Finally, "The Little Mermaid", who is now black... Is in theaters!

Apologies, I thought we were discussing the evolution of comic book characters in movies and tv.
You are right, the comic book evolution of Batman preceded the 90s character on tv.

Both have to be considered, as one feeds off of the other.

If Frank Miller's "Dark Knight" had not been released 4 years prior to the Burton movie, fans likely would have objected because the Golden Age was long dead and gone, and we only had the Camp West Batman to go off of.

I am not really a "comic fan" anymore, have not been for decades. But I have traced the changes over the decades, and find them a fascinating way to view pop culture. And the early 1980s actually had a lot of "camp" still, with Spider-Ham, Groo, and even giving the Felicia Hardy "Black Cat" in the early 1980s an American Express Gold Card (to show the economic disparity between her kinda boyfriend Spider-Man who lived at the fringe of poverty).

Which by the middle of the decade had most of them going successively darker, especially with Miller's Dark Knight and Moore's Watchmen. Which in itself was intended as a dark homage to the old Charlton comics. You should check out the original storyline back when the story was first proposed. The Comic was originally going to be Peacemaker, Rorschach was going to be The Question, and Night Owl was going to be the Blue Beetle.

Myself, I would love to see a remake of that movie, with the movie opening with John Cena being killed in a dystopian future. And that is not an attack, I honestly found Peacemaker one of the most refreshing reimagining of a classic character in decades.
Try 500M. And they also only get a small percentage of foreign BO profits.

All that watery magic didn’t come cheap. “The Little Mermaid” has a $250 million production budget, so it will need to keep attracting crowds around the globe in order to break even.

The story of Kunta Kinte is real, there were thousands of them that came to America, show us some actual mermaids. Smfh.

No, it is not. It has been proven conclusively that Alex Haley lifted most of the story from two different non-fiction books, published in 1966 and 1967. And even the griot that he claimed gave him the confirmation was a fraud. Anthropologists at the time even tried to track down actual griots, and even the real ones could not provide the kinds of details that Haley claimed to have gotten. And in doing research into the characters in the US, none of the real life history lines up with what the book claimed.

Like the family owning the slave named "Toby" in 1762, five years before he was supposed to arrive in the US. And the daughter "Kizzy" being born 8 years after Toby died, so could not have been his daughter. Haley himself admitted that a lot of it he simply made up, and that is why it is classified as fiction and not non-fiction.

Even more proof, famous historian Henry Louis Gates who was a friend of Haley readily admitted it was more imagination than actual history.
All that watery magic didn’t come cheap. “The Little Mermaid” has a $250 million production budget, so it will need to keep attracting crowds around the globe in order to break even.

Have you seen it? I’ve heard reviews that the underwater CGI is terrible looking.
Kunta Kinte is as real as the Little Mermaid. Alex Haley made him up just like Hans Christian Anderson made up his character to tell a story. You just don't like it.
The difference is Tipsyhag, his name may or may not have been Kunta Kinte the fact of the matter is there were plenty of Kunta Kintes there aren't any damn Little Mermaids. Damn I can't believe someone has to explain that to you.
No, it is not. It has been proven conclusively that Alex Haley lifted most of the story from two different non-fiction books, published in 1966 and 1967. And even the griot that he claimed gave him the confirmation was a fraud. Anthropologists at the time even tried to track down actual griots, and even the real ones could not provide the kinds of details that Haley claimed to have gotten. And in doing research into the characters in the US, none of the real life history lines up with what the book claimed.

Like the family owning the slave named "Toby" in 1762, five years before he was supposed to arrive in the US. And the daughter "Kizzy" being born 8 years after Toby died, so could not have been his daughter. Haley himself admitted that a lot of it he simply made up, and that is why it is classified as fiction and not non-fiction.

Even more proof, famous historian Henry Louis Gates who was a friend of Haley readily admitted it was more imagination than actual history.
Give us a link where Alex did that. Are you telling us that slavery is a myth that never really happened. The slaves name may have not been Kunta Kinte, but it was damn sure plenty of slaves that came from Africa to America that could have been Kunta Kinte. Show us a little mermaid.
And here is what the little mermaid looks like

What race is that?
Give us a link where Alex did that.

Alex Haley settled a lawsuit yesterday by acknowledging that his world‐renowned book “Roots” contained some material from a relatively unknown novel about slavery that was published nine years earlier.

The settlement ended the six‐week trial of a suit by Harold Courlander, a 70‐yearold author from Bethesda, Md., who contended there were substantial similarities between “Roots” and his own earlier novel, “The African.” He sued in Federal District Court in Manhattan for more than half the profits of “Roots.”

AS the trial was about to reach a climax with summations by the opposing lawyers, they issued the following statement: “The suit has been amicably settled out of court. Alex Haley acknowledges and regrets that vatious materials from ‘The African’ by Harold Courlander found their way into his book ‘Roots.’ “

Under the agreement to settle, the amount of money that will be paid to Mr. Courlander and his publisher, Crown, was not disclosed. But the nature of the case made it seem likely that the amount would be hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Specifically, the main character in The African was kidnapped by slavers from Central Africa, and after arriving in the US was given a new name. And his multiple attempts to escape.

There, happy now? It is a work of fiction. In other words, it is not true.
Have you seen it? I’ve heard reviews that the underwater CGI is terrible looking.

I told you up above I do not do Disney Princess movies.

A few friends from Facebook have seen it and all liked it based on their post

Time will tell if if does well or not in the box office. I think the 4th largest memorial day opening ever is a good sign, you seem to disagree
I told you up above I do not do Disney Princess movies.

A few friends from Facebook have seen it and all liked it based on their post

Time will tell if if does well or not in the box office. I think the 4th largest memorial day opening ever is a good sign, you seem to disagree

Doesn't seem like Disney will have any regrets, at least not yet. Obviously one weekend does not a hit movie make, but you can't ignore that "The Disney release is on track to debut to a massive $118 million over the four-day holiday, with $96 million of that coming over the three-day frame. It ranks as the fifth highest Memorial Day opening in history."

Now, will it make it's money back and turn a profit? My guess is yes. Between global box office and DVD sales it would be difficult not to make it back, and then some.
The difference is Tipsyhag, his name may or may not have been Kunta Kinte the fact of the matter is there were plenty of Kunta Kintes there aren't any damn Little Mermaids. Damn I can't believe someone has to explain that to you.
LOL! The real "Kunta Kuntes" were rounded up, captured and sold as slaves by their fellow Kunta Kuntes.

Roots was a piece of shit Libtard hate hit piece and the Negroes and stupid weak minded White Guilt Pukes ate it up.

Specifically, the main character in The African was kidnapped by slavers from Central Africa, and after arriving in the US was given a new name. And his multiple attempts to escape.

There, happy now? It is a work of fiction. In other words, it is not true.
How many Kunta Kintas were there in reality? Was slavery a myth? Now show me a little mermaid.
All that watery magic didn’t come cheap. “The Little Mermaid” has a $250 million production budget, so it will need to keep attracting crowds around the globe in order to break even.

Don't forget the REAL money for Disney: licensing and merch. Thats a multi billion cash cow for something like Little Mermaid.
LOL! The real "Kunta Kuntes" were rounded up, captured and sold as slaves by their fellow Kunta Kuntes.

Roots was a piece of shit Libtard hate hit piece and the Negroes and stupid weak minded White Guilt Pukes ate it up.
Did they bring them to America as slaves?

Roots were real life facts, idiot. It is the same racist fools like you that will tell us that the Holocaust was a fairytale.
The Little Mermaid is now portrayed by an African-American actress and with the movie the best! Diversity is wonderful and people might even prefer an African American actress in this role.

The mantra "Go woke go broke" well be challenged here, because if this movie makes a lot of money then it is not always true that woke goes broke.

Well you go watch it or take your kids to watch it?

I watched about half so far. Not bad. Not great. And Ariel being black is a non-issue.
Now, will it make it's money back and turn a profit? My guess is yes. Between global box office and DVD sales it would be difficult not to make it back, and then some.

A lot of movies make their money back in other ways, but that does not mean they were not flops when released.

Oh, and you can pretty much forget DVD, you are least a decade behind the times if you think that is a significant revenue stream anymore. Mostly it is streaming rentals that have replaced that. And as it will almost immediately be going on a subscription service they already own and is losing money, I am betting that will largely be a wash for money.

DVD sales indeed, why not throw in VHS rental while you are at it?

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