f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

they aren't debating the paul ryan plan you retarted fucking moron of a dimocrat

There is a certain elegance of irony in misspelling the word retarded.

Irony, yes. But more than that, it reveals the educational deficit of the right. And that lack of an educational background in critical thinking skills reveals their intellectual shallowness. It's people like that who think that believing something means it must be true, otherwise they wouldn't believe it.
"No, America's credit rating isn't at risk because we can still service our debt even if the debt ceiling isn't raised."
And it shouldn't surprise anyone, therefore, that three of the talk radio heroes of the right (Rush, Hannity, and Beck) have no formal education past high school. Yeah, let's take their word regarding economic issues. And if they turn out to be wrong, they'll just blame Obama. What could be simpler than simpletons?

Of course they didn't - they were out in the real world working. Meanwhile, idiot Dumbocrats go from high school to more school where they sit around with idealistic child-like dreams of a utopia and imagine what might work if the world were totally perfect. It's why Dumbocrat policy ends in poverty and conservative policy ends in prosperity. Because while the Dumbocrats sit on their lazy asses and imagine idealistic scenario's while smoking pot like the modern day hippies they are, the conservative is actually out in the real world doing...
based on every poll taken in the past few months, with one excception for Romney +1 by Rasmussen.

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

Poll the battle ground states and you get quite a different picture. You guys better stick with the national polls.

Then why did you post a national poll? Can you show us the results from battleground states to back your claim? Is Palin leading Obama in those?

All you had to do was ask. You realize I posted the link twice yesterday.

Battleground Polls: Obama Headed for a 'Landslide' Loss? - Guy Benson

Can you handle the rest?
Thanks for proving how incredibly stupid the tea baggers are. Did you miss the part where I said I spent 20 years serving the country you baggers want to destroy?

The USSR collapsed because we outspent them. How did we do that? Why by deficit spending, of course.

Ronald Reagan got 18 raises to the debt ceiling...with clean bills I might add. No douche bag tea baggers wanting to bring about financial collapse and holding it hostage like the fucking terrorists they are.

Ronald Reagan didn't have a $14 trillion debt genius. And the Cold War is over. Reagan out spent them as part of a strategic plan - and it worked. He ended the Cold War without firing a single shot. Is there a cold war I'm not aware of that Barack Hussien is fighting?

Another glaring example of how your party simply doesn't get it - you're trying to use policy from a president who was in office 30 years ago , who was using spending as a strategic weapon against the greatest threat we faced, and who was not faced with a $14 trillion debt as reason to go $16 trillion in debt today. Great thinking there! Also, Reagan would not have had to spend that much had passivist Dumbocrat Jimmy Carter not neglected the military during his 4 years.

Thank you for your service. Truly. But it doesn't change the fact that you are bitter and want government to bring down this country with Marxism/Socialism/Communism so that everyone is "equal" in poverty.

What a delusional post.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich. And the Soviet Union did not collapse because Reagan outspent them. It would have collapsed anyway according to the CIA.

And there are no Marxist politicians in this country. Obama's plan to have everyone buy healthcare from for profit corporations is the same plan the Republicans endorsed in the 1990's. But the Republicans have moved so far to the right that they now are against their own plan.

In reality Obama is slightly to the left of Bush.

When the Marxist Barack Hussein took office - our national debt stood at $9 trillion. This is simply an undeniable, verifiable fact. Two and half years later, it stands at $14 trillion. This is also simply an undeniable, verifiable fact. That's an increase of 55% in only 2.5 years. So how could "Reagan and the two Bushes" be responsible for 93% of the national debt when Obama added 55% of it in the last 2.5 years alone?

The pie is only 100% - with your math we are at 148% (93% + 55% = 148%).

You simply have no idea what you are talking about, but you're all too happy to pop off at the mouth because that's what the left does. Ignore facts, act with violence, and spread propaganda. Additionally, the American people deserve to keep their hard earned money. Only you idiot Marxist/Socialist/Communists cry about cutting taxes because you idiot Marxist/Socialist/Communists believe you are entitled to reach into someone else's bank account and take what ever you want. It's the exact same philosophy that Joseph Stalin had - and we all saw how that ended.

Finally, Obama himself proved he was a Marxist. My comments have almost nothing to do with healthcare. If you recall, he was caught on camera telling "Joe the plumber" we have to "spread the wealth". That's Marxism moron. He's talked time and time again about taxing "those who can afford it" (love how the little Chavez-like dictator decides for himself who can afford what) to help those he deems in need (like big unions who are already filthy rich). You're just a blind sheep, slave to MSNBC, and completely unaware of the facts. And that's why the majority of America rejects you, your ideology, and your party. Because we don't want live like Cuba, even if you're dumb enough to....
Oh wow that 70 billion a year balances the budget.

Another class warfare clown.

70% of Americans are class warfare clowns in your world. Noted. Now I know not to take anything you claim seriously.

70 % of Americans want tax increases on the rich.

Now seeing as not one of those 70% will be affected, are you surprised at the number?

How can you put credence in that poll? Of course people will say "sure, as long as it doesnt affect me"

Why not do this....take a poll of who favors tax increases on everyone.

If that number comes in at 51% or more, I will personally cast my vote to tax JUST THE RICH....and I am a 5%er......

Of course they'll be affected. Clinton left office with a budget surplus, jobs were created, and the economy was strong. If you don't think that affect them, you're dreamin.
The right wing extremists in the treasonous Tea Party would rather destroy our economy than compromise. They are ignoring advice from the Wall Street Journal , Standard & Poor’s rating agency, the US Chamber of Commerce, the manufacturers’ association and even Grover Norquist, the Republican guru of anti-tax pledges. That's how extreme thay are. The Tea Party will do far more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever will.

What's hilarious is that you left-wing nuts keep saying that, when the absolute opposite is true. The GOP controlled House has now passed two bills - the Ryan Plan and the Cut, Cap, and Balance plan, each of which raised the debt ceiling.

The left wants the debt ceiling raised, and conservatives did that in both bills as part of their compromise. In exchange, they want a balanced budget amendment. The Dumbocrats refuse to compromise on that - they've given up nothing. Fascist Harry Reid won't even let the Senate take a vote on either of those bills. What are the liberals offering? Not a damn thing. They want to raise the debt ceiling and have no restrictions on future spending because they want to spend this nation into collapse so we can be like Cuba and all live "equally" in poverty.

You have no idea what you're talking about, you're not all informed about what is going on, but still you continue to talk. I'm embarassed for you. I would be ashamed to know nothing about a subject and yet keep giving my uninformed and reckless opinions on it.
Thank God for those tea party hobbits out to destroy mordor. Without them we would be looking at massive tax increases and more massive spending.

They are slaming the brakes on this train wreck. In 2012 we take the senate and the Presidency and go with Conni Mac's penny plan which stops the automatic increase of 7% of federal spending and reduce spending of a penny on the dollar every year for 7 years and balance the budet in 8 years and cap spending at 18% of GDP. When this is implemented you will see jobs gained in this country instead of the 400,000 layoffs we see each and every month.
If I am one so are the RINOS in the Repugs are too. I'm moderate with no preference for any president nor party, Democrats justify the socially sinful BS and Repugs feign like they are but do the same sinful things they call Democrats out on.

You're Jake Starkey, maybe you're really black too I don't know I don't care. I always think of Al Jolson when you post because I think you;re so full of shit you're pretend to be black too. Your new name: Amos Starkey

I'm black and conservative but not Republitard-Teabagger conservative, more like Colin Powell conservative.

So what you're saying is that you're a typical liberal? You believe the government should tell us what to do, take us much of our hard earned income as they want, waste it with reckless spending, then collapse the nation so we all end up in poverty like Cuba! Ok - at least we know where you are coming from now.

By the way, like a typical liberal, you completely contradict yourself. In one breath, you scream about how the GOP has spent us into oblivion. In the next breath, you bash the Tea Party for being "radical". Uhhhhhh......ok???

You're right about one thing - the GOP has spent recklessly for the past 60 years and are nothing more than Liberal Lite. Which is what gave rise to the Tea Party. Because the American people are tired of a choice between radical left-wing nut Marxists/Socialists/Communists like Barack Hussein and Liberal Lite like George W.
Softened it? They added a mandatory balanced budget amendment.

and the problem with a balanced budget is?

a mandatory balanced budget per a Constitutional amendment? The problem is that sometimes governments run deficits for legitimate reasons, akin to companies issuing debt for legitimate reasons.

"Sometimes governments run deficits for legitimate reasons" - LMAO!!! Spoken like a true Dumbocrat. There is no legitimate reason for spending more than you have. None. There are a lot of Socialist idiots out there who think exactly like you do and tried to use that same excuse with the banks on their mortgages. The banks didn't listen to such an asinine excuse. Instead, they foreclosed. It's time we foreclose on this unconstitutional monstrosity of a federal government.

If you can't afford it now, how will you afford it tomorrow when there is interest tacked on to the price tag? Good grief are Dumbocrats economically challenged.
Obama 2012! (who can beat him? Seriously, who?)

Well, since the polls currently show that an UNNAMED candidate would beat Obama in 2012, I'd say it's clear that anyone will beat him. It doesn't matter who it is. The GOP could roll out Elmer Fudd and he would win in a landslide over Barack Hussein.
WRAPUP 11-Republican rebels force new delay in US debt crisis | Reuters

beautiful. Finally, people who stick to what they believe. Fresh air never tasted so sweet. Liberty loving folk don't compromise with RINOs, socialists, or keynesians baby!

believe in? hurting America to win an election?

Barack Hussein is hurting America by spending us $14 trillion into debt to win an election. The Tea Party is trying to save America from collapse like Greece. It's simply amazing that you people will worship at the feet of failure, right to the bitter poverty-stricken end. When we're like Greece, completely broke and have rioting in the streets, I wonder if you'll still worship at the alter of Barack Hussein failure...
Thank God for those tea party hobbits out to destroy mordor. Without them we would be looking at massive tax increases and more massive spending.

They are slaming the brakes on this train wreck. In 2012 we take the senate and the Presidency and go with Conni Mac's penny plan which stops the automatic increase of 7% of federal spending and reduce spending of a penny on the dollar every year for 7 years and balance the budet in 8 years and cap spending at 18% of GDP. When this is implemented you will see jobs gained in this country instead of the 400,000 layoffs we see each and every month.

Sweetie? Nobody is going to vote for them after they trash the place. NOBODY.
Rott, I am American blood of American blood, Republican, a patriot, a veteran, a businessman, a father, a parent, a Christian, a success in the achieving the American dream, and a true-blue American who recognizes fakes like you.

Your type will not succeed.
Obama 2012! (who can beat him? Seriously, who?)

Well, since the polls currently show that an UNNAMED candidate would beat Obama in 2012, I'd say it's clear that anyone will beat him. It doesn't matter who it is. The GOP could roll out Elmer Fudd and he would win in a landslide over Barack Hussein.

It's clear you are talking out your butt. People are unhappy with Obama, for sure, but no Republican other than Romney or possibly Perry, today, have a chance.
Rott, I am American blood of American blood, Republican, a patriot, a veteran, a businessman, a father, a parent, a Christian, a success in the achieving the American dream, and a true-blue American who recognizes fakes like you.

Your type will not succeed.

If you are a republican as you claim, perhaps you could name a few policies you support. Take your time.
Rott, I am American blood of American blood, Republican, a patriot, a veteran, a businessman, a father, a parent, a Christian, a success in the achieving the American dream, and a true-blue American who recognizes fakes like you.

Your type will not succeed.

You have serious issues my friend. Why people like you pretend to be something they are not (like Republican) is mind boggling. You've bashed every single conservative policy, bill, politician, and pundit while supporting Barack Hussein, but you want everyone to think you are a "Republican". Seriously, what is wrong with you? I have to believe you are still in junior high with antics like that and your profoundly misinformed posts.
Rott, I am American blood of American blood, Republican, a patriot, a veteran, a businessman, a father, a parent, a Christian, a success in the achieving the American dream, and a true-blue American who recognizes fakes like you.

Your type will not succeed.

You need to take your meds, Jake. Seriously. They give them to you for a valid reason. When someone has such a terrible falling out with reality as you've clearly had, the meds help. They help you find peace in the crazyland you presently inhabit, and, maybe one day, you might find your way back to what the rest of us call "The Real World"
Rott, the issues are yours. That you cannot accept that your shuttered blinder views are so narrow that you can't see the world you is immaterial. Your lie is what it is, when I fact I have condemned where appropriate in the party, supported the Tea Party where I can, but when you guys want to blow up the building because you don't get your ways, then we will rub you out politically. We have done it here, and it will be done across the country.
Yeah, you go with that, whatever it takes to keep your brainwashed propaganda spewing. Your Dem Congress and Dem Senate and Dem President had an opportunity to address this situation a long time ago, before the Reps even took control of Congress. Where was their leadership then? Oh, that's right, they were recklessly spending us all into oblivion, and not even bothering to do a damn budget in the process. How long has it been since they've passed a budget? What kind of irresponsible idiots you support, maybe you should look in the mirror when it comes to lack of patriotism. Your party is destroying this country.

Clinton handed Bush a surplus. Bush handed Obama a deficit.

Our party is destroying the country?
Clinton capitalized on the phony dot com bubble and handed the bursting bubble to Bush
Seems all of that tax revenue from the dot com bubble helped a little no?
Loss of that tax revenue at the beginning of the bush tenure certainly didnt help much.
Nor did 9-11

But lets not let facts like that get in the way of an honest debate.

Spin much?
Clinton handed Bush a surplus. Bush handed Obama a deficit.

Our party is destroying the country?
Clinton capitalized on the phony dot com bubble and handed the bursting bubble to Bush
Seems all of that tax revenue from the dot com bubble helped a little no?
Loss of that tax revenue at the beginning of the bush tenure certainly didnt help much.
Nor did 9-11

But lets not let facts like that get in the way of an honest debate.

Spin much?

Which of those facts are spin? Dont get bashful.
The Pubs, bushies, Clinton, and Bush all together set up the conditions to tank the economy.

Both parties are at faul, both parties have to work together to begin the repair of the situation.

The fringe on the left and the right have to be isolated and ignored.

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