f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

In light of a community organizer who has over spent his budget by $5 trillion in only 2.5 years, how can you not support the Tea Party? It took this country 235 years to accumulate $9 trillion in debt, and Barack Hussein increased that by 55% in only 2.5 years.

Seriously Dumbocrats - how stupid are you people? Do you have no concept of what a trillion is? Do you realize that if each of you Dumbocrats live to 90 years old, you will not have lived for 3 billion seconds? That gives you and idea of a billion. A trillion is 1,000 billions. And we owe 14 of the 1,000 billions. Are you people capable of math? God almighty it's like trying to discuss this with small children.


14 trillion dollars in debt from mostly 30 years of Republitards running up deficits. You still have no answers for my questions, when has reduced taxes and tax cuts every spurred economic growth and reduced deficits?

So we're $14 trillion in debt, on the verge of collapse, and you're going to ignore that and ask about tax cuts? By the way, when Barack Hussien took office, we were $9 trillion in debt. That's right - it took the US 235 years to go $9 trillion in debt. He added $5 trillion (55% of that total) in only 2.5 years. So it was your idiot Marxist leader who ran up the debt, not the Republican's. But hey, when do liberals ever let facts get in the way?

To answer your questions about taxes - every single time they've been implemented. Reagan cut taxes deeper than anyone before him, and it ended the economic nightmare created by Jimmy Carter. Bush used them in 2003 and created economic expansion that roared for some 50 months and created 8.1 million jobs. President Bush signed the first wave of tax cuts in 2001, cutting rates and providing tax relief for families by, for example, doubling of the child tax credit to $1,000.

At Congress' insistence, the tax relief was initially phased in over many years, so the economy continued to lose jobs. In 2003, realizing its error, Congress made the earlier tax relief effective immediately. Congress also lowered tax rates on capital gains and dividends to encourage business investment, which had been lagging.

It was the then that the economy turned around. Within months of enactment, job growth shot up, eventually creating 8.1 million jobs through 2007. Tax revenues also increased after the Bush tax cuts, due to economic growth.

Perhaps if you took more time to get the facts, you wouldn't be rooting for the team that is collapsing this nation with Marxism/Socialism/Communism. I've answered your questions with cold, hard, facts. How about you answer mine now - what's your plan for the $14 trillion debt (soon to be $16 if Dumbocrats have their way). You're totally comfortable with that kind of nation-collapsing debt? Amazing...

Delusional moron gives Foxnews blabber instead of giving direct answers to the data presented, data that shows that Mr Reagan ran deficits every year he was in office, the same with both Bushs', facts don't lie, lower taxes, tax cuts and trickle does not work but you still keep throwing you collective, dimwitted dead weight behind failed ideology. Keep repeating what the problem is while ignoring that the proposed solution of those you worship is a proven failure that has already been tested.
The right wing extremists in the treasonous Tea Party would rather destroy our economy than compromise. They are ignoring advice from the Wall Street Journal , Standard & Poor’s rating agency, the US Chamber of Commerce, the manufacturers’ association and even Grover Norquist, the Republican guru of anti-tax pledges. That's how extreme thay are. The Tea Party will do far more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever will.

The right wing extremists in the treasonous Tea Party would rather destroy our economy than compromise. They are ignoring advice from the Wall Street Journal , Standard & Poor’s rating agency, the US Chamber of Commerce, the manufacturers’ association and even Grover Norquist, the Republican guru of anti-tax pledges. That's how extreme thay are. The Tea Party will do far more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever will.

If bin Laden was still alive, he would be cheering on those freshman teaparty House Republicans while laughing at their stupidity.

You people are losing it. good grief.

Not at all. Anything that hurts America would automatically be applauded by al Qaeda. A self-inclicted wound like the market uncertainty of the debt ceiling debacle which could lead to a downgrade in our credit rating would be even more welcome by bin Laden and his ilk. And I'm going to tell you exactly why.

First of all, bin Laden could point to the supposed weakness of our system of governance that allowed such a thing to happen.

Secondly, a downgrade in America's credit rating would mean the US would have to pay billions more in interest on the debt, thereby making it financially more difficult for the US to prosecute the war against al Qaeda.
If bin Laden was still alive, he would be cheering on those freshman teaparty House Republicans while laughing at their stupidity.

You people are losing it. good grief.

Not at all. Anything that hurts America would automatically be applauded by al Qaeda. A self-inclicted wound like the market uncertainty of the debt ceiling debacle which could lead to a downgrade in our credit rating would be even more welcome by bin Laden and his ilk. And I'm going to tell you exactly why.

First of all, bin Laden could point to the supposed weakness of our system of governance that allowed such a thing to happen.

Secondly, a downgrade in America's credit rating would mean the US would have to pay billions more in interest on the debt, thereby making it financially more difficult for the US to prosecute the war against al Qaeda.

Too bad you all didn't THINK of that when the Obama was going off on his TWO TRILLION dollar SPENDING spree in JUST A LITTLE OVER TWO YEARS. Which is why we are NOW IN THIS position TODAY.
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with each passing day that they stick to their promises, they become even more popular with the American people.

CNN Poll: Unfavorable view of tea party on the rise – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Edited to add: just noticed that poll is from late march. Anyone know of a more recent one?

Oh wow - a poll from a left-wing website shows that the Tea Party is not "popular"? Guess what, Fox News polls show the Tea Party at all time high. You have to do better than left-wing CNN for your "facts" about the Tea Party my friend.

Ah yes, those wiley lefites at CNN! Shall I go to a neutral source like Newsmax or Accuracy in Media instead?

Maybe a poll of Rush listeners?
CNN Poll: Unfavorable view of tea party on the rise – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Edited to add: just noticed that poll is from late march. Anyone know of a more recent one?

Oh wow - a poll from a left-wing website shows that the Tea Party is not "popular"? Guess what, Fox News polls show the Tea Party at all time high. You have to do better than left-wing CNN for your "facts" about the Tea Party my friend.

Ah yes, those wiley lefites at CNN! Shall I go to a neutral source like Newsmax or Accuracy in Media instead?

Maybe a poll of Rush listeners?

NO, just a reputable poll take such as Rasmussen or Gallop..
but CNN, please.
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You people are losing it. good grief.

Not at all. Anything that hurts America would automatically be applauded by al Qaeda. A self-inclicted wound like the market uncertainty of the debt ceiling debacle which could lead to a downgrade in our credit rating would be even more welcome by bin Laden and his ilk. And I'm going to tell you exactly why.

First of all, bin Laden could point to the supposed weakness of our system of governance that allowed such a thing to happen.

Secondly, a downgrade in America's credit rating would mean the US would have to pay billions more in interest on the debt, thereby making it financially more difficult for the US to prosecute the war against al Qaeda.

Too bad you all didn't THINK of that when the Obama was going off on his TWO TRILLION dollar SPENDING spree in JUST A LITTLE OVER TWO YEARS. Which is why we are NOW IN THIS position TODAY.

No, it isn't.

They hype of the right is why we're in this position today.

A very LARGE portion of the debt we're facing today was run up by Bush and his Republican majority in the House (under DeLay) and the Senate.

National debt by U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The tanking economy contributed to the debt because of both falling tax reciepts, increasing expenditures for unemployment payments and foodstamps to keep people from becoming homeless, and the stimulus which helped the States meet their financial obligations and meet their public payrolls instead of laying off cops, teachers, and other workers. The stimulus spending was also an attempt to replace private sector spending which had shrunk because of the bad economy. All of these actions never would have been taken if the economy hadn't tanked.

What's happened in the past two years is a kind of a conservative revisionist history by trying to lay all the blame for the debt on Obama's shoulders. Hey, when the previous president passed tax cuts that weren't paid for, fought two wars without paying for them (because he didn't raise taxes to pay for them and kept the war spending off-budget through the use of spending "supplementals"), passed a prescription drug plan without paying for it, what do you think is going to happen to the national debt? It didn't just appear when Obama took office regardless what talk radio partisans say.
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The Tea Party is disliked by most American even more than they dislike the far left in our politics. The apathy of America is wreaking a havoc on our culture and economy and politics. As more and more Americans wake to the causes, they will demand the solution come from the center, not the far right or the far left.

LOL, if they want to KEEP THEIR FREEDOMS, they will never vote Democrat or for MORE BIG GOVERNMENT.

just saying.

Steph, the Tea Party wants big government fascism to turn back the tide to the 1950s and early 1960s. Since the Tea Party does not have the votes, it will have to use Big Government tactics on abortion, gays, universal marriage, race relations, etc.
14 trillion dollars in debt from mostly 30 years of Republitards running up deficits. You still have no answers for my questions, when has reduced taxes and tax cuts every spurred economic growth and reduced deficits?

So we're $14 trillion in debt, on the verge of collapse, and you're going to ignore that and ask about tax cuts? By the way, when Barack Hussien took office, we were $9 trillion in debt. That's right - it took the US 235 years to go $9 trillion in debt. He added $5 trillion (55% of that total) in only 2.5 years. So it was your idiot Marxist leader who ran up the debt, not the Republican's. But hey, when do liberals ever let facts get in the way?

To answer your questions about taxes - every single time they've been implemented. Reagan cut taxes deeper than anyone before him, and it ended the economic nightmare created by Jimmy Carter. Bush used them in 2003 and created economic expansion that roared for some 50 months and created 8.1 million jobs. President Bush signed the first wave of tax cuts in 2001, cutting rates and providing tax relief for families by, for example, doubling of the child tax credit to $1,000.

At Congress' insistence, the tax relief was initially phased in over many years, so the economy continued to lose jobs. In 2003, realizing its error, Congress made the earlier tax relief effective immediately. Congress also lowered tax rates on capital gains and dividends to encourage business investment, which had been lagging.

It was the then that the economy turned around. Within months of enactment, job growth shot up, eventually creating 8.1 million jobs through 2007. Tax revenues also increased after the Bush tax cuts, due to economic growth.

Perhaps if you took more time to get the facts, you wouldn't be rooting for the team that is collapsing this nation with Marxism/Socialism/Communism. I've answered your questions with cold, hard, facts. How about you answer mine now - what's your plan for the $14 trillion debt (soon to be $16 if Dumbocrats have their way). You're totally comfortable with that kind of nation-collapsing debt? Amazing...

Delusional moron gives Foxnews blabber instead of giving direct answers to the data presented, data that shows that Mr Reagan ran deficits every year he was in office, the same with both Bushs', facts don't lie, lower taxes, tax cuts and trickle does not work but you still keep throwing you collective, dimwitted dead weight behind failed ideology. Keep repeating what the problem is while ignoring that the proposed solution of those you worship is a proven failure that has already been tested.

Are you skipping your meds again?

Oh wow - a poll from a left-wing website shows that the Tea Party is not "popular"? Guess what, Fox News polls show the Tea Party at all time high. You have to do better than left-wing CNN for your "facts" about the Tea Party my friend.

Ah yes, those wiley lefites at CNN! Shall I go to a neutral source like Newsmax or Accuracy in Media instead?

Maybe a poll of Rush listeners?

NO, just a reputable poll take such as Rasmussen or Gallop..
but CNN, please.

Gallop? How about Gallup:

In U.S., Negative Views of the Tea Party Rise to New High
Not at all. Anything that hurts America would automatically be applauded by al Qaeda. A self-inclicted wound like the market uncertainty of the debt ceiling debacle which could lead to a downgrade in our credit rating would be even more welcome by bin Laden and his ilk. And I'm going to tell you exactly why.

First of all, bin Laden could point to the supposed weakness of our system of governance that allowed such a thing to happen.

Secondly, a downgrade in America's credit rating would mean the US would have to pay billions more in interest on the debt, thereby making it financially more difficult for the US to prosecute the war against al Qaeda.

Too bad you all didn't THINK of that when the Obama was going off on his TWO TRILLION dollar SPENDING spree in JUST A LITTLE OVER TWO YEARS. Which is why we are NOW IN THIS position TODAY.

No, it isn't.

They hype of the right is why we're in this position today.

A very LARGE portion of the debt we're facing today was run up by Bush and his Republican majority in the House (under DeLay) and the Senate.

National debt by U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The tanking economy contributed to the debt because of both falling tax reciepts, increasing expenditures for unemployment payments and foodstamps to keep people from becoming homeless, and the stimulus which helped the States meet their financial obligations and meet their public payrolls instead of laying off cops, teachers, and other workers. The stimulus spending was also an attempt to replace private sector spending which had shrunk because of the bad economy. All of these actions never would have been taken if the economy hadn't tanked.

What's happened in the past two years is a kind of a conservative revisionist history by trying to lay all the blame for the debt on Obama's shoulders. Hey, when the previous president passed tax cuts that weren't paid for, fought two wars without paying for them (because he didn't raise taxes to pay for them and kept the war spending off-budget through the use of spending "supplementals), passed a prescription drug plan without paying for it, what do you think is going to happen to the national debt? It didn't just appear when Obama took office regardless what talk radio partisans say.

In the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan. FACT.... he accomplished this in less that TWO YEARS.
Too bad you all didn't THINK of that when the Obama was going off on his TWO TRILLION dollar SPENDING spree in JUST A LITTLE OVER TWO YEARS. Which is why we are NOW IN THIS position TODAY.

No, it isn't.

They hype of the right is why we're in this position today.

A very LARGE portion of the debt we're facing today was run up by Bush and his Republican majority in the House (under DeLay) and the Senate.

National debt by U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The tanking economy contributed to the debt because of both falling tax reciepts, increasing expenditures for unemployment payments and foodstamps to keep people from becoming homeless, and the stimulus which helped the States meet their financial obligations and meet their public payrolls instead of laying off cops, teachers, and other workers. The stimulus spending was also an attempt to replace private sector spending which had shrunk because of the bad economy. All of these actions never would have been taken if the economy hadn't tanked.

What's happened in the past two years is a kind of a conservative revisionist history by trying to lay all the blame for the debt on Obama's shoulders. Hey, when the previous president passed tax cuts that weren't paid for, fought two wars without paying for them (because he didn't raise taxes to pay for them and kept the war spending off-budget through the use of spending "supplementals), passed a prescription drug plan without paying for it, what do you think is going to happen to the national debt? It didn't just appear when Obama took office regardless what talk radio partisans say.

In the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan. FACT.... he accomplished this in less that TWO YEARS.

The Republicans had nothing to do with that?

The Bushies had nothing to do with that?
The Tea Party is disliked by most American even more than they dislike the far left in our politics. The apathy of America is wreaking a havoc on our culture and economy and politics. As more and more Americans wake to the causes, they will demand the solution come from the center, not the far right or the far left.

LOL, if they want to KEEP THEIR FREEDOMS, they will never vote Democrat or for MORE BIG GOVERNMENT.

just saying.

Steph, the Tea Party wants big government fascism to turn back the tide to the 1950s and early 1960s. Since the Tea Party does not have the votes, it will have to use Big Government tactics on abortion, gays, universal marriage, race relations, etc.

Jake, you and your fellow libs. are friggin losing it with each passing day that the Obamas polls fall. Now you're going off into.................. twilight zone.
The right wing extremists in the treasonous Tea Party would rather destroy our economy than compromise. They are ignoring advice from the Wall Street Journal , Standard & Poor’s rating agency, the US Chamber of Commerce, the manufacturers’ association and even Grover Norquist, the Republican guru of anti-tax pledges. That's how extreme thay are. The Tea Party will do far more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever will.

oooooooooooooooooooo, they have not been called...
granny killers
kitten eaters
ANTI-TAXERS...and this one is the one that gets me. That we have people BITCHING about not being able to raise TAXES on the People, so this greedy ass Government CAN SPEND MORE..I never thought I'd see this day. But here they are..

AND the best of all, that little ole insignificant TEA PARTY is NOW THE FAULT FOR EVERYTHING...
you can't make this shit up folks.


No, but you're close. Man made Global Warming is the cause of everything that is wrong with the world. Get with the program here will ya!
Ah yes, those wiley lefites at CNN! Shall I go to a neutral source like Newsmax or Accuracy in Media instead?

Maybe a poll of Rush listeners?

NO, just a reputable poll take such as Rasmussen or Gallop..
but CNN, please.

Gallop? How about Gallup:

In U.S., Negative Views of the Tea Party Rise to New High

LOL, you gotta love the people who are DEMOCRATS and their favorability/unfavorable numbers shown.

And 20% have NEVER heard of the Tea Party.
LOL, if they want to KEEP THEIR FREEDOMS, they will never vote Democrat or for MORE BIG GOVERNMENT.

just saying.

Steph, the Tea Party wants big government fascism to turn back the tide to the 1950s and early 1960s. Since the Tea Party does not have the votes, it will have to use Big Government tactics on abortion, gays, universal marriage, race relations, etc.

Jake, you and your fellow libs. are friggin losing it with each passing day that the Obamas polls fall. Now you're going off into.................. twilight zone.

Your Tea Party is far lower in the standings right along with the Dems and the Pubs. Focus, Steph, Focus. http://www.gallup.com/poll/147308/negative-views-tea-party-rise-new-high.aspx It's rather stupid to talk about polls and then ignore them on your side. Real stupid.

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Delusion? USAR, teapartysamurai, Fool-Auto, bigrebnc, and all the rest are sane? Really?
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...beautiful. Finally, people who stick to what they believe. Fresh air never tasted so sweet. Liberty loving folk don't compromise with RINOs, socialists, or keynesians baby!

So do Maoists, communists, fascists and other fanatics, hardly something to praise. The narrow minded everywhere sing the tea party song: 'Cliff or no cliff here we go.' I actually went by a church today that had a quotation that 'life means change.' That's was one interesting and sorta nice thought from that church.

The beginning of thought is in disagreement - not only with others but also with ourselves." Eric Hoffer

They don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Remember the Marxist party is that of the less or non-educated.

They're the laymen workers who can do nothing more than dig a hole...

They understand wealth but they don't know how to get it....

These are the same asshats that believe our teachers are doing a fine job...... Because you know - they know everything there is to know....
What is the point of debating a delusional nitwit who posts complete horseshit?

Complete what? This is actually data Mr Ad-hominem, you are the delusional one.

Your characterization of the data is complete horseshit. Libtards can look at a triangle and say "circle." There's no point in debating such deluded imbeciles. They aren't capable of absorbing facts and logic.

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