Finally, the truth about Trump Jr.'s meeting with the lawyer, by John Nolte....

2aguy, post: 17716527
f you don't think that hilary was in charge of that deal you are a fool.

How about providing some basis besides your deplorable pure hate based fantasies to back your bs up.

She was not in charge. No way No how.
Finally....someone who understands the issue at hand...

Donald Trump Jr. Wanted Dirt On Hillary From the Russian Govt. — OMG That's AWESOME!

The "worse" the Donald Trump Jr. "scandal" gets, the more I know Republican voters chose the right guy to run against Hillary Clinton in 2016. At first it looked as though the meeting in question was over something touchy-feely, like adoption. Upon hearing that, my first thought was, Wait. You've just secured the nomination and the first thing you do is pull the campaign manager (Paul Manafort) and the Donald-whisperer (Jared Kushner) into a meeting about adoption? Are you insane?!?!

No kidding, I was furious. Hey, when the future of the country is at stake and you are up against the unholy trinity of the Clinton Machine, the entire mainstream media-complex, and their butthurt allies in #NeverTrump, there is no time to waste. But then the truth came out... we learned that the meeting was set up in the hopes of receiving information from the Russian government that would ensure Hillary Clinton never-ever-ever became president, and my faith in the epic bad-assery of Team Trump was restored. Maybe even bolstered.

TrumpWorld is populated with people who will do anything — ANYTHING — to win, and as long as it remains legal, those are my kind of Republicans.

Oh, grow up,

Seriously, y'all, grow the hell up.

Oh, it is so easy to sit in your Ivory Tower and join the howling mob of moral narcissists on the left and right, those who preen and pose their own virtue through feigned outrage. Don Jr. should have gone to the FBI, they huff! Americans don't do this, they puff! This is morally wrong, they harumph!


In this toxic political climate created solely by a thoroughly corrupted mainstream media, those of us who believe in individual liberty, religious freedom, killing terrorists, ending the tyranny of the bureaucracy, the sanctity of life, the rule of law, and that Western Civilization rulez, have been given only two choices. We can either do whatever it takes to win elections, or we can get ourselves destroyed.

That's it.

In the real world, and that's where I live, those are our only options.

As much as I would like to live in a just world with a just media that treated the sins of both sides equally, we do not. Not even close. The truth is that in this media-created world, Democrats are allowed to cheat, lie, collude, scheme, fabricate, change the rules, and pretty much engage in any other sinister tactic they can come up with. And the media not only allows this, the media aids and abets.

Newsflash: Using information from the Russian government for political advantage is not only something Democrats are guilty of in 2016, it is something our media is guilty of.

And knowing this, I am not supposed to not fist-pump after learning that the Trump campaign is willing to do the exact same thing?

Yeah, no.

Oh, how easy it would be to join the sanctimonious mob, how easy to pretend I am not thrilled over Team Trump's willingness to play just as dirty as the Democrats and their media — this crime family that allows the Obama campaign to accuse Romney of killing a woman, that allows Hillary to serial lie about four Americans she left to die in Benghazi, that allows the Clinton Foundation to reap hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign countries in exchange for government favors, that allows Bill Clinton to double his speech fees after Hillary gave our uranium to Putin, that allows bleach bits and hammers and deletes and wipes and IRS persecution and Fast & Furious and phones and pens and pallets of cash to Iranian terrorists.

So, you think it's is OK to piss on the Constitution and our legal system, collude with our enemies as long as your guy wins.

I already knew that a low life POS America-hating asshole like you would think that way.
Gotta love a bunch of assholes "Conservatives" defending treason.

Yes, hillary's selling out of the American people by allowing the russians to take over our uranium supply after a healthy bri.... er "donation" has all of the earmarks of treason. Trumps. Not so much.

Wow, Still pushing that debunked story.

You really are not very bright.

Clinton was one of 9 people that had to approve the deal.

Did they bribe the other 8 too?
Gotta love a bunch of assholes "Conservatives" defending treason.
From Russia with money

Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism

• A major technology transfer component of the Russian reset
overseen by Hillary Clinton substantially enhanced
the Russian military’s technological capabilities,
according to both the FBI and the U.S. Army.

• Russian government officials and American corporations
participated in the technology transfer project
overseen by Hillary Clinton’s State Department
that funnelled tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

• A Putin-connected Russian government fund
transferred $35 million to a small company
with Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta
on its executive board, which included senior Russian officials.

• John Podesta failed to reveal, as required by law
on his federal financial disclosures, his membership
on the board of this offshore company.

• Podesta also headed up a think tank which wrote favorably
about the Russian reset while apparently receiving millions
from Kremlin-linked Russian oligarchs via an offshore LLC.

The report details how Hillary helped secure Russian investments
from U.S. tech firms, involving Cisco, Intel and, who else....Google!
All 3 who happen to be, major Clinton Foundation supporters.
Microsoft as well contributed to the upstart of the Skolkovo project.

It also notes how Bill Clinton, on at least 2 occasions,
met with Putin in 2009 and 2010....
and, that Hillary sent or received 894 emails
that included the term "Russia" during her tenure as SoS.

Who was benefiting from the "Russian reset"?
Hillary, her close aids and more then likely, the Russian military!

The FBI, US Army and other foreign governments
raised serious questions concerning these 'deals'
benefiting the Russian military as well!

Obama put Hillary solely in charge of the Russian reset
viewing a technology partnership with Russia, as a win-win situation

*unfortunately, the PDF file the above was taken from,
is no longer available... gee, how strange....NOT!*

Excerpt from an article in the NYP

As early as 2010, cybersecurity experts also expressed deep concerns about Russia using Skolkovo to develop hacking capabilities.

Russia’s FSB spy agency — the successor to the KGB —
reportedly keeps two of its information warfare “security centers”
at Skolkovo, the report says.

“There certainly is an irony that as we are now concerned
about Russian cyber-attacks on the US, that the reset played a role
in enhancing their cyber-capabilities,” Schweizer said.
Gotta love a bunch of assholes "Conservatives" defending treason.
If you talked anymore shit, you'd be shaped like a turd.

And, to think, somewhere out there is a tree,
tirelessly producing oxygen so you can breathe.
I think you owe it an apology.

Nice story.

But you defend Trump JR & senior members of the Trump caimpaign to meet secretly with the Russians while lying on disclosure forms.

You are quite the dick.
Finally....someone who understands the issue at hand...

Donald Trump Jr. Wanted Dirt On Hillary From the Russian Govt. — OMG That's AWESOME!

The "worse" the Donald Trump Jr. "scandal" gets, the more I know Republican voters chose the right guy to run against Hillary Clinton in 2016. At first it looked as though the meeting in question was over something touchy-feely, like adoption. Upon hearing that, my first thought was, Wait. You've just secured the nomination and the first thing you do is pull the campaign manager (Paul Manafort) and the Donald-whisperer (Jared Kushner) into a meeting about adoption? Are you insane?!?!

No kidding, I was furious. Hey, when the future of the country is at stake and you are up against the unholy trinity of the Clinton Machine, the entire mainstream media-complex, and their butthurt allies in #NeverTrump, there is no time to waste. But then the truth came out... we learned that the meeting was set up in the hopes of receiving information from the Russian government that would ensure Hillary Clinton never-ever-ever became president, and my faith in the epic bad-assery of Team Trump was restored. Maybe even bolstered.

TrumpWorld is populated with people who will do anything — ANYTHING — to win, and as long as it remains legal, those are my kind of Republicans.

Oh, grow up,

Seriously, y'all, grow the hell up.

Oh, it is so easy to sit in your Ivory Tower and join the howling mob of moral narcissists on the left and right, those who preen and pose their own virtue through feigned outrage. Don Jr. should have gone to the FBI, they huff! Americans don't do this, they puff! This is morally wrong, they harumph!


In this toxic political climate created solely by a thoroughly corrupted mainstream media, those of us who believe in individual liberty, religious freedom, killing terrorists, ending the tyranny of the bureaucracy, the sanctity of life, the rule of law, and that Western Civilization rulez, have been given only two choices. We can either do whatever it takes to win elections, or we can get ourselves destroyed.

That's it.

In the real world, and that's where I live, those are our only options.

As much as I would like to live in a just world with a just media that treated the sins of both sides equally, we do not. Not even close. The truth is that in this media-created world, Democrats are allowed to cheat, lie, collude, scheme, fabricate, change the rules, and pretty much engage in any other sinister tactic they can come up with. And the media not only allows this, the media aids and abets.

Newsflash: Using information from the Russian government for political advantage is not only something Democrats are guilty of in 2016, it is something our media is guilty of.

And knowing this, I am not supposed to not fist-pump after learning that the Trump campaign is willing to do the exact same thing?

Yeah, no.

Oh, how easy it would be to join the sanctimonious mob, how easy to pretend I am not thrilled over Team Trump's willingness to play just as dirty as the Democrats and their media — this crime family that allows the Obama campaign to accuse Romney of killing a woman, that allows Hillary to serial lie about four Americans she left to die in Benghazi, that allows the Clinton Foundation to reap hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign countries in exchange for government favors, that allows Bill Clinton to double his speech fees after Hillary gave our uranium to Putin, that allows bleach bits and hammers and deletes and wipes and IRS persecution and Fast & Furious and phones and pens and pallets of cash to Iranian terrorists.

So, you think it's is OK to piss on the Constitution and our legal system, collude with our enemies as long as your guy wins.

I already knew that a low life POS America-hating asshole like you would think that way.

No, I don't, that is why I didn't vote for hilary. Shithead.
Gotta love a bunch of assholes "Conservatives" defending treason.

Yes, hillary's selling out of the American people by allowing the russians to take over our uranium supply after a healthy bri.... er "donation" has all of the earmarks of treason. Trumps. Not so much.

Wow, Still pushing that debunked story.

You really are not very bright.

Clinton was one of 9 people that had to approve the deal.

Did they bribe the other 8 too?

Wrong....hilary was the one driving that deal and the one controlling that deal.....that you think otherwise shows how stupid you are...
2aguy, post: 17716527
f you don't think that hilary was in charge of that deal you are a fool.

How about providing some basis besides your deplorable pure hate based fantasies to back your bs up.

She was not in charge. No way No how.

They were to her private charity....laundered through her charity....when she was Secretary of State and her rapist husband also got double his speaking fees from these countries once she announced for President...including Russia..
Gotta love a bunch of assholes "Conservatives" defending treason.

Yes, hillary's selling out of the American people by allowing the russians to take over our uranium supply after a healthy bri.... er "donation" has all of the earmarks of treason. Trumps. Not so much.

Wow, Still pushing that debunked story.

You really are not very bright.

Clinton was one of 9 people that had to approve the deal.

Did they bribe the other 8 too?

Wrong....hilary was the one driving that deal and the one controlling that deal.....that you think otherwise shows how stupid you are...
You are really a lot dumber than I thought.

The deal was driven by a Canadian company with a majority Russian ownership wanting to buy & a US company wanting to sell.

Look, I get it. You assholes have to make a lot of noise to hide that your orange buddy colluded with the Russians to win an election. You hide that you love that. You love the Russians buying our Presidency so why the fuck do you care about some uranium? They own Trump.
2aguy, post: 17716527
f you don't think that hilary was in charge of that deal you are a fool.

How about providing some basis besides your deplorable pure hate based fantasies to back your bs up.

She was not in charge. No way No how.

They were to her private charity....laundered through her charity....when she was Secretary of State and her rapist husband also got double his speaking fees from these countries once she announced for President...including Russia..

The Clintons take no money out of their foundation.

Your rapist, lying, business cheat, groper, fraud president took money from many foreigners as President. You love him for it. So shut the fuck up about the Clintons & lets talk about your orange POS buddy.
Finally....someone who understands the issue at hand...

Donald Trump Jr. Wanted Dirt On Hillary From the Russian Govt. — OMG That's AWESOME!

The "worse" the Donald Trump Jr. "scandal" gets, the more I know Republican voters chose the right guy to run against Hillary Clinton in 2016. At first it looked as though the meeting in question was over something touchy-feely, like adoption. Upon hearing that, my first thought was, Wait. You've just secured the nomination and the first thing you do is pull the campaign manager (Paul Manafort) and the Donald-whisperer (Jared Kushner) into a meeting about adoption? Are you insane?!?!

No kidding, I was furious. Hey, when the future of the country is at stake and you are up against the unholy trinity of the Clinton Machine, the entire mainstream media-complex, and their butthurt allies in #NeverTrump, there is no time to waste. But then the truth came out... we learned that the meeting was set up in the hopes of receiving information from the Russian government that would ensure Hillary Clinton never-ever-ever became president, and my faith in the epic bad-assery of Team Trump was restored. Maybe even bolstered.

TrumpWorld is populated with people who will do anything — ANYTHING — to win, and as long as it remains legal, those are my kind of Republicans.

Oh, grow up,

Seriously, y'all, grow the hell up.

Oh, it is so easy to sit in your Ivory Tower and join the howling mob of moral narcissists on the left and right, those who preen and pose their own virtue through feigned outrage. Don Jr. should have gone to the FBI, they huff! Americans don't do this, they puff! This is morally wrong, they harumph!


In this toxic political climate created solely by a thoroughly corrupted mainstream media, those of us who believe in individual liberty, religious freedom, killing terrorists, ending the tyranny of the bureaucracy, the sanctity of life, the rule of law, and that Western Civilization rulez, have been given only two choices. We can either do whatever it takes to win elections, or we can get ourselves destroyed.

That's it.

In the real world, and that's where I live, those are our only options.

As much as I would like to live in a just world with a just media that treated the sins of both sides equally, we do not. Not even close. The truth is that in this media-created world, Democrats are allowed to cheat, lie, collude, scheme, fabricate, change the rules, and pretty much engage in any other sinister tactic they can come up with. And the media not only allows this, the media aids and abets.

Newsflash: Using information from the Russian government for political advantage is not only something Democrats are guilty of in 2016, it is something our media is guilty of.

And knowing this, I am not supposed to not fist-pump after learning that the Trump campaign is willing to do the exact same thing?

Yeah, no.

Oh, how easy it would be to join the sanctimonious mob, how easy to pretend I am not thrilled over Team Trump's willingness to play just as dirty as the Democrats and their media — this crime family that allows the Obama campaign to accuse Romney of killing a woman, that allows Hillary to serial lie about four Americans she left to die in Benghazi, that allows the Clinton Foundation to reap hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign countries in exchange for government favors, that allows Bill Clinton to double his speech fees after Hillary gave our uranium to Putin, that allows bleach bits and hammers and deletes and wipes and IRS persecution and Fast & Furious and phones and pens and pallets of cash to Iranian terrorists.

So, you think it's is OK to piss on the Constitution and our legal system, collude with our enemies as long as your guy wins.

I already knew that a low life POS America-hating asshole like you would think that way.

No, I don't, that is why I didn't vote for hilary. Shithead.
You just said that. Read your own god damn post. You loved that the Russians helped Trump win. You said it.,

So man up for a change & admit to what you post instead of running away all the time like a whiny little girl.
2aguy, post: 17716527
f you don't think that hilary was in charge of that deal you are a fool.

How about providing some basis besides your deplorable pure hate based fantasies to back your bs up.

She was not in charge. No way No how.

They were to her private charity....laundered through her charity....when she was Secretary of State and her rapist husband also got double his speaking fees from these countries once she announced for President...including Russia..

The Clintons take no money out of their foundation.

Your rapist, lying, business cheat, groper, fraud president took money from many foreigners as President. You love him for it. So shut the fuck up about the Clintons & lets talk about your orange POS buddy.

You have no idea what the clinton's are doing with the money from their charity. Sadly, the one who will likely end up in jail is Chelsea, the final victim of the clinton crime family.
Finally....someone who understands the issue at hand...

Donald Trump Jr. Wanted Dirt On Hillary From the Russian Govt. — OMG That's AWESOME!

The "worse" the Donald Trump Jr. "scandal" gets, the more I know Republican voters chose the right guy to run against Hillary Clinton in 2016. At first it looked as though the meeting in question was over something touchy-feely, like adoption. Upon hearing that, my first thought was, Wait. You've just secured the nomination and the first thing you do is pull the campaign manager (Paul Manafort) and the Donald-whisperer (Jared Kushner) into a meeting about adoption? Are you insane?!?!

No kidding, I was furious. Hey, when the future of the country is at stake and you are up against the unholy trinity of the Clinton Machine, the entire mainstream media-complex, and their butthurt allies in #NeverTrump, there is no time to waste. But then the truth came out... we learned that the meeting was set up in the hopes of receiving information from the Russian government that would ensure Hillary Clinton never-ever-ever became president, and my faith in the epic bad-assery of Team Trump was restored. Maybe even bolstered.

TrumpWorld is populated with people who will do anything — ANYTHING — to win, and as long as it remains legal, those are my kind of Republicans.

Oh, grow up,

Seriously, y'all, grow the hell up.

Oh, it is so easy to sit in your Ivory Tower and join the howling mob of moral narcissists on the left and right, those who preen and pose their own virtue through feigned outrage. Don Jr. should have gone to the FBI, they huff! Americans don't do this, they puff! This is morally wrong, they harumph!


In this toxic political climate created solely by a thoroughly corrupted mainstream media, those of us who believe in individual liberty, religious freedom, killing terrorists, ending the tyranny of the bureaucracy, the sanctity of life, the rule of law, and that Western Civilization rulez, have been given only two choices. We can either do whatever it takes to win elections, or we can get ourselves destroyed.

That's it.

In the real world, and that's where I live, those are our only options.

As much as I would like to live in a just world with a just media that treated the sins of both sides equally, we do not. Not even close. The truth is that in this media-created world, Democrats are allowed to cheat, lie, collude, scheme, fabricate, change the rules, and pretty much engage in any other sinister tactic they can come up with. And the media not only allows this, the media aids and abets.

Newsflash: Using information from the Russian government for political advantage is not only something Democrats are guilty of in 2016, it is something our media is guilty of.

And knowing this, I am not supposed to not fist-pump after learning that the Trump campaign is willing to do the exact same thing?

Yeah, no.

Oh, how easy it would be to join the sanctimonious mob, how easy to pretend I am not thrilled over Team Trump's willingness to play just as dirty as the Democrats and their media — this crime family that allows the Obama campaign to accuse Romney of killing a woman, that allows Hillary to serial lie about four Americans she left to die in Benghazi, that allows the Clinton Foundation to reap hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign countries in exchange for government favors, that allows Bill Clinton to double his speech fees after Hillary gave our uranium to Putin, that allows bleach bits and hammers and deletes and wipes and IRS persecution and Fast & Furious and phones and pens and pallets of cash to Iranian terrorists.

So, you think it's is OK to piss on the Constitution and our legal system, collude with our enemies as long as your guy wins.

I already knew that a low life POS America-hating asshole like you would think that way.

No, I don't, that is why I didn't vote for hilary. Shithead.
You just said that. Read your own god damn post. You loved that the Russians helped Trump win. You said it.,

So man up for a change & admit to what you post instead of running away all the time like a whiny little girl.

The only one who pissed on the Constitution was hilary and her rapist husband.....they did it all the way back in the 90s when they were colluding with China to get American technology for their weapons programs....
2aguy, post: 17716527
f you don't think that hilary was in charge of that deal you are a fool.

How about providing some basis besides your deplorable pure hate based fantasies to back your bs up.

She was not in charge. No way No how.

They were to her private charity....laundered through her charity....when she was Secretary of State and her rapist husband also got double his speaking fees from these countries once she announced for President...including Russia..

The Clintons take no money out of their foundation.

Your rapist, lying, business cheat, groper, fraud president took money from many foreigners as President. You love him for it. So shut the fuck up about the Clintons & lets talk about your orange POS buddy.

You have no idea what the clinton's are doing with the money from their charity. Sadly, the one who will likely end up in jail is Chelsea, the final victim of the clinton crime family.
Actually we do. The charity, by law, reports their activity & they are audited.

Unlike your orange buddy, they did not use charity money to pay their personal legal troubles.
Gotta love a bunch of assholes "Conservatives" defending treason.

Yes, hillary's selling out of the American people by allowing the russians to take over our uranium supply after a healthy bri.... er "donation" has all of the earmarks of treason. Trumps. Not so much.

Wow, Still pushing that debunked story.

You really are not very bright.

Clinton was one of 9 people that had to approve the deal.

Did they bribe the other 8 too?

Wrong....hilary was the one driving that deal and the one controlling that deal.....that you think otherwise shows how stupid you are...
You are really a lot dumber than I thought.

The deal was driven by a Canadian company with a majority Russian ownership wanting to buy & a US company wanting to sell.

Look, I get it. You assholes have to make a lot of noise to hide that your orange buddy colluded with the Russians to win an election. You hide that you love that. You love the Russians buying our Presidency so why the fuck do you care about some uranium? They own Trump.

And the deal couldn't happen without State Dept approval, approval that didn't come through until a healthy multi million dollar "donation" was made to the clinton crime family foundation.
Gotta love a bunch of assholes "Conservatives" defending treason.

Yes, hillary's selling out of the American people by allowing the russians to take over our uranium supply after a healthy bri.... er "donation" has all of the earmarks of treason. Trumps. Not so much.
OK, you lying asshole, how many lbs of uranium from those mines have been shipped out of the US? And who approved of selling the only mill on the West Coast that can roll armor plate and titanium to a Russian company? And was the company that aquired the uranium mines was Canadian at the time of the sale.

These uranium regurgitates are so stupid. We have 7% of our needs.
6 separate depts were involved . Clinton hadzero to do with it. They spew it every day and don't have the brains to research it
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.
Mueller will end this story.
Indeed he will.
And when he says he could find zero evidence that the Trump campaign 'colluded with Russia' closed YOU and the other LIB fools will scream and wail and accuse Mueller of being "bought off" by Trump OR that Mueller was the wrong person for the job and he didn't do enough searching to "find out the truth" on PRESIDENT TRUMP. Or that the evil REPs "hide the real truth from Mueller".
You're a fucking fool!
Nice foul mouth. Which college again? Whoops, none?
Gotta love a bunch of assholes "Conservatives" defending treason.

Yes, hillary's selling out of the American people by allowing the russians to take over our uranium supply after a healthy bri.... er "donation" has all of the earmarks of treason. Trumps. Not so much.

Wow, Still pushing that debunked story.

You really are not very bright.

Clinton was one of 9 people that had to approve the deal.

Did they bribe the other 8 too?

Wrong....hilary was the one driving that deal and the one controlling that deal.....that you think otherwise shows how stupid you are...
You are really a lot dumber than I thought.

The deal was driven by a Canadian company with a majority Russian ownership wanting to buy & a US company wanting to sell.

Look, I get it. You assholes have to make a lot of noise to hide that your orange buddy colluded with the Russians to win an election. You hide that you love that. You love the Russians buying our Presidency so why the fuck do you care about some uranium? They own Trump.

And the deal couldn't happen without State Dept approval, approval that didn't come through until a healthy multi million dollar "donation" was made to the clinton crime family foundation.
So why is the foundation A rated?
At least it hasn't been shut down like Don the cons
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.

Just what the hell is UNETHICAL about trying to gain information to keep from having your campaign undermined?

Getting information from a Russian agent is the HELL WRONG.

I guess if Iran gave trump info that would be ok too.
Strange how the Russian lawyer was one hot gal.
I'm waiting for dons golden Russian shower video.
But I guess his sheep would like that too

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