats why your long posts arent interesting anymore. At the rue of it is the boring same old bull. Being against clean air and water is really something I'm working on understanding, sorry. not sorry

"Worldwide thousands of scientists since the 1900's..."

"Civil war erupted between the "Red" (Bolshevik) and "White" (anti-Bolshevik) factions, which was to continue for several years, with the Bolsheviks ultimately victorious. In this way, the Revolution paved the way for the creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1922."
Russian Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Quite the coincidence, huh?

Crap, PoliticalShit, this is even more opaque than your usual nonsense.
We do have to be careful not to get lazy and RELY on a 15 or 17 year hiatus in that one stupid global number for warming that everyone argues about. More important to point out the systemic errors and failures of the "CO2 explains everything" theory. And to point out the mountain of purposeful misrepresentation of the science.
And the irony?

After 20+ years of perpetual bomb throwing, the AGW crowd STILL has not made their case despite 90% of the media being on their side and in lockstep!!
What percentage of the population do you think has been duped?

Between my 3 cars I have 80 valves and about 900 horse. They get 16, 23 and 24 mpg. None are wildly modified. No juice. No aftermarket turbos.

New cars are even more wild. 13 sec 1/4 mile brand 2015 Mustangs. Unreal.

These new light bulbs use less energy and save me money.

How is this negatively affecting me now?

You seem never to miss an opportunity to miss the point of an OP.

There is no "global warming."

There is no PoliticalChic. Just PoliticalShit.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Of course, all the scientists in the whole world are a bunch of pinko Commies, right PoliticalShit?

Ever hear this?
" Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully."

Right on cue.

The thread to which you've responded makes the case that global warmists like you have....let's be kind, and call it a neurosis.

And here you are to verify same.

As far as.."all the scientists in the whole world are a bunch of pinko Commies, right"...


Many are.

But the overall motivation is that Leftist government provides most of the money that keeps food on their tables.....and they're only human.

"The US government has spent over $79 billion since 1989 on policies related to
climate change, including science and technology research, administration, education campaigns, foreign aid, and tax breaks."

well, the weak minded have won all the battles, Green Energy is everywhere, the biggest step backwards in history
Thanks for agreeing with the premise, actually the weak minded have not "won all the Battles" or we'd already have a carbon tax and the war is not over
well, the weak minded have won all the battles, Green Energy is everywhere, the biggest step backwards in history
Thanks for agreeing with the premise, actually the weak minded have not "won all the Battles" or we'd already have a carbon tax and the war is not over
500$ Billion spent on Green Energy in 2 years is winning.

California has a Carbon tax, ab 32.

Your food and energy bill are at record highs.

I call that a war, won.


All AGW science is predisposed to a 'hot' spot in our atmosphere which has never appeared and is not currently present. That atmosphere is now cooling.. The models and their science is wrong.

Guys, are these numbers generally agreed upon?
They are not exact, but Hadley (hadcrut3gl), NOAA and NASA are pretty close.

Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets

PC, is this chart the right one to jse for the temperature analysis?
well, the weak minded have won all the battles, Green Energy is everywhere, the biggest step backwards in history
Thanks for agreeing with the premise, actually the weak minded have not "won all the Battles" or we'd already have a carbon tax and the war is not over
500$ Billion spent on Green Energy in 2 years is winning.

California has a Carbon tax, ab 32.

Your food and energy bill are at record highs.

I call that a war, won.
Nah that's only a start. If the global warming nuts actually do win it'll be many times worst
All you have to do is take about a 5 second look at this graph to realize how spectacularly the AGW k00ks are losing. They can talk about "consensus science", "peer reviewed studies" and "CO2" until the cows come home......the graph below isn't changing anytime least to the middle of this century!!!


The whole draw of this forum is watching these people knocking themselves out day after day and nothing changes.:wtf: My God it is so much fun!!:boobies::boobies::boobies::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::rock::rock::rock::2up::2up::2up:
All you have to do is take about a 5 second look at this graph to realize how spectacularly the AGW k00ks are losing. They can talk about "consensus science", "peer reviewed studies" and "CO2" until the cows come home......the graph below isn't changing anytime least to the middle of this century!!!


The whole draw of this forum is watching these people knocking themselves out day after day and nothing changes.:wtf: My God it is so much fun!!:boobies::boobies::boobies::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::rock::rock::rock::2up::2up::2up:

Ey, buried in the hidden reply to's in thread 69 there are a couple charts. Are THEY the accepted temperature charts for this type of conversation?

Oh yeah, and coal is easy to burn. Better than buying oil on the market and giving ISIS more funds.
Climate at a Glance National Climatic Data Center NCDC

Set the time period for 14 years, 17 years or 20 years, depending on which denier you are citing, and be sure to check the box for the trend line in the options on the right and set the same time period and see if the trend line rises or falls.

14 years

Climate at a Glance National Climatic Data Center NCDC

17 years

Climate at a Glance National Climatic Data Center NCDC

20 years

Climate at a Glance National Climatic Data Center NCDC

The Left Relentlessly Pushes Climate Hoax in All-Out Assault on Capitalism
September 23, 2014
RUSH: I'm just telling you there isn't any warming. There hadn't been in 20 years. There's cooling, in fact.

And every one of your links is to ADJUSTED DATA... You never use the real data you ALWAYS ADJUST IT FIRST.. Now why would that be?

Oh that's right, because the USCRN is showing how badly tampered with the real data is.. Lets take Las Vegas Nevada for instance. The CRN site nearest this area shows a full -0.7 deg C cooling trend over the 2002 to present time span. Yet the USHCN (HSS) shows +1.1 deg C rise over the same time period after adjustments. Yet when we take unadjusted station data we find that the unadjusted data has the same -0.7 deg C trend PRIOR TO ADJUSTMENT.

You alarmist have been pawned so badly and you dont even know it.. You make statements of fact and you haven't a clue where those facts have been and what has happened to them.

Please justify a +1.8 deg C Adjustment to historical records.. This is just the tip of the iceberg we have uncovered using superior data collection techniques. That is the totality of all warming in the last hundred years and its all artifact.
Last edited:


All AGW science is predisposed to a 'hot' spot in our atmosphere which has never appeared and is not currently present. That atmosphere is now cooling.. The models and their science is wrong.

Guys, are these numbers generally agreed upon?
They are not exact, but Hadley (hadcrut3gl), NOAA and NASA are pretty close.

Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets


The MET and GISS use the same data sets through different models. They are near the same because they use the same ADJUSTED data.
Does anyone actually read PC's Unibomber Manifestos on any thread? Simply glancing at them threatens to remove IQ points. So it's probable a few of the deniers here have studied them deeply.

The telling thing of these discussions is how almost every denier is a bedwetting extremist right-wing fruitloop. You can identify modern American hardline conservatives these days by the smell of stale urine that accompanies them. Everything has them pissing themselves. Communists, Muslims, black men, scientists, independent women, liberals ... the righty cultists see 'em, and their bladder just lets go.

Translation: The Lab is very mean to the AGWCult's stupid theory
Does anyone actually read PC's Unibomber Manifestos on any thread? Simply glancing at them threatens to remove IQ points. So it's probable a few of the deniers here have studied them deeply.

The telling thing of these discussions is how almost every denier is a bedwetting extremist right-wing fruitloop. You can identify modern American hardline conservatives these days by the smell of stale urine that accompanies them. Everything has them pissing themselves. Communists, Muslims, black men, scientists, independent women, liberals ... the righty cultists see 'em, and their bladder just lets go.

Translation: The Lab is very mean to the AGWCult's stupid theory

There is a reason CAGW nuts do not want statisticians looking over their work... Math doesn't LIE..
And the irony?

After 20+ years of perpetual bomb throwing, the AGW crowd STILL has not made their case despite 90% of the media being on their side and in lockstep!!
Well the only response from the non believers is they always chip away at little things. So they wont ever say that the data is wrong, they simply say its questionable or concerning or they ask hypothetical questions like: "How could that be true if their data was accurate?"

Heres the one thing they NEVER EVER EVER do tho. They pick away at the peer reviewed science with a bunch of excuses, conspiracy theories etc. Yet, they NEVER EVER EVER provide their own conclusions to be checked by the scientific community. Do you know why? Because peanut galleries dont have solutions...just complaints.

Just like Billy Bob did earlier. Post people who ask a series of questions but they never have a solution to why there is a break in the last few years and WHY there was increases before. The most you'll get out of them is to say something vague like "patterns" or "its natural"
PC's a great example of how some people's political ideologies cross over the line from political philosophy and right on into psychological illness.

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