FINALLY...Fox Anchors no longer defending Trump

Krauthammer has hated Trump for years.
July, 2015
Krauthammer on Trump: We Have The Best Republican Field In 35 Years And We're Talking About This "Rodeo Clown"

Shep Smith has been a progressive before he went to Fox.
Chris Wallace has been a lefty, more so than his father, always.

Krauthammer gives up trying to defend Trumps:

Krauthammer: Donald Jr. Story 'First Empirical Evidence' of Collusion
Krauthammer: Donald Jr. Story 'First Empirical Evidence' of Collusion

""""Charles Krauthammer said the scandal surrounding Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised dirt on Hillary Clinton was "the first empirical evidence" of the campaign's collusion with Russia.

"The damage done by this story is enormous," Krauthammer said, adding that he thinks more similar stories exist.

During campaign season a year ago, publicist Rob Goldstone told Donald Jr. that the Russian government may have damaging information on his father's opponent. The president's son responded, "If it’s what you say I love it."
The op is clueless. He clearly is led around on a leash by leftist propaganda and had no clue about the Trump hate by MANY on the right until he was told to notice it.
Trumps going to lie, reporters are going to report, Feaux might as well joint the crowd and step up to reality.
just a matter of time before the other shoe falls, and Trump's head is under an entire shoe store.

somebody, somewhere will fold like a cheap card table and rat on Shitforhair. Too many people know too much. It will happen.
There's nothing to fold on, dumbass.
The ironic thing is that the criminal conspiracy in the MSM would accuse Fox of "collusion" with the Trump administration if they didn't discuss "collusion". You almost gotta laugh that all the networks defended CBS when Dan Rather used forged documents to try to influence a presidential election. ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN and the rest of the so-called MSM will never criticize a democrat.
The ironic thing is that the criminal conspiracy in the MSM would accuse Fox of "collusion" with the Trump administration if they didn't discuss "collusion". You almost gotta laugh that all the networks defended CBS when Dan Rather used forged documents to try to influence a presidential election. ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN and the rest of the so-called MSM will never criticize a democrat.
The MSM is nothing more than the propaganda organ of the DNC.
Shepard Smith is a hysterical drama queen trying to attract headlines so he can get a fat contract at MSNBC. He's not a journalist.
This is great news! Good for Brit Hume, Krauthammer, Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith.

‘Why is it lie after lie after lie’: Shep Smith and Chris Wallace on Trump Jr. Russia meeting lies

Fool. Fox anchors are merely being objective. Something you must not be used to on other channels. Still plenty of defense of Trump where the defense is warranted. Hell, even avowed Liberal Democrat and Hillary voter and legal scholar Alan Dershowitz has vociferously defended him.

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