Finally, "The Little Mermaid", who is now black... Is in theaters!

Dogmaphobe is the one lying about Disney's intentions. I'm being hyperbolic. You're too stupid to understand the difference apparently. 😄
You're just not intelligent enough to keep my interest.
I mean, really, a fist on a red plain? Your unhinged emotions have rendered you stupid.
Have a nice day.
My IQ is 138, kid. You post memes like a retard.


Nobody that has an IQ of 138 would need to tell anyone what their IQ is.

One thing about smart people, they never feel the need to tell anyone they are smart, it is self-evident.
Most are estimating that the total budget for the movie is in excess of $500 million

Why do people lie so much.

but because of the heavy handed top-down political agenda behind it.

Tell me, how much protest when they made "The Frog Prince" with a primarily black cast?


Nobody cared, because it was done in a way that was not forced onto the audience.

If they had somehow swapped the cast of Frozen, and placed it in a fictional winter wonderland of Southern Africa, who would have cared? Likely nobody.

It is when they go out of their way and force changes in a heavy handed way that the fanbase starts to object. And this is what many just do not understand. If in between the 6th and 7th Star Wars movies they had Luke marry a gal of any other ethnicity and have a bi-racial child, likely nobody would have batted an eyelash. Hell, they could have had her be an estranged daughter of Lando and with a good character and portrayal people probably would have embraced her as much as they had Lando.

It is the being forced that alienates the fanbase, because it is not needed. And can actually be done in a way that is not forced. But that is not the way of Disney in the current era, it is like we must consume because they order it.

Hell, even DC got it right because their Female Superheroes have mostly been well established ones. Like Wonder Woman, no need to force that to be female-centric. Or Shazam, as Mary Marvel dates all the way back to freaking 1942. And there was an entire "Captain Marvel Family" back then, even if it is not what was seen in the current version. But WB-DC did it respectfully, and in keeping with the actual origin of the character so nobody complained that suddenly the other members of the Captain Marvel (sorry, Shazam) family were suddenly like the Superhero Rainbow Coalition. It was done respectfully, in a way that made sense to the universe they were set in.

Hell, in the original 1942 run, Mary Marvel was actually the sister of Billy Batson. And was so popular she was quickly spun-off into her own series.

In the wake of Batman, Spiderman, and Superman getting passed around to anybody that wants the fucking part.........

As far as MOVIE characters go.............

Micheal Keaton and I dare say Ben Affleck are great for Batman. All the others suck dead donkey dong.
So far, Christopher Reeve was the ONLY perfect superman. All the others, nah.

They've bastardized Wonder Woman and turned her into a heinous monstrosity.

And yet.............they seem to have chosen the PERFECT guy for Aquaman?!!?

Although Marvel has made some flops, I will have to give them PROPS that Marvel DOES do some extensive research on the RIGHT and CORRECT people to portray their super heroes. So far, Marvel has picked the absolute perfect people to play their super characters.........aside from a few Spiderman and Hulks. But I assume they learned the hard way with those movies flopping, and decided to actually do the hard footwork to find the right people for the right parts.

DC doesn't give a shit. They offer the part to anybody they think will rake in the cash.........regardless of the horrific abominations they create from it.
If you followed the comics then you'd know that DC characters have no character outside of the hero.

Prior to the 90s Batman was not the haunted hate filled character modeled today.

Marvel character on the other hand had faults, personal lives, quirks...If I were an actor I'd hate playing Superman. There's no depth you can add to the character w/o destroying the DC persona.

Their attempts at adding personality to the heroes in the DC universe isn't "bastardization," it's trying to get the audience to empathize with the character.
It’s also reported that it did really bad internationally ( ex in China). We will see if it picks up or not.

Well, it has made around $211 million now in total. So it just might show a small profit before it leaves theaters.

Yes, the film budget was between $200-250 million. However, the advertising and promotional budget is estimated to have been in the $250-300 million range. That means it has only about a month to make between $500-550 million to really break even. And yes, literally it only has about a month, because that is the current lifespan of a movie in the theaters in 2023.

It is not like when the first came out in 1989 where they typically had a theatrical run of 3 months or more. Hell, it was not even unusual in the 1970s to have movies play for a freaking year in the theaters. Star Wars actually ran in the local cinemas for 44 weeks, just short of a year. Back to the Future had a theatrical run of 37 weeks (about 9 months). ET is still the record holder at over 60 weeks, that is over a year.

But will Mermaid recoup all the money in the box office? I doubt it. And the general consensus in Hollywood is that if a movie does not break even in the US during its initial theatrical run, it is a flop. And the returns on overseas markets are generally much less than in the US market because of how the money is split.

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