Finally, the truth about Trump Jr.'s meeting with the lawyer, by John Nolte....

In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.

Just what the hell is UNETHICAL about trying to gain information to keep from having your campaign undermined?

Getting information from a Russian agent is the HELL WRONG.

Since none of that happened, what else have you got?
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.

Unethical? A lib saying someone is unethical? You people have not even bothered to look that word up in the dictionary! If you did, you be horrified to see your pictures in the illustration.

Perhaps your absolute lack of any education in to the history of American politics is to blame.

In other words, are you just lazy or stupid?

I saw the word stupid in the dictionary and your picture was there.

Anyone who stands up for what is right is a lib? Charles Krauthammer is a lib? You are a brainless Trump Davidian for your limited intelligence it means cult member). I know enough about politics that you don't make deals with foreign agents. That the Russians interfering in our elections is a act of war. Your being okay with that is treason. You don't give a damn about this country. GO TO HELL!!! It's where you belong.
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.

Just what the hell is UNETHICAL about trying to gain information to keep from having your campaign undermined?

Getting information from a Russian agent is the HELL WRONG.

Since none of that happened, what else have you got?

It did happen. Trump went to a meeting with a foreign agent to get dirt on Clinton. That is collusion. Maybe a criminal like you doesn't understand that or you are complicit.
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.

Just what the hell is UNETHICAL about trying to gain information to keep from having your campaign undermined?

Getting information from a Russian agent is the HELL WRONG.

Since none of that happened, what else have you got?

It did happen. Trump went to a meeting with a foreign agent to get dirt on Clinton. That is collusion. Maybe a criminal like you doesn't understand that or you are complicit.

Which law is violated? Name it please.
Gotta love a bunch of assholes "Conservatives" defending treason.
From Russia with money

Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism

• A major technology transfer component of the Russian reset
overseen by Hillary Clinton substantially enhanced
the Russian military’s technological capabilities,
according to both the FBI and the U.S. Army.

• Russian government officials and American corporations
participated in the technology transfer project
overseen by Hillary Clinton’s State Department
that funnelled tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

• A Putin-connected Russian government fund
transferred $35 million to a small company
with Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta
on its executive board, which included senior Russian officials.

• John Podesta failed to reveal, as required by law
on his federal financial disclosures, his membership
on the board of this offshore company.

• Podesta also headed up a think tank which wrote favorably
about the Russian reset while apparently receiving millions
from Kremlin-linked Russian oligarchs via an offshore LLC.

The report details how Hillary helped secure Russian investments
from U.S. tech firms, involving Cisco, Intel and, who else....Google!
All 3 who happen to be, major Clinton Foundation supporters.
Microsoft as well contributed to the upstart of the Skolkovo project.

It also notes how Bill Clinton, on at least 2 occasions,
met with Putin in 2009 and 2010....
and, that Hillary sent or received 894 emails
that included the term "Russia" during her tenure as SoS.

Who was benefiting from the "Russian reset"?
Hillary, her close aids and more then likely, the Russian military!

The FBI, US Army and other foreign governments
raised serious questions concerning these 'deals'
benefiting the Russian military as well!

Obama put Hillary solely in charge of the Russian reset
viewing a technology partnership with Russia, as a win-win situation

*unfortunately, the PDF file the above was taken from,
is no longer available... gee, how strange....NOT!*

Excerpt from an article in the NYP

As early as 2010, cybersecurity experts also expressed deep concerns about Russia using Skolkovo to develop hacking capabilities.

Russia’s FSB spy agency — the successor to the KGB —
reportedly keeps two of its information warfare “security centers”
at Skolkovo, the report says.

“There certainly is an irony that as we are now concerned
about Russian cyber-attacks on the US, that the reset played a role
in enhancing their cyber-capabilities,” Schweizer said.
Gotta love a bunch of assholes "Conservatives" defending treason.
If you talked anymore shit, you'd be shaped like a turd.

And, to think, somewhere out there is a tree,
tirelessly producing oxygen so you can breathe.
I think you owe it an apology.
I am /astounded/ by the resurgence of the Cold War that Dem's have engaged in this election cycle. It's the strangest [political] thing I've ever seen in my life frankly.
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.

Unethical? A lib saying someone is unethical? You people have not even bothered to look that word up in the dictionary! If you did, you be horrified to see your pictures in the illustration.

Perhaps your absolute lack of any education in to the history of American politics is to blame.

In other words, are you just lazy or stupid?

I saw the word stupid in the dictionary and your picture was there.

Anyone who stands up for what is right is a lib? Charles Krauthammer is a lib? You are a brainless Trump Davidian for your limited intelligence it means cult member). I know enough about politics that you don't make deals with foreign agents. That the Russians interfering in our elections is a act of war. Your being okay with that is treason. You don't give a damn about this country. GO TO HELL!!! It's where you belong.

then how do you support hilary.......her deal with Russia giving them 20% of our uranium...for 140 million dollars in donations to her charity? And that was when she was actually working in the government....
westwall, post: 17708537
Yes, hillary's selling out of the American people by allowing the russians to take over our uranium supply after a healthy bri.... er "donation" has all of the earmarks of treason. Trumps. Not so much.

Liars from Trump on down to the most rotten deplorable.

Clinton could not approve or veto the 9 member Committee decision.

And most of all:

"Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.

A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:"

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Russia became 51% owner. There are US based subsidiaries ofvUranium.

Why repeat this lie?
westwall, post: 17708537
Yes, hillary's selling out of the American people by allowing the russians to take over our uranium supply after a healthy bri.... er "donation" has all of the earmarks of treason. Trumps. Not so much.

Liars from Trump on down to the most rotten deplorable.

Clinton could not approve or veto the 9 member Committee decision.

And most of all:

"Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.

A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:"

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Russia became 51% owner. There are US based subsidiaries ofvUranium.

Why repeat this lie?

If you don't think that hilary was in charge of that deal you are a fool......this deal was contingent on her having the power of the President after she won the guys are such morons....
westwall, post: 17708537
Yes, hillary's selling out of the American people by allowing the russians to take over our uranium supply after a healthy bri.... er "donation" has all of the earmarks of treason. Trumps. Not so much.

Liars from Trump on down to the most rotten deplorable.

Clinton could not approve or veto the 9 member Committee decision.

And most of all:

"Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.

A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:"

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Russia became 51% owner. There are US based subsidiaries ofvUranium.

Why repeat this lie?

And when she became President everything you just posted becomes irrelevant.....the clintons have a history of handing over items of strategic value to enemies of this country for cash....the entire 8 years of her rapist husband's Presidency show their willingness to trade cash for state secrets.....

Yes awesome set up! Release the info to hurt Trump 9 months AFTER the election. I guess that is a slight detail you numbnuts like to ignore.
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.

Just what the hell is UNETHICAL about trying to gain information to keep from having your campaign undermined?

Getting information from a Russian agent is the HELL WRONG.

Since none of that happened, what else have you got?

It did happen. Trump went to a meeting with a foreign agent to get dirt on Clinton. That is collusion. Maybe a criminal like you doesn't understand that or you are complicit.

It isn't collusion, it isn't illegal.
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.

Just what the hell is UNETHICAL about trying to gain information to keep from having your campaign undermined?

Getting information from a Russian agent is the HELL WRONG.

Since none of that happened, what else have you got?

It did happen. Trump went to a meeting with a foreign agent to get dirt on Clinton. That is collusion. Maybe a criminal like you doesn't understand that or you are complicit.

The democrats actually did get dirt on the Trump campaign from Ukraine......have you insisted on arrest warrants for treason against hilary, john podesta and the other democrats?
2aguy, post: 17716531
And when she became President everything you just posted becomes irrelevant....

So lying is ok with you if it supports a conspiracy theory. Hillary was right. You are deplorable.

The truth is irrelevant. Good one.
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2aguy, post: 17716621
It isn't collusion, it isn't illegal

You don't get to decide that.

So why did Kushner falsify his security clearance application by not acknowledging this meeting?

That is illegal. Five years in prison illegal.
2aguy, post: 17716626
The democrats actually did get dirt on the Trump campaign from Ukraine......have you insisted on arrest warrants for treason against hilary, john podesta and the other democrats?

Don't recall hearing that the Ukraine government sent an official invite to the Clinton campaign's top leadership to offer their own opposition research containing dirt on Trump.

Opposition research on overseas matters such as Manafort's name appearing on a dark money list and involvement with Pro-Putin oligarch's in Ukraine, is a whole different matter. It's ok. What Manafort, DTjr and Kushner did involved receiving opposition research developed by the Russian government - That has value. It is against campaign finance rules. Receiving something of value from a foreign adversary government pre-stating their intent to help Trump win the election.
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In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.

A lib trying to lecture on ethics!

That's like a hooker arguing for abstinence, or a an alcoholic drinking himself sober!
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.

It is not the end of the story. Trump Jr was willing to conspire with a foreigner to get information on Hillary Clinton. Whether that is a crime is questionable only because a law to punish people for this type of behavior has never been contemplated because it never has been needed. He at least acted unethically.

Just what the hell is UNETHICAL about trying to gain information to keep from having your campaign undermined?

Getting information from a Russian agent is the HELL WRONG.

Russian agent? Who would that be? You better keep quiet about calling the Russian Lawyer an agent of the Russian government before it comes back to bit you liberals in the ass. If she is a Russian agent, we may need to build a new prison to lock up all of the Democrats who had contact with her.
In any case, Donald Trump Jr. did not break the law when he had a conversation with a Russian citizen concerning opposition research against Hillary Clinton.

End of story.
Mueller will end this story.
In fact, he won't. When he concludes that no laws were broken and offers the DOJ a recommendation that there is no 'there' at all, the left and the corrupt news network will continue to harp on this story until Trump musters out.

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