f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

Yeah, won't it just be GREAT when all of our interest rates go up? Awesome job tea mother fucking baggers.

I hereby pledge to kick Grover Norquist in the balls if he is ever within kicking distance.

I second that pledge.

But hey. This is what happens when sheeple actually hold public office. Live & learn, kids. Live and learn.
no, your facking teabasturds haven't done shat, where are the jobs? They didn't get elected to make the government default and lower its credit rating, go back and look at what they campaigned on, jobs, thats the lie that those fackers sold.

Flaylo do you realize how much like a pussy you sound when you say "FACKING" and "SHAT"?......if you are not allowed to use the bad words.....then use some other words like POOP or DARN.......:eusa_eh:
pelosi already said NO bass

She said the bill is dead in the water.

THe dems are being stupid in the senate, the house softened the bill a little for the dems to come on board and pelosi and the senate still say no!

Softened it? They added a mandatory balanced budget amendment.

and the problem with a balanced budget is?

a mandatory balanced budget per a Constitutional amendment? The problem is that sometimes governments run deficits for legitimate reasons, akin to companies issuing debt for legitimate reasons.
no, your facking teabasturds haven't done shat, where are the jobs? They didn't get elected to make the government default and lower its credit rating, go back and look at what they campaigned on, jobs, thats the lie that those fackers sold.

Flaylo do you realize how much like a pussy you sound when you say "FACKING" and "SHAT"?......if you are not allowed to use the bad words.....then use some other words like POOP or DARN.......:eusa_eh:

Darn right!
Obama 2012! (who can beat him? Seriously, who?)

Sarah Palin can and basically anyone.

Gallop Poll says "Republican Candidate" Extends Lead vs. Obama to 47% to 39%

PRINCETON, NJ -- Registered voters by a significant margin now say they are more likely to vote for the "Republican Party's candidate for president" than for President Barack Obama in the 2012 election, 47% to 39%.

Obama 2012! (who can beat him? Seriously, who?)

Sarah Palin can and basically anyone.

Gallop Poll says "Republican Candidate" Extends Lead vs. Obama to 47% to 39%

PRINCETON, NJ -- Registered voters by a significant margin now say they are more likely to vote for the "Republican Party's candidate for president" than for President Barack Obama in the 2012 election, 47% to 39%.


Too bad as soon as "Republican candidate" gets a real name, the lead disappears.
Obama 2012! (who can beat him? Seriously, who?)

Sarah Palin can and basically anyone.

Gallop Poll says "Republican Candidate" Extends Lead vs. Obama to 47% to 39%

PRINCETON, NJ -- Registered voters by a significant margin now say they are more likely to vote for the "Republican Party's candidate for president" than for President Barack Obama in the 2012 election, 47% to 39%.


Too bad as soon as "Republican candidate" gets a real name, the lead disappears.
Based on what? Elaborate
The right wing extremists in the treasonous Tea Party would rather destroy our economy than compromise. They are ignoring advice from the Wall Street Journal , Standard & Poor’s rating agency, the US Chamber of Commerce, the manufacturers’ association and even Grover Norquist, the Republican guru of anti-tax pledges. That's how extreme thay are. The Tea Party will do far more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever will.

It really does appear that insanity is involved. When you have all the facts and still yodel about the sweet air of freedom? That's messed up.
and the problem with a balanced budget is?

Dont both dems and reps want the budget balanced so we can stop adding to the debt in near future and get this problem under control? Or do the dems want to run unbalanced budgets?

How about balanced as in fair?? NOT just deep cuts. NOT just balanced on the backs of the weakest among us. How about increased taxes?? The rich have never paid less and oh my GOD I've never heard so much whining in my entire life. I'd rather be in the church nursery with 15 gassy babies than listen to anymore bitching by the rich.
Sarah Palin can and basically anyone.

Gallop Poll says "Republican Candidate" Extends Lead vs. Obama to 47% to 39%

PRINCETON, NJ -- Registered voters by a significant margin now say they are more likely to vote for the "Republican Party's candidate for president" than for President Barack Obama in the 2012 election, 47% to 39%.


Too bad as soon as "Republican candidate" gets a real name, the lead disappears.
Based on what? Elaborate

based on every poll taken in the past few months, with one excception for Romney +1 by Rasmussen.

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

General Election: Palin vs. Obama
Poll Date Sample Obama (D) Palin (R) Spread
RCP Average 6/2 - 7/17 -- 55.0 35.0 Obama +20.0
PPP (D) 7/15 - 7/17 928 RV 53 37 Obama +16
Quinnipiac 7/5 - 7/11 2311 RV 53 34 Obama +19
McClatchy/Marist 6/15 - 6/23 393 RV 56 30 Obama +26
FOX News 6/5 - 6/7 912 RV 56 35 Obama +21
Reuters/Ipsos 6/3 - 6/6 1132 A 57 34 Obama +23
ABC News/Wash Post 6/2 - 6/5 RV 55 40 Obama +15
More Polling Data | News
Based on what? Elaborate

based on every poll taken in the past few months, with one excception for Romney +1 by Rasmussen.

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

Poll the battle ground states and you get quite a different picture. You guys better stick with the national polls.

Then why did you post a national poll? Can you show us the results from battleground states to back your claim? Is Palin leading Obama in those?
based on every poll taken in the past few months, with one excception for Romney +1 by Rasmussen.

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

Poll the battle ground states and you get quite a different picture. You guys better stick with the national polls.

Then why did you post a national poll? Can you show us the results from battleground states to back your claim? Is Palin leading Obama in those?

Actually, what is hysterical is that an unnamed candidate is leading Obama in those polls. Essentially, the American people don't care who it is - it could be Adolf Hitler himself - they will vote for anyone just to get this Marxist nightmare out of office.
More "patriotism" on display.

Yeah, you go with that, whatever it takes to keep your brainwashed propaganda spewing. Your Dem Congress and Dem Senate and Dem President had an opportunity to address this situation a long time ago, before the Reps even took control of Congress. Where was their leadership then? Oh, that's right, they were recklessly spending us all into oblivion, and not even bothering to do a damn budget in the process. How long has it been since they've passed a budget? What kind of irresponsible idiots you support, maybe you should look in the mirror when it comes to lack of patriotism. Your party is destroying this country.

Clinton handed Bush a surplus. Bush handed Obama a deficit.

Our party is destroying the country?

Typical liberal misinformation and propaganda. Clinton handed Bush a projected surplus - not an actual surplus. And he did that by gutting defense of $1 trillion over 8 years. Of course, it was Clinton's complete deriliction of duty (read the book) and disregard for defense that allowed Al Qaeda to operate. They spent the entire Clinton Administration recruiting, training, planning, and financing the 9/11 attacks that occurred a mere 8 months after Clinton left office and still operating under his final budget which gutted defense. Sorry if W. had to clean up the mess created by Clinon's failure to do his job, but that's always what happens when a passivist, idealistic, idiot Dumbocrat is elected office. Ronald Reagan had to spend a fortune to get our military back up after Jimmy Carter's failures and W. had to spend a fortune after Clinton's failures. Now we'll need a Ronald Reagan-like hero to clean up the worse mess of all - Marxist Barack Hussein.
Poll the battle ground states and you get quite a different picture. You guys better stick with the national polls.

Then why did you post a national poll? Can you show us the results from battleground states to back your claim? Is Palin leading Obama in those?

Actually, what is hysterical is that an unnamed candidate is leading Obama in those polls. Essentially, the American people don't care who it is - it could be Adolf Hitler himself - they will vote for anyone just to get this Marxist nightmare out of office.

Except, as soon as you attach any Republican name - any - Obama is suddenly leading (and by a lot against most candidates.)

Unfortunately for cons, they can't run a campaign based on "Fill in the name later".
Obama 2012! (who can beat him? Seriously, who?)

Sarah Palin can and basically anyone.

Gallop Poll says "Republican Candidate" Extends Lead vs. Obama to 47% to 39%

PRINCETON, NJ -- Registered voters by a significant margin now say they are more likely to vote for the "Republican Party's candidate for president" than for President Barack Obama in the 2012 election, 47% to 39%.


Sarah Palin is a Joke.....someone out to make a Buck.........
Yeah, you go with that, whatever it takes to keep your brainwashed propaganda spewing. Your Dem Congress and Dem Senate and Dem President had an opportunity to address this situation a long time ago, before the Reps even took control of Congress. Where was their leadership then? Oh, that's right, they were recklessly spending us all into oblivion, and not even bothering to do a damn budget in the process. How long has it been since they've passed a budget? What kind of irresponsible idiots you support, maybe you should look in the mirror when it comes to lack of patriotism. Your party is destroying this country.

Clinton handed Bush a surplus. Bush handed Obama a deficit.

Our party is destroying the country?

Typical liberal misinformation and propaganda. Clinton handed Bush a projected surplus - not an actual surplus..

The unified budget was in surplus in 1998 and 2001.
The on-budget items were in surplus in 1999 and 2000.

Four years of surplus.
watching the right lately is like watching a bowl of golddfish swim fervently in a circle arround each other.

Just keep swiming

Watching the left is like watching goldfish who have died and are just floating upside down in the bowl. They do nothing, they stink, and they just take up space.

In November 2010, that's why America removed almost all of them in record numbers and it's why they'll remove the rest in 2012.

At least the right is actively swimming and trying to accomplish something. Unlike Barack Hussein who keeps passing the buck on leadership of the budget and wants to kick the can down the road once again on the $14 trillion debt.

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