Finally: Democrat Fake Russia Collusion / Hillary-Obama Tresson Explained


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
THIS is Hillary Clinton's and Barak Obama's Legacy...

This is the Obama-Biden administration's legacy...

They will be remembered as traitors who attempted to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a newly elected President with the help of an ex-British foreign spy, a Russian analyst, and tge Russian Intelligence Service.

Robert Mueller and James Comey will be remembered as criminal treasonous former Directors of the FBI, a criminal organization exposed as having committed crimes against tge US and American citizens for decades before their part in Obama's failed Coup.

The reputation of the FBI is forever tainted now.

The NSA & US Intel agencies have lost all credibility.

The CIA was exposed for having illegally spied on our own Congress, USSC, and President.

The DOJ has been exposed as a biased, corrupt domestic threat.

The entire story has been exposed, and the indictments are still flowing.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense knew the Russia Collusion Delusion was bullshit. I think most of the people who hopped on board that bandwagon knew it was bullshit too, but they didn't care because that's how much they hated Trump.
You really think about "hate"

The word is despise.
The American people elect a president, the corrupt government attempts to overturn the will of the people via corrupt bogus investigations and claiming the president colluded with Russia. There should be severe consequences for this. The perpetrators should do hard time in prison.
THIS is Hillary Clinton's and Barak Obama's Legacy...

This is the Obama-Biden administration's legacy...

They will be remembered as traitors who attempted to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a newly elected President with the help of an ex-British foreign spy, a Russian analyst, and tge Russian Intelligence Service.

Robert Mueller and James Comey will be remembered as criminal treasonous former Directors of the FBI, a criminal organization exposed as having committed crimes against tge US and American citizens for decades before their part in Obama's failed Coup.

The reputation of the FBI is forever tainted now.

The NSA & US Intel agencies have lost all credibility.

The CIA was exposed for having illegally spied on our own Congress, USSC, and President.

The DOJ has been exposed as a biased, corrupt domestic threat.

The entire story has been exposed, and the indictments are still flowing.

Y-A-W-N. Wake me up when they start arresting people.
Otherwise, it was good civil servants doing their jobs.
Too bad their targets were corrupt.

The only people who've lost credibility are those associated with the former guy in the WH...and everyone who supported him.
Sad. Pathetic really. :)

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