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Finally understanding Obama’s hatred of America

Now aside from the fact that Barry was born in kenya, there's also the fact that his father was British, which in and of itself is enough to deem Barry constitutionally ineligible to be president.
FAIL!!! Obama wasn't born in Kenya. Independent sources, i.e. newspapers, prove it.
Now aside from the fact that Barry was born in kenya, there's also the fact that his father was British, which in and of itself is enough to deem Barry constitutionally ineligible to be president.
FAIL!!! Obama wasn't born in Kenya. Independent sources, i.e. newspapers, prove it.
Actually we don't know where Obama was born since his long form birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 was investigate through extensive attestations and found to be a 100% forgery by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office.
Now aside from the fact that Barry was born in kenya, there's also the fact that his father was British, which in and of itself is enough to deem Barry constitutionally ineligible to be president.
FAIL!!! Obama wasn't born in Kenya. Independent sources, i.e. newspapers, prove it.
Yes.....they kind of do.



Obama made it abundantly clear that he wanted to "change", "fundamentally transform" and "re-make" America. Those are all his words, over and over.

Hatred? Naw. But I do know that you don't want to "change", "fundamentally transform" and "re-make" something that you like.

Like a woman who stays with a man she doesn't like, the hard Left believes it can change America into something it thinks is acceptable.


Good post dear, but I get the feeling Obama does hate us and America. I've never felt that with any other President and I've been voting since Carter
That's why the constitution requires that BOTH PARENTS be AMERICAN CITIZENS in order to be eligible to be PRESIDENT, so that your LOYALTIES won't lie elsewhere if elected..

Hmmm I missed that part of the Constitution. Maybe you are using the one that Conservatives re-wrote in crayon?

Here is what the actual Constitution says:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

What is a natural born citizen?

We all learned that growing up and taking civics classes here in the United States- anyone born in the United States is a natural born citizen except children born of foreign diplomats.

While the child of two American citizens is a natural born citizen- so is anyone else born in the United States.
Sorry, you poor little uneducated bubble head, but you're confused, like most progtards, you don't know the difference between "natural born" and "native born." Congress clarified that long ago, so wise up...


Now aside from the fact that Barry was born in kenya, there's also the fact that his father was British, which in and of itself is enough to deem Barry constitutionally ineligible to be president.

So why is he president? Because the entire ruling class, for whatever reason, thought it was a good idea to have the first black president, so they all jumped on the "we will look the other way" train and went along with this social experiment. Now that it's done, everyone that participated is in too deep to turn around now and say, "we were wrong," they'd be admitting guilt to being part of the biggest scandal in American history, and that is why no one does anything about it.

Someday, 20 or 30 years from now, it'll all be made known that Barry illegally held the office of president, and by then, all those that were guilty of letting it happen will either be dead or gone, and all those in power will be able to hold their hands up and shake their heads and say, "well it's too late to do anything about it now."

Wow- so you showed us that Congress believed that the only natural born citizens are those born outside the United States born to 'citizens of the United States?

Do you really believe that no one born in the United States is a natural born citizen?

Because that is all that provision says. Doesn't say anything about children born within the United States.

But you knew that......lol......

Obama made it abundantly clear that he wanted to "change", "fundamentally transform" and "re-make" America. Those are all his words, over and over.

Hatred? Naw. But I do know that you don't want to "change", "fundamentally transform" and "re-make" something that you like.

Like a woman who stays with a man she doesn't like, the hard Left believes it can change America into something it thinks is acceptable.


Good post dear, but I get the feeling Obama does hate us and America. I've never felt that with any other President and I've been voting since Carter
That's why the constitution requires that BOTH PARENTS be AMERICAN CITIZENS in order to be eligible to be PRESIDENT, so that your LOYALTIES won't lie elsewhere if elected..

Hmmm I missed that part of the Constitution. Maybe you are using the one that Conservatives re-wrote in crayon?

Here is what the actual Constitution says:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

What is a natural born citizen?

We all learned that growing up and taking civics classes here in the United States- anyone born in the United States is a natural born citizen except children born of foreign diplomats.

While the child of two American citizens is a natural born citizen- so is anyone else born in the United States.
Sorry, you poor little uneducated bubble head, but you're confused, like most progtards, you don't know the difference between "natural born" and "native born
Now aside from the fact that Barry was born in kenya, there's also the fact that his father was British, which in and of itself is enough to deem Barry constitutionally ineligible to be president.

LOL- Birthers- who think that only people who read their super Sekrit Natural Born Citizen decoder ring know the real definition.

Who disagrees with you? Virtually everyone but a few Birther malcontents, a large portion of them racists like Stevie the racist.

The voters elected him twice- because the voters knew he was eligible.
The Electoral College elected him twice- because they are well informed.
Congress- without a single dissent- confirmed his election twice.
Chief Justice Roberts swore him in three times- you would think Chief Justice Roberts would know his constitution- Birthers alternately decide that Roberts is either a lackey for Obama or a coward, afraid of backlash.

Neither Senator McCain or Governor Romney ever claimed that Obama was not eligible- and they had the most to gain from the issue- if it were true- but they knew better than to go with wingnut Birther racist theories.

The Congressional Research Service disagrees, approximately 13 judges who have ruled on the issue disagree- virtually everyone but a few gullible Birthers.

Because thats what Birthers do.
Now aside from the fact that Barry was born in kenya, there's also the fact that his father was British, which in and of itself is enough to deem Barry constitutionally ineligible to be president.
FAIL!!! Obama wasn't born in Kenya. Independent sources, i.e. newspapers, prove it.
Yes.....they kind of do.



LOL....yeah- that is the best that Birthers have come up with. One promotional brochure never read by more than a few thousand people- who the editor acknowledges was a mistake- and a mistaken headline in an African newspaper.

Compared to dozens of Americans publications profiling President Obama's Hawaii background.

Birthers.....so many such sad, sad little racists like Stevie.

Still can't accept that a black man could be President.
Obama hates America!
What a crock of bullshit.
He hasn't been a very good president as far as I'm concerned, but then neither was "W" and it never entered my mind that "W" hated America. I don't even think the far left made that claim about "W" hating America. They called him stupid, which also isn't true but I don't recall he was accused of hating America.
Incompetence isn't hate, it's being in a position that an individual isn't qualified to handle.

Obama made it abundantly clear that he wanted to "change", "fundamentally transform" and "re-make" America. Those are all his words, over and over.

Hatred? Naw. But I do know that you don't want to "change", "fundamentally transform" and "re-make" something that you like.

Like a woman who stays with a man she doesn't like, the hard Left believes it can change America into something it thinks is acceptable.


Good post dear, but I get the feeling Obama does hate us and America. I've never felt that with any other President and I've been voting since Carter
That's why the constitution requires that BOTH PARENTS be AMERICAN CITIZENS in order to be eligible to be PRESIDENT, so that your LOYALTIES won't lie elsewhere if elected..

Hmmm I missed that part of the Constitution. Maybe you are using the one that Conservatives re-wrote in crayon?

Here is what the actual Constitution says:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

What is a natural born citizen?

We all learned that growing up and taking civics classes here in the United States- anyone born in the United States is a natural born citizen except children born of foreign diplomats.

While the child of two American citizens is a natural born citizen- so is anyone else born in the United States.
Sorry, you poor little uneducated bubble head, but you're confused, like most progtards, you don't know the difference between "natural born" and "native born
Now aside from the fact that Barry was born in kenya, there's also the fact that his father was British, which in and of itself is enough to deem Barry constitutionally ineligible to be president.

LOL- Birthers- who think that only people who read their super Sekrit Natural Born Citizen decoder ring know the real definition.

Who disagrees with you? Virtually everyone but a few Birther malcontents, a large portion of them racists like Stevie the racist.

The voters elected him twice- because the voters knew he was eligible.
The Electoral College elected him twice- because they are well informed.
Congress- without a single dissent- confirmed his election twice.
Chief Justice Roberts swore him in three times- you would think Chief Justice Roberts would know his constitution- Birthers alternately decide that Roberts is either a lackey for Obama or a coward, afraid of backlash.

Neither Senator McCain or Governor Romney ever claimed that Obama was not eligible- and they had the most to gain from the issue- if it were true- but they knew better than to go with wingnut Birther racist theories.

The Congressional Research Service disagrees, approximately 13 judges who have ruled on the issue disagree- virtually everyone but a few gullible Birthers.

Because thats what Birthers do.

Rule # 39 Dude.
JFK, Goldwater, RFK, Humphrey, Nixon, Reagan, Mondale, Bush, Dukakis, Clinton, Bush 2, Gore,McCain, Romney...... None of these Presidents or Candidates ever said that their objective was to Fundamentally Change America. None of these men went on global tours apologizing for America. These men celebrated what was great about America and or sold a vision on how America could be better(Carter is off the list because he was an apologist). None of these former Presidents or candidates looked the American entrepreneur spirit in the eye and sneered, "you did not build that". None of these former Presidents got exposed for their arrogance and elitist view of the American voter as being stupid.

Blablabla......... more teabagger whining........... blablabla..........Do you ever stop with the silly whining and childish claims? What you're saying is just nuts and you should get a hobby before you completely lose it over this crap.

Why don't you put down your Alinsky Rules set and debate with some substance.

Ok have it your way. It's what's left of your life. Continue with your silly whining as you drift further and further from reality and most of the people in it, till you are nothing but a memory of what you once were huddled under a blanket listening to hannity on the radio.

Obama made it abundantly clear that he wanted to "change", "fundamentally transform" and "re-make" America. Those are all his words, over and over.

Hatred? Naw. But I do know that you don't want to "change", "fundamentally transform" and "re-make" something that you like.

Like a woman who stays with a man she doesn't like, the hard Left believes it can change America into something it thinks is acceptable.


Good post dear, but I get the feeling Obama does hate us and America. I've never felt that with any other President and I've been voting since Carter
That's why the constitution requires that BOTH PARENTS be AMERICAN CITIZENS in order to be eligible to be PRESIDENT, so that your LOYALTIES won't lie elsewhere if elected..

Hmmm I missed that part of the Constitution. Maybe you are using the one that Conservatives re-wrote in crayon?

Here is what the actual Constitution says:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

What is a natural born citizen?

We all learned that growing up and taking civics classes here in the United States- anyone born in the United States is a natural born citizen except children born of foreign diplomats.

While the child of two American citizens is a natural born citizen- so is anyone else born in the United States.
Sorry, you poor little uneducated bubble head, but you're confused, like most progtards, you don't know the difference between "natural born" and "native born
Now aside from the fact that Barry was born in kenya, there's also the fact that his father was British, which in and of itself is enough to deem Barry constitutionally ineligible to be president.

LOL- Birthers- who think that only people who read their super Sekrit Natural Born Citizen decoder ring know the real definition.

Who disagrees with you? Virtually everyone but a few Birther malcontents, a large portion of them racists like Stevie the racist.

The voters elected him twice- because the voters knew he was eligible.
The Electoral College elected him twice- because they are well informed.
Congress- without a single dissent- confirmed his election twice.
Chief Justice Roberts swore him in three times- you would think Chief Justice Roberts would know his constitution- Birthers alternately decide that Roberts is either a lackey for Obama or a coward, afraid of backlash.

Neither Senator McCain or Governor Romney ever claimed that Obama was not eligible- and they had the most to gain from the issue- if it were true- but they knew better than to go with wingnut Birther racist theories.

The Congressional Research Service disagrees, approximately 13 judges who have ruled on the issue disagree- virtually everyone but a few gullible Birthers.

Because thats what Birthers do.
Sorry, but you're sadly mistaken, zipper head.

It has been polled many times, and every time it has revealed that the majority of Americans either doubt Barry was born in Hawaii, or simply believe he wasn't. Why? Probably because of this...

Good post dear, but I get the feeling Obama does hate us and America. I've never felt that with any other President and I've been voting since Carter
That's why the constitution requires that BOTH PARENTS be AMERICAN CITIZENS in order to be eligible to be PRESIDENT, so that your LOYALTIES won't lie elsewhere if elected..

Hmmm I missed that part of the Constitution. Maybe you are using the one that Conservatives re-wrote in crayon?

Here is what the actual Constitution says:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

What is a natural born citizen?

We all learned that growing up and taking civics classes here in the United States- anyone born in the United States is a natural born citizen except children born of foreign diplomats.

While the child of two American citizens is a natural born citizen- so is anyone else born in the United States.
Sorry, you poor little uneducated bubble head, but you're confused, like most progtards, you don't know the difference between "natural born" and "native born
Now aside from the fact that Barry was born in kenya, there's also the fact that his father was British, which in and of itself is enough to deem Barry constitutionally ineligible to be president.

LOL- Birthers- who think that only people who read their super Sekrit Natural Born Citizen decoder ring know the real definition.

Who disagrees with you? Virtually everyone but a few Birther malcontents, a large portion of them racists like Stevie the racist.

The voters elected him twice- because the voters knew he was eligible.
The Electoral College elected him twice- because they are well informed.
Congress- without a single dissent- confirmed his election twice.
Chief Justice Roberts swore him in three times- you would think Chief Justice Roberts would know his constitution- Birthers alternately decide that Roberts is either a lackey for Obama or a coward, afraid of backlash.

Neither Senator McCain or Governor Romney ever claimed that Obama was not eligible- and they had the most to gain from the issue- if it were true- but they knew better than to go with wingnut Birther racist theories.

The Congressional Research Service disagrees, approximately 13 judges who have ruled on the issue disagree- virtually everyone but a few gullible Birthers.

Because thats what Birthers do.
Sorry, but you're sadly mistaken, zipper head.

It has been polled many times, and every time it has revealed that the majority of Americans either doubt Barry was born in Hawaii, or simply believe he wasn't. Why? Probably because of this...

Oh yes. :rofl: Let's VOTE on something like this. :rofl:
JFK, Goldwater, RFK, Humphrey, Nixon, Reagan, Mondale, Bush, Dukakis, Clinton, Bush 2, Gore,McCain, Romney...... None of these Presidents or Candidates ever said that their objective was to Fundamentally Change America. None of these men went on global tours apologizing for America. These men celebrated what was great about America and or sold a vision on how America could be better(Carter is off the list because he was an apologist). None of these former Presidents or candidates looked the American entrepreneur spirit in the eye and sneered, "you did not build that". None of these former Presidents got exposed for their arrogance and elitist view of the American voter as being stupid.

Blablabla......... more teabagger whining........... blablabla..........Do you ever stop with the silly whining and childish claims? What you're saying is just nuts and you should get a hobby before you completely lose it over this crap.

Why don't you put down your Alinsky Rules set and debate with some substance.

Ok have it your way. It's what's left of your life. Continue with your silly whining as you drift further and further from reality and most of the people in it, till you are nothing but a memory of what you once were huddled under a blanket listening to hannity on the radio.

The reality is the lefts continual belief and refusal to see the lies perpetrated by their party.
JFK, Goldwater, RFK, Humphrey, Nixon, Reagan, Mondale, Bush, Dukakis, Clinton, Bush 2, Gore,McCain, Romney...... None of these Presidents or Candidates ever said that their objective was to Fundamentally Change America. None of these men went on global tours apologizing for America. These men celebrated what was great about America and or sold a vision on how America could be better(Carter is off the list because he was an apologist). None of these former Presidents or candidates looked the American entrepreneur spirit in the eye and sneered, "you did not build that". None of these former Presidents got exposed for their arrogance and elitist view of the American voter as being stupid.

Blablabla......... more teabagger whining........... blablabla..........Do you ever stop with the silly whining and childish claims? What you're saying is just nuts and you should get a hobby before you completely lose it over this crap.

Why don't you put down your Alinsky Rules set and debate with some substance.

Ok have it your way. It's what's left of your life. Continue with your silly whining as you drift further and further from reality and most of the people in it, till you are nothing but a memory of what you once were huddled under a blanket listening to hannity on the radio.

The reality is the lefts continual belief and refusal to see the lies perpetrated by their party.

What ever you say. With all the right wing's past ridiculous claims....everything from death panels to the census having something to do with FEMA prisons.....It's hard to give any credibility to right wing claims, especially when their own partisan investigations reveal they are nothing more than more crap.
Obama hates America!
What a crock of bullshit.
He hasn't been a very good president as far as I'm concerned, but then neither was "W" and it never entered my mind that "W" hated America. I don't even think the far left made that claim about "W" hating America. They called him stupid, which also isn't true but I don't recall he was accused of hating America.
Incompetence isn't hate, it's being in a position that an individual isn't qualified to handle.

IS wanting to transform a country the sign someone LOVES it?
And with her Hubby elected President, for the first time in her life time Michelle Obama was proud of her country.

yeah that's sounds like love for their:rolleyes-41: country to me
Last edited:
Good post dear, but I get the feeling Obama does hate us and America. I've never felt that with any other President and I've been voting since Carter
That's why the constitution requires that BOTH PARENTS be AMERICAN CITIZENS in order to be eligible to be PRESIDENT, so that your LOYALTIES won't lie elsewhere if elected..

Hmmm I missed that part of the Constitution. Maybe you are using the one that Conservatives re-wrote in crayon?

Here is what the actual Constitution says:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

What is a natural born citizen?

We all learned that growing up and taking civics classes here in the United States- anyone born in the United States is a natural born citizen except children born of foreign diplomats.

While the child of two American citizens is a natural born citizen- so is anyone else born in the United States.
Sorry, you poor little uneducated bubble head, but you're confused, like most progtards, you don't know the difference between "natural born" and "native born
Now aside from the fact that Barry was born in kenya, there's also the fact that his father was British, which in and of itself is enough to deem Barry constitutionally ineligible to be president.

LOL- Birthers- who think that only people who read their super Sekrit Natural Born Citizen decoder ring know the real definition.

Who disagrees with you? Virtually everyone but a few Birther malcontents, a large portion of them racists like Stevie the racist.

The voters elected him twice- because the voters knew he was eligible.
The Electoral College elected him twice- because they are well informed.
Congress- without a single dissent- confirmed his election twice.
Chief Justice Roberts swore him in three times- you would think Chief Justice Roberts would know his constitution- Birthers alternately decide that Roberts is either a lackey for Obama or a coward, afraid of backlash.

Neither Senator McCain or Governor Romney ever claimed that Obama was not eligible- and they had the most to gain from the issue- if it were true- but they knew better than to go with wingnut Birther racist theories.

The Congressional Research Service disagrees, approximately 13 judges who have ruled on the issue disagree- virtually everyone but a few gullible Birthers.

Because thats what Birthers do.
Sorry, but you're sadly mistaken, zipper head.

It has been polled many times, and every time it has revealed that the majority of Americans either doubt Barry was born in Hawaii, or simply believe he wasn't. Why? Probably because of this...

Anyone who ever gave even tacit support to the idea that the President was not born an American citizen has no credibility of any kind, on any issue, ever.
Obama hates America!
What a crock of bullshit.
He hasn't been a very good president as far as I'm concerned, but then neither was "W" and it never entered my mind that "W" hated America. I don't even think the far left made that claim about "W" hating America. They called him stupid, which also isn't true but I don't recall he was accused of hating America.
Incompetence isn't hate, it's being in a position that an individual isn't qualified to handle.

IS wanting to transform a country the sign someone LOVES it?
And with here Hubby elected President, for the first time in her life time Michelle Obama was proud of her country.

yeah that's sounds like love for their:rolleyes-41: country to me

Not sure if you are aware of this, but this guy equated transformation with love

Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Thanks Obama
That's why the constitution requires that BOTH PARENTS be AMERICAN CITIZENS in order to be eligible to be PRESIDENT, so that your LOYALTIES won't lie elsewhere if elected..

Hmmm I missed that part of the Constitution. Maybe you are using the one that Conservatives re-wrote in crayon?

Here is what the actual Constitution says:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

What is a natural born citizen?

We all learned that growing up and taking civics classes here in the United States- anyone born in the United States is a natural born citizen except children born of foreign diplomats.

While the child of two American citizens is a natural born citizen- so is anyone else born in the United States.
Sorry, you poor little uneducated bubble head, but you're confused, like most progtards, you don't know the difference between "natural born" and "native born
Now aside from the fact that Barry was born in kenya, there's also the fact that his father was British, which in and of itself is enough to deem Barry constitutionally ineligible to be president.

LOL- Birthers- who think that only people who read their super Sekrit Natural Born Citizen decoder ring know the real definition.

Who disagrees with you? Virtually everyone but a few Birther malcontents, a large portion of them racists like Stevie the racist.

The voters elected him twice- because the voters knew he was eligible.
The Electoral College elected him twice- because they are well informed.
Congress- without a single dissent- confirmed his election twice.
Chief Justice Roberts swore him in three times- you would think Chief Justice Roberts would know his constitution- Birthers alternately decide that Roberts is either a lackey for Obama or a coward, afraid of backlash.

Neither Senator McCain or Governor Romney ever claimed that Obama was not eligible- and they had the most to gain from the issue- if it were true- but they knew better than to go with wingnut Birther racist theories.

The Congressional Research Service disagrees, approximately 13 judges who have ruled on the issue disagree- virtually everyone but a few gullible Birthers.

Because thats what Birthers do.
Sorry, but you're sadly mistaken, zipper head.

It has been polled many times, and every time it has revealed that the majority of Americans either doubt Barry was born in Hawaii, or simply believe he wasn't. Why? Probably because of this...

Anyone who ever gave even tacit support to the idea that the President was not born an American citizen has no credibility of any kind, on any issue, ever.

No credibility among sane people, but they have lots of credibility among the other crazies. It's one of the top subjects of discussion among the tinfoil hat brigade. That's the problem

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