"Finding Jesus " vs "killing Jesus"

I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
Actually very few to no Christians vilify the Jews, that is an invention of the atheists who wish to divide by any means they can. Christians as a whole, have defended Israel and the Jews like no other.

It was Catholic doctrine for several centuries.
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
You apparently missed the story in the Christian bible about some dude named Moses leading the Jews out of slavery...and several others along with it.
for crying out loud that story is in the Torah (first five books of the OT) that is shared by Jews, Muslims and Christians.
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
Actually very few to no Christians vilify the Jews, that is an invention of the atheists who wish to divide by any means they can. Christians as a whole, have defended Israel and the Jews like no other.

It was Catholic doctrine for several centuries.
Prove it. I know for the last 65 years it has not been, so why even bring it up?

BTW, the statement was Christians.
^Jesus was a Neo-Essene who failed to become the Messiah that Jews always look for, so yes one of the greatest fake history hoaxes...in history... was to trick non-Jews into believing a failed Jewish Messiah is someone important, someone that could help them overcome Rome the empire, and then they had to morph that idiotic "revolution" concept and replace Rome with the concept of death.

I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.

What prophecy did Jews fulfill? And non-Jews who are Christian need to be redeemed from what exactly? Beside the obvious; believing in a plagiarized myth.
Hello Lucifer.

I know this is your Latin name given to you by St. Gerome who translated the Bible into Latin from the Greek.

Your Greek name is Diabolos.

Your Hebrew name is Ha Satan.
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
Actually very few to no Christians vilify the Jews, that is an invention of the atheists who wish to divide by any means they can. Christians as a whole, have defended Israel and the Jews like no other.

It was Catholic doctrine for several centuries.
Prove it. I know for the last 65 years it has not been, so why even bring it up?

BTW, the statement was Christians.
I would have to drag your azz back to my old Catholic school and sit you down with nuns who are on the verge of old age death at the moment.

You would not want me dragging your azz around.

It would not be pleasant.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, convincing the world he did not exist...
Well Jews know better because of the Book Of Job and Christians know better because of Jesus' many reference to "the Devil" (his English name from translation of the Greek Diabolos -- meaning diabolical in Greek).
Satan or Shaitan in Hebrew means adversary. I find the history of words interesting.
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
Actually very few to no Christians vilify the Jews, that is an invention of the atheists who wish to divide by any means they can. Christians as a whole, have defended Israel and the Jews like no other.

It was Catholic doctrine for several centuries.
Prove it. I know for the last 65 years it has not been, so why even bring it up?

BTW, the statement was Christians.
I would have to drag your azz back to my old Catholic school and sit you down with nuns who are on the verge of old age death at the moment.

You would not want me dragging your azz around.

It would not be pleasant.
I see, take your word for it, no thanks.
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
You apparently missed the story in the Christian bible about some dude named Moses leading the Jews out of slavery...and several others along with it.
for crying out loud that story is in the Torah (first five books of the OT) that is shared by Jews, Muslims and Christians.
Yup, borrowed by Christians -- mostly because of St. Gerome.

And plagiarized by moosleems for their fraud called the Quran.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, convincing the world he did not exist...
Well Jews know better because of the Book Of Job and Christians know better because of Jesus' many reference to "the Devil" (his English name from translation of the Greek Diabolos -- meaning diabolical in Greek).
Satan or Shaitan in Hebrew means adversary. I find the history of words interesting.
Literally Ha Satan or Shatan whether you pronound the SIN or the SHIN means "accuser".
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
Actually very few to no Christians vilify the Jews, that is an invention of the atheists who wish to divide by any means they can. Christians as a whole, have defended Israel and the Jews like no other.

It was Catholic doctrine for several centuries.
Prove it. I know for the last 65 years it has not been, so why even bring it up?

BTW, the statement was Christians.
I would have to drag your azz back to my old Catholic school and sit you down with nuns who are on the verge of old age death at the moment.

You would not want me dragging your azz around.

It would not be pleasant.
I see, take your word for it, no thanks.
Smart man/woman.

I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
You apparently missed the story in the Christian bible about some dude named Moses leading the Jews out of slavery...and several others along with it.
for crying out loud that story is in the Torah (first five books of the OT) that is shared by Jews, Muslims and Christians.
Yup, borrowed by Christians -- mostly because of St. Gerome.

And plagiarized by moosleems for their fraud called the Quran.
You really don't know much about Christianity and the whole meaning of Jesus. Maybe those nuns warped your brain.
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
You apparently missed the story in the Christian bible about some dude named Moses leading the Jews out of slavery...and several others along with it.
for crying out loud that story is in the Torah (first five books of the OT) that is shared by Jews, Muslims and Christians.
Yup, borrowed by Christians -- mostly because of St. Gerome.

And plagiarized by moosleems for their fraud called the Quran.
You really don't know much about Christianity and the whole meaning of Jesus. Maybe those nuns warped your brain.
You're pretty funny ass-u-me-ing so much when you speak/type.

I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
You apparently missed the story in the Christian bible about some dude named Moses leading the Jews out of slavery...and several others along with it.
for crying out loud that story is in the Torah (first five books of the OT) that is shared by Jews, Muslims and Christians.
Beyond the 1600+ separate prophecies fulfilled by Christ, the OT is also a great history book.
hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .

"duleing"? Does your school not teach proofreading until 8th grade?

BTW, it is based on Bill O'Reilly's book and is two years old.
hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .
Killing Jesus is based on the historical book by Bill O'Reilly documenting the account of the death of Jesus. It is absolutely appropriate at Easter and there is nothing antisemitic about it.
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
You apparently missed the story in the Christian bible about some dude named Moses leading the Jews out of slavery...and several others along with it.
for crying out loud that story is in the Torah (first five books of the OT) that is shared by Jews, Muslims and Christians.
So? It's still there. Do you have any doubt that the muslims want all Jews dead? How is that even in question. Also how is it that a religion that started 500 years after Christ have this story in it? What is the muslim version of this event? Can you fill me in on that? Readers digest version is fine. Make it short and sweet. I can't wait to hear how the muslims tell this story.
The way I understand it, Jesus had the power to prevent his own crucifixion but knew it was his cup to drink in order to do God's will. I'm certainly no Bible expert but believing in this has enabled me to be far more attentive to Jesus' sacrifice and far less to the actions of the Romans and especially the Jews.
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
I have never understood why some leftists TODAY vilify Christians and Jews.

...yet another example of the Left condemning others of exactly what they are guilty of.

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