"Finding Jesus " vs "killing Jesus"


Gold Member
Oct 2, 2015
hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .
You obviously don't know about the event...

Quit falling down the well
hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .
You obviously don't know about the event...

Quit falling down the well
who knows, in ten years we may be watching "Killing The Beast"
^Jesus was a Neo-Essene who failed to become the Messiah that Jews always look for, so yes one of the greatest fake history hoaxes...in history... was to trick non-Jews into believing a failed Jewish Messiah is someone important, someone that could help them overcome Rome the empire, and then they had to morph that idiotic "revolution" concept and replace Rome with the concept of death.

I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.

What prophecy did Jews fulfill? And non-Jews who are Christian need to be redeemed from what exactly? Beside the obvious; believing in a plagiarized myth.
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hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .
I hear Fox was planning on intentionally veering to the left around the first of the year.
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
You apparently missed the story in the Christian bible about some dude named Moses leading the Jews out of slavery...and several others along with it.
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.

True, there should still be forgiveness as even Jesus said Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.

The wrong of killing someone unjustly is still wrong by man's standards.
Even if there was a spiritual purpose and plan served by such acts.

WinterBorn I happen to know the founder of a nonprofit that helps women
who choose to bear children born of violent rape and incest.

So even though the CRIME of rape is wrong, and the men should still be punished by law,
the birth of loved children who are seen as gifts of God despite their way of coming into the world,
that gift and purpose these children serve is not tainted by the crimes of their fathers.

The fathers are still forgiven SPIRITUALLY, but their crimes must still be processed by law.
We still condemn the violence and damage done by rape,
even though some souls are brought into the world by this violent act.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, convincing the world he did not exist...
No Christians I know vilify Jews over the death of Christ. Stating the fact is different than vilifying.
hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .
I don't know how old you are Timmy but as I have pointed out before in other threads your intellect is obviously that of a high schooler and your speech patters are like a high schooler too.

If you get a chance you should get a copy of Eusebius' one and only book written by him around 325 A.D. called "History Of The Church."

He explains that originally the Jews in the Roman Empire were very anti-Christian even to the extent of paying Romans to exterminate them.

This is what happened to St. Peter and St. Paul together at Rome.

then 3 centuries later when Constantine became Christian (after his father and mother) the shoe was on the other foot and the Romans -- now Christian -- became anti-Semitic.

This anti-Semitism became a heritage of the latter Catholic Church.

So Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, as Johnny Depp would say in Pirates Of The Caribbean, what goes around comes around too.

No Christians I know vilify Jews over the death of Christ. Stating the fact is different than vilifying.
Not any more.

But as recently as a few decades ago Catholic private schools were indeed still doing so.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, convincing the world he did not exist...
Well Jews know better because of the Book Of Job and Christians know better because of Jesus' many reference to "the Devil" (his English name from translation of the Greek Diabolos -- meaning diabolical in Greek).
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
Actually very few to no Christians vilify the Jews, that is an invention of the atheists who wish to divide by any means they can. Christians as a whole, have defended Israel and the Jews like no other.
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.

True, there should still be forgiveness as even Jesus said Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.

The wrong of killing someone unjustly is still wrong by man's standards.
Even if there was a spiritual purpose and plan served by such acts.

WinterBorn I happen to know the founder of a nonprofit that helps women
who choose to bear children born of violent rape and incest.

So even though the CRIME of rape is wrong, and the men should still be punished by law,
the birth of loved children who are seen as gifts of God despite their way of coming into the world,
that gift and purpose these children serve is not tainted by the crimes of their fathers.

The fathers are still forgiven SPIRITUALLY, but their crimes must still be processed by law.
We still condemn the violence and damage done by rape,
even though some souls are brought into the world by this violent act.
I think Jesus was talking about the Roman soldiers when he said that.

Because within 40 to 100 years in various campaigns Jerusalem was totally destroyed and ever Jew expelled from it at the point of Roman swords and forbidden to return closer than Mt. Scopius.
No Christians I know vilify Jews over the death of Christ. Stating the fact is different than vilifying.
Not any more.

But as recently as a few decades ago Catholic private schools were indeed still doing so.
I attended a Catholic high school in Bergen County, NJ. My wife is a recovering Catholic. I do not have much love for the bastardized version of Christianity.

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