f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

AdHominemFrank playing the race card. I never said I was supporter of Obama, keep chewing those straws.

LOL Yeah You're not an Obama supporter. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol::lol: :lol::cuckoo::lol: :lol: :lol:

If I am one so are the RINOS in the Repugs are too. I'm moderate with no preference for any president nor party, Democrats justify the socially sinful BS and Repugs feign like they are but do the same sinful things they call Democrats out on.

You're Jake Starkey, maybe you're really black too I don't know I don't care. I always think of Al Jolson when you post because I think you're so full of shit you're pretend to be black too. Your new name: Amos Starkey
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Obama is looking at a loss so massive, so huge, so game changing that Jake Starkey and the Dems are going to think Mondale did great

I don't know what's going to happen in the upcoming presidential election. It's depends on who the Rep nominee is along with a host of other factors.

But I DO have a prediction. I predict that a LOT of Congressmen and women are going to get voted out of office over the next couple of elections, regardless of party, because the American people are really, Really, REALLY pissed off at this debt ceiling, budget argument impasse. It's absolutely ridiculous that it went on this long, this late. Hell, it's ridiculous that it happened at all. And conservatives in the House want to do it all again in a Part II just six months from now? That's just insanity.

The Repugs of the 80s and 90s were also very right wing but not this far to the right to the point of collapsing the country to make their party look better. The Teabaggers are definitely the problem and they don't care if they get voted out, this is their one shot to do the damage the Koch Brothers has pro.grammed them to do
LOL Yeah You're not an Obama supporter. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol::lol: :lol::cuckoo::lol: :lol: :lol:

If I am one so are the RINOS in the Repugs are too. I'm moderate with no preference for any president nor party, Democrats justify the socially sinful BS and Repugs feign like they are but do the same sinful things they call Democrats out on.

You're Jake Starkey, maybe you're really black too I don't know I don't care. I always think of Al Jolson when you post because I think you;re so full of shit you're pretend to be black too. Your new name: Amos Starkey

I'm black and conservative but not Republitard-Teabagger conservative, more like Colin Powell conservative.
Obama is looking at a loss so massive, so huge, so game changing that Jake Starkey and the Dems are going to think Mondale did great

I don't know what's going to happen in the upcoming presidential election. It's depends on who the Rep nominee is along with a host of other factors.

But I DO have a prediction. I predict that a LOT of Congressmen and women are going to get voted out of office over the next couple of elections, regardless of party, because the American people are really, Really, REALLY pissed off at this debt ceiling, budget argument impasse. It's absolutely ridiculous that it went on this long, this late. Hell, it's ridiculous that it happened at all. And conservatives in the House want to do it all again in a Part II just six months from now? That's just insanity.

It's called a workout. Insanity is giving the credit cards to a guy who proudly blows a Trillion hole in the budget and tell you to fuck off when you ask for his plan to balance it

You better do some research about the nature of spending that was run up when Bush was "The Decider" and Tom DeLay ran the House like a master runs a plantation. By the way, that's when earmarks exploded. DeLay used it as an insentive to get conservatives to abandon their principles and vote for more spending. Where was your outrage when that was going on? You know what I mean, don't you? Tax cuts not paid for. Medicare Part D not paid for. Wars off budget. Tax cuts DURING wars (that's a first).

I didn't hear much in the way of conservative complaints about that at the time. I heard a little. But I never heard anything remotely approaching the caterwauling that's going on now. At BEST, that's what's known as selective outrage. But it's far worse than that since what I hear from the right now is basically a revisionist history because most of you guys are pushing the notion that the debt is ALL due to Obama. And that's just plain bullshit.
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If it were another country trying to bring about our economic collapse, like these baggers are doing, the US would respond how?

HAHAHAH, Now the Tea Party is trying TO BRING our economic collapse. by asking for some "Restrictions" be placed on the raising of the dept ceiling so it doesn't give this idiot President ANOTHER TWO TRILLION to blow in the NEXT TWO YEARS..?????

can you people be any more dramatic.
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If it were another country trying to bring about our economic collapse, like these baggers are doing, the US would respond how?

HAHAHAH, Now the Tea Party is trying TO BRING our economic collapse. by asking for some "Restrictions" be place on the raising of the dept ceiling?????

can you people be any more dramatic.

By asking for the unrealistic BS they know will not pass.
I don't know what's going to happen in the upcoming presidential election. It's depends on who the Rep nominee is along with a host of other factors.

But I DO have a prediction. I predict that a LOT of Congressmen and women are going to get voted out of office over the next couple of elections, regardless of party, because the American people are really, Really, REALLY pissed off at this debt ceiling, budget argument impasse. It's absolutely ridiculous that it went on this long, this late. Hell, it's ridiculous that it happened at all. And conservatives in the House want to do it all again in a Part II just six months from now? That's just insanity.

It's called a workout. Insanity is giving the credit cards to a guy who proudly blows a Trillion hole in the budget and tell you to fuck off when you ask for his plan to balance it

You better do some research about the nature of spending that was run up when Bush was "The Decider" and Tom DeLay ran the House like a master runs a plantation. By the way, that's when earmarks exploded. DeLay used it as an insentive to get conservatives to abandon their principles and vote for more spending. Where was your outrage when that was going on? You know what I mean, don't you? Tax cuts not paid for. Medicare not paid for. Wars off budget. Tax cuts DURING wars (that's a first).

I didn't hear much in the way of conservative complaints about that at the time. I heard a little. But I never heard anything remotely approaching the caterwauling that's going on now. At BEST, that's what's known as selective outrage. But it's far worse than that since what I hear from the right now is basically a revisionist history because most of you guys are pushing the notion that the debt is ALL due to Obama. And that's just plain bullshit.

He's ignored the out of control "spending" by GOP presidents purposely and all the debt ran up before Obama took over.
If it were another country trying to bring about our economic collapse, like these baggers are doing, the US would respond how?

HAHAHAH, Now the Tea Party is trying TO BRING our economic collapse. by asking for some "Restrictions" be place on the raising of the dept ceiling?????

can you people be any more dramatic.

By asking for the unrealistic BS they know will not pass.

ONLY you IDIOTS and the Democrat party see them asking for a BLANCED BUDEGT AMENDMENT and NO NEW TAXES be placed on the AMERCIAN People, as being UNREALISTIC.

the AMERICAN people are seeing it, that is why the Obama is now down in the LOW 40's in just the LAST WEEK.

go Obama and Democrats go...We the people hope to see YA ALL GO in 2012
HAHAHAH, Now the Tea Party is trying TO BRING our economic collapse. by asking for some "Restrictions" be place on the raising of the dept ceiling?????

can you people be any more dramatic.

By asking for the unrealistic BS they know will not pass.

ONLY you IDIOTS and the Democrat party see them asking for a BLANCED BUDEGT AMENDMENT and NO NEW TAXES be placed on the AMERCIAN People, as being UNREALISTIC.

the AMERICAN people are seeing it, that is why the Obama is now down in the LOW 40's in just the LAST WEEK.

go Obama and Democrats go...We the people hope to see YA ALL GO in 2012

Like I said asking for the unrealistic by perpetrating false patriotism.
If I am one so are the RINOS in the Repugs are too. I'm moderate with no preference for any president nor party, Democrats justify the socially sinful BS and Repugs feign like they are but do the same sinful things they call Democrats out on.

You're Jake Starkey, maybe you're really black too I don't know I don't care. I always think of Al Jolson when you post because I think you;re so full of shit you're pretend to be black too. Your new name: Amos Starkey

I'm black and conservative but not Republitard-Teabagger conservative, more like Colin Powell conservative.

:eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar::cuckoo: :cuckoo::eusa_liar: :eusa_liar:
By asking for the unrealistic BS they know will not pass.

ONLY you IDIOTS and the Democrat party see them asking for a BLANCED BUDEGT AMENDMENT and NO NEW TAXES be placed on the AMERCIAN People, as being UNREALISTIC.

the AMERICAN people are seeing it, that is why the Obama is now down in the LOW 40's in just the LAST WEEK.

go Obama and Democrats go...We the people hope to see YA ALL GO in 2012

Like I said asking for the unrealistic by perpetrating false patriotism.

You can repeat that shit till you're blue in the face. But the People are SEEING the real TRUTH who is playing GAMES with this. and it is showing with the idiot BOYKING poll numbers. so read them and WEEP...boo hoo
We will pay now if we default, and it will be painful (but survivable), or we will raise the limit and be sold to the Chinese as slaves, later (there will be nothing left after the dems spend us into oblivion buying votes off of peope that are destroyers, not producers). And those politicians will be holed up in same "safe house" with your tax dollars that were embezzled from the American taxpayer, living like royalty.

Go T.E.A. party!!!!!!!
HAHAHAH, Now the Tea Party is trying TO BRING our economic collapse. by asking for some "Restrictions" be place on the raising of the dept ceiling?????

can you people be any more dramatic.

By asking for the unrealistic BS they know will not pass.

ONLY you IDIOTS and the Democrat party see them asking for a BLANCED BUDEGT AMENDMENT and NO NEW TAXES be placed on the AMERCIAN People, as being UNREALISTIC.

the AMERICAN people are seeing it, that is why the Obama is now down in the LOW 40's in just the LAST WEEK.

go Obama and Democrats go...We the people hope to see YA ALL GO in 2012

Only you idiots in the GOP and their jihad-like Tea Party caucus see that asking...no, not asking... DEMANDING that people who are struggling mightily already to make ALL the sacrifices for debt reduction as REALISTIC.

The AMERICAN people are seeing it and that's why the Shiite Tea Party is floundering with protests across the country. Go Rand Paul and the Tea Party Go... We the PEOPLE hope to see Y'ALL go in 2012.... btw, learn to spell. All it takes is a little time and effort... you know those little red squiggly lines underneath 3/4ths of you posts??? yeah.. those are typos.

EDIT: you Tea Party people blew your wad in 2010. Now you fucked it all up for being the demanding, spoiled, petulant assholes that you are. All or nothing never works.
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If I am one so are the RINOS in the Repugs are too. I'm moderate with no preference for any president nor party, Democrats justify the socially sinful BS and Repugs feign like they are but do the same sinful things they call Democrats out on.

You're Jake Starkey, maybe you're really black too I don't know I don't care. I always think of Al Jolson when you post because I think you;re so full of shit you're pretend to be black too. Your new name: Amos Starkey

I'm black and conservative but not Republitard-Teabagger conservative, more like Colin Powell conservative.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Suuuuuuurrrrrrrrreeeee you are....:lmao::lmao::lmao:
As you sit in your Mother's Basement eating twinkies and sipping hot chocolate with marshellows on top lib, remember this.

As your cheer, each and everyone of your Teabagger buddies lift their root beers and cheer, you are now supporting a group that views Military Pensions and Disabled Veterans Benefits as "Entitlements" and they would if they have their way, cut them from the budget. You will have effectively voted to end your own Retirement Pay. No Retirement Check. No Disability Check. No Medical Care. This is what you voted for. This is what you wanted. This is what you will get.

Each and ConJob/Repug/Teabagger who is Retired Military/U.S. Government Worker and support the ConJobs/Repugs/Teabaggers, you will, if the Baggers have their way have NO PENSION TO LIVE ON!!


i bet ya they dont look at those as something to stop......i bet thats what your saying.....
I don't know what's going to happen in the upcoming presidential election. It's depends on who the Rep nominee is along with a host of other factors.

But I DO have a prediction. I predict that a LOT of Congressmen and women are going to get voted out of office over the next couple of elections, regardless of party, because the American people are really, Really, REALLY pissed off at this debt ceiling, budget argument impasse. It's absolutely ridiculous that it went on this long, this late. Hell, it's ridiculous that it happened at all. And conservatives in the House want to do it all again in a Part II just six months from now? That's just insanity.

It's called a workout. Insanity is giving the credit cards to a guy who proudly blows a Trillion hole in the budget and tell you to fuck off when you ask for his plan to balance it

You better do some research about the nature of spending that was run up when Bush was "The Decider" and Tom DeLay ran the House like a master runs a plantation. By the way, that's when earmarks exploded. DeLay used it as an insentive to get conservatives to abandon their principles and vote for more spending. Where was your outrage when that was going on? You know what I mean, don't you? Tax cuts not paid for. Medicare Part D not paid for. Wars off budget. Tax cuts DURING wars (that's a first).

I didn't hear much in the way of conservative complaints about that at the time. I heard a little. But I never heard anything remotely approaching the caterwauling that's going on now. At BEST, that's what's known as selective outrage. But it's far worse than that since what I hear from the right now is basically a revisionist history because most of you guys are pushing the notion that the debt is ALL due to Obama. And that's just plain bullshit.

This is what scares most Americans about giving this Administration any more credit: they're just not grown up, they keep talking about Bush. Act like an adult for a change

You didn't hear me about Medicare D because you didn't want to listen
As you sit in your Mother's Basement eating twinkies and sipping hot chocolate with marshellows on top lib, remember this.

As your cheer, each and everyone of your Teabagger buddies lift their root beers and cheer, you are now supporting a group that views Military Pensions and Disabled Veterans Benefits as "Entitlements" and they would if they have their way, cut them from the budget. You will have effectively voted to end your own Retirement Pay. No Retirement Check. No Disability Check. No Medical Care. This is what you voted for. This is what you wanted. This is what you will get.

Each and ConJob/Repug/Teabagger who is Retired Military/U.S. Government Worker and support the ConJobs/Repugs/Teabaggers, you will, if the Baggers have their way have NO PENSION TO LIVE ON!!


i bet ya they dont look at those as something to stop......i bet thats what your saying.....

dems next argument. We dont have enough money to service the debt, we need to raise taxes.
It's called a workout. Insanity is giving the credit cards to a guy who proudly blows a Trillion hole in the budget and tell you to fuck off when you ask for his plan to balance it

You better do some research about the nature of spending that was run up when Bush was "The Decider" and Tom DeLay ran the House like a master runs a plantation. By the way, that's when earmarks exploded. DeLay used it as an insentive to get conservatives to abandon their principles and vote for more spending. Where was your outrage when that was going on? You know what I mean, don't you? Tax cuts not paid for. Medicare not paid for. Wars off budget. Tax cuts DURING wars (that's a first).

I didn't hear much in the way of conservative complaints about that at the time. I heard a little. But I never heard anything remotely approaching the caterwauling that's going on now. At BEST, that's what's known as selective outrage. But it's far worse than that since what I hear from the right now is basically a revisionist history because most of you guys are pushing the notion that the debt is ALL due to Obama. And that's just plain bullshit.

He's ignored the out of control "spending" by GOP presidents purposely and all the debt ran up before Obama took over.

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. ... It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal policies." -- Barack Hussein “Shovel-ready was not as … uh .. shovel-ready as we expected (laughs)" Failed Leader Obama

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