"Finding Jesus " vs "killing Jesus"

I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.

Yeah. What is it with christians worshiping a Jew. the King of the Jews, while hating Jews?
Care to find a poster on this forum that has stood up for Jews and Jewish Israel more than I have?
btw, I worship the Father of Jesus Christ.
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hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .

"duleing"? Does your school not teach proofreading until 8th grade?

BTW, it is based on Bill O'Reilly's book and is two years old.
I'm going to have to read that book and give my opinion of it.
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
You apparently missed the story in the Christian bible about some dude named Moses leading the Jews out of slavery...and several others along with it.
for crying out loud that story is in the Torah (first five books of the OT) that is shared by Jews, Muslims and Christians.
Beyond the 1600+ separate prophecies fulfilled by Christ, the OT is also a great history book.
I'm half way thru the OT.
The civil wars between Israel and Judah can be terribly confusing.
Especially with so many having the same or similar names.
hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .

"duleing"? Does your school not teach proofreading until 8th grade?

BTW, it is based on Bill O'Reilly's book and is two years old.
I'm going to have to read that book and give my opinion of it.
Don't waste your time. O'Reilly's book merely regurgitates what is well known by most informed Christians.
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
You apparently missed the story in the Christian bible about some dude named Moses leading the Jews out of slavery...and several others along with it.
for crying out loud that story is in the Torah (first five books of the OT) that is shared by Jews, Muslims and Christians.
Beyond the 1600+ separate prophecies fulfilled by Christ, the OT is also a great history book.
I'm half way thru the OT.
The civil wars between Israel and Judah can be terribly confusing.
Especially with so many having the same or similar names.
I picked up a chronological copy of the OT. It helped to simplify things.
hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .
I don't know how old you are Timmy but as I have pointed out before in other threads your intellect is obviously that of a high schooler and your speech patters are like a high schooler too.

If you get a chance you should get a copy of Eusebius' one and only book written by him around 325 A.D. called "History Of The Church."

He explains that originally the Jews in the Roman Empire were very anti-Christian even to the extent of paying Romans to exterminate them.

This is what happened to St. Peter and St. Paul together at Rome.

then 3 centuries later when Constantine became Christian (after his father and mother) the shoe was on the other foot and the Romans -- now Christian -- became anti-Semitic.

This anti-Semitism became a heritage of the latter Catholic Church.

So Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, as Johnny Depp would say in Pirates Of The Caribbean, what goes around comes around too.


Spare me the lecture . We all enjoy playing CNN v Foxnews spin.

And I know all about Christianity and Easter . I did a nine year stink in catholic school . It really opens your eyes to what organized religion is about.
hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .

Timmy, I know you have an IQ of about 35, but you MIGHT want to check into what Easter is about....
hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .
I don't know how old you are Timmy but as I have pointed out before in other threads your intellect is obviously that of a high schooler and your speech patters are like a high schooler too.

If you get a chance you should get a copy of Eusebius' one and only book written by him around 325 A.D. called "History Of The Church."

He explains that originally the Jews in the Roman Empire were very anti-Christian even to the extent of paying Romans to exterminate them.

This is what happened to St. Peter and St. Paul together at Rome.

then 3 centuries later when Constantine became Christian (after his father and mother) the shoe was on the other foot and the Romans -- now Christian -- became anti-Semitic.

This anti-Semitism became a heritage of the latter Catholic Church.

So Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, as Johnny Depp would say in Pirates Of The Caribbean, what goes around comes around too.


Spare me the lecture . We all enjoy playing CNN v Foxnews spin.

And I know all about Christianity and Easter . I did a nine year stink in catholic school . It really opens your eyes to what organized religion is about.
That's impossible -- you could not have gotten into Catholic school nor lasted more than about a day.
hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .
I don't know how old you are Timmy but as I have pointed out before in other threads your intellect is obviously that of a high schooler and your speech patters are like a high schooler too.

If you get a chance you should get a copy of Eusebius' one and only book written by him around 325 A.D. called "History Of The Church."

He explains that originally the Jews in the Roman Empire were very anti-Christian even to the extent of paying Romans to exterminate them.

This is what happened to St. Peter and St. Paul together at Rome.

then 3 centuries later when Constantine became Christian (after his father and mother) the shoe was on the other foot and the Romans -- now Christian -- became anti-Semitic.

This anti-Semitism became a heritage of the latter Catholic Church.

So Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, as Johnny Depp would say in Pirates Of The Caribbean, what goes around comes around too.


Spare me the lecture . We all enjoy playing CNN v Foxnews spin.

And I know all about Christianity and Easter . I did a nine year stink in catholic school . It really opens your eyes to what organized religion is about.
That's impossible -- you could not have gotten into Catholic school nor lasted more than about a day.

He did a nine year stink?
I have never understood how some Christians vilify the Jews for fulfilling the prophecy and making their redemption possible.
You apparently missed the story in the Christian bible about some dude named Moses leading the Jews out of slavery...and several others along with it.
for crying out loud that story is in the Torah (first five books of the OT) that is shared by Jews, Muslims and Christians.
Beyond the 1600+ separate prophecies fulfilled by Christ, the OT is also a great history book.
I'm half way thru the OT.
The civil wars between Israel and Judah can be terribly confusing.
Especially with so many having the same or similar names.
I picked up a chronological copy of the OT. It helped to simplify things.
HIgh points --

4000 BCE - Adam & Eve

3000 BCE - Noah and the flood

2000 BCE - Egyptians and Hittites

1900 BCE - Abraham

1400 BCE - Exodus

1000 BCE - David and Solomon

800 BCE - Assyrians conquer Northern Israel

650 BCE - Babylonians conquer Southern Judea

450 BCE - Persians conquer Babylonians and release Jews to go back

400 BCE - End of the Protestant Old Testament

200 BCE - Maccabeans

60 BCE - Pompey conquers Judea

5 BCE - death of Herod The Great (Jesus 2 years old by then)

30 AD - Jesus' ministry begins

60 AD - Peter and Paul killed in Rome

100 AD - St. John writes the last book in the Bible -- The Gospel Of John.
hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .

Timmy, I know you have an IQ of about 35, but you MIGHT want to check into what Easter is about....

Easter is about Jesus being reborn. It's a celebration . Good Friday is about his death .

Did you go to catholic school? Do you even go to church ?
hmmm. Flipping thru news stations .

CNN and foxnews have duleing poorly produce Jesus specials .

Funny how fox can't help but take an ant Semite swipe with "killing" Jesus as a friggin Easter special .

I watched Killing Jesus and found it extremely accurate and quite interesting. Most important, the characters were typical of the time and location and I thought it was extremely well written and performed.

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