

VIP Member
Jun 9, 2012
An interesting thought experiment occurred to me the other day. What if you rounded up all of the financial elite, put them on a patch of land commensurate in size and material wealth per capita to say the US and watch what kind of a country they produce. I submit that without anyone to exploit, they'd be slitting each other's throats within about a month.

because successful people who wind up with more money than you must be evil exploiters willing to murder for cash!

without anyone to exploit, they'd be slitting each other's throats within about a month.


An interesting thought experiment occurred to me the other day. What if you rounded up all of the financial elite, put them on a patch of land commensurate in size and material wealth per capita to say the US and watch what kind of a country they produce. I submit that without anyone to exploit, they'd be slitting each other's throats within about a month.

You are a mindless ill informed idiot trolling for other mindless ill informed idiots.
An interesting thought experiment occurred to me the other day. What if you rounded up all of the financial elite, put them on a patch of land commensurate in size and material wealth per capita to say the US and watch what kind of a country they produce. I submit that without anyone to exploit, they'd be slitting each other's throats within about a month.

You are a mindless ill informed idiot trolling for other mindless ill informed idiots.
Says the financial elite wannabe.
because successful people who wind up with more money than you must be evil exploiters willing to murder for cash!

What other real world skills do they have?
Do you think people get rich in finance solely by screwing over other people?

The operative word here is "think".

Does he even have the capacity to "think", or is he another mindless drone regurgitating the liberal bullshit that he's been force fed by moonbat "educators"?

because successful people who wind up with more money than you must be evil exploiters willing to murder for cash!

What other real world skills do they have?
Do you think people get rich in finance solely by screwing over other people?

The operative word here is "think".

Does he even have the capacity to "think", or is he another mindless drone regurgitating the liberal bullshit that he's been force fed by moonbat "educators"?

Hey Pete, I've seen a few of your posts. I know you think you're just down on your luck right now and things will turn around at any moment. Just keep the dream alive brother.
The so-called "financial elite" already produced the greatest Country in the world in about 250 years. Did you think all good things come from the government????
The so-called "financial elite" already produced the greatest Country in the world in about 250 years. Did you think all good things come from the government????
A bunch of things created 'the greatest country in the world' - inventors, scientists, educators, laborers and to some degree, the plunder of natural resources. The financial elite merely appropriated most of the benefits from them.
An interesting thought experiment occurred to me the other day. What if you rounded up all of the financial elite, put them on a patch of land commensurate in size and material wealth per capita to say the US and watch what kind of a country they produce. I submit that without anyone to exploit, they'd be slitting each other's throats within about a month.


how about we take a bunch of progressive statist whiners and place them on an island without technology or government? Without someone to tell them what to do, either the strongest of them would be come an autocrat, or they would all kill themselves contemplating a life without latte's and tumblr.

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