f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

with each passing day that they stick to their promises, they become even more popular with the American people.

CNN Poll: Unfavorable view of tea party on the rise – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Edited to add: just noticed that poll is from late march. Anyone know of a more recent one?

Oh wow - a poll from a left-wing website shows that the Tea Party is not "popular"? Guess what, Fox News polls show the Tea Party at all time high. You have to do better than left-wing CNN for your "facts" about the Tea Party my friend.

Did Fox hack a dead girl's cell phone to get that information?
Obama has single handedly destroyed all the gains made by the black middle class the past 30 years and has run up black unemployment to 16%. Grow a fucking sac and tell him "enough!"

The fact you think the current economic situation is single handedly Obama's fault speaks volumes.

Not just Obama's, all the Democrats

"We own the economy" -- DNC

The Tea Party is disliked by most American even more than they dislike the far left in our politics. The apathy of America is wreaking a havoc on our culture and economy and politics. As more and more Americans wake to the causes, they will demand the solution come from the center, not the far right or the far left.
In light of the below evidence from the last 30 years, how can anyone say that the Teabagger plan will work?:

U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Every Republitard president has run a deficit and not one surplus in the past 30 years, especially Reagan, the ones they like to worship. Notice that there was no reduction in deficit nor increase in revenue with lowered taxes, the holy commandment of Republitard gospel to generate revenue and stimulate economy, they've all ran deficits and increased the size of govt.

In light of a community organizer who has over spent his budget by $5 trillion in only 2.5 years, how can you not support the Tea Party? It took this country 235 years to accumulate $9 trillion in debt, and Barack Hussein increased that by 55% in only 2.5 years.

Seriously Dumbocrats - how stupid are you people? Do you have no concept of what a trillion is? Do you realize that if each of you Dumbocrats live to 90 years old, you will not have lived for 3 billion seconds? That gives you and idea of a billion. A trillion is 1,000 billions. And we owe 14 of the 1,000 billions. Are you people capable of math? God almighty it's like trying to discuss this with small children.


14 trillion dollars in debt from mostly 30 years of Republitards running up deficits. You still have no answers for my questions, when has reduced taxes and tax cuts every spurred economic growth and reduced deficits?

So we're $14 trillion in debt, on the verge of collapse, and you're going to ignore that and ask about tax cuts? By the way, when Barack Hussien took office, we were $9 trillion in debt. That's right - it took the US 235 years to go $9 trillion in debt. He added $5 trillion (55% of that total) in only 2.5 years. So it was your idiot Marxist leader who ran up the debt, not the Republican's. But hey, when do liberals ever let facts get in the way?

To answer your questions about taxes - every single time they've been implemented. Reagan cut taxes deeper than anyone before him, and it ended the economic nightmare created by Jimmy Carter. Bush used them in 2003 and created economic expansion that roared for some 50 months and created 8.1 million jobs. President Bush signed the first wave of tax cuts in 2001, cutting rates and providing tax relief for families by, for example, doubling of the child tax credit to $1,000.

At Congress' insistence, the tax relief was initially phased in over many years, so the economy continued to lose jobs. In 2003, realizing its error, Congress made the earlier tax relief effective immediately. Congress also lowered tax rates on capital gains and dividends to encourage business investment, which had been lagging.

It was the then that the economy turned around. Within months of enactment, job growth shot up, eventually creating 8.1 million jobs through 2007. Tax revenues also increased after the Bush tax cuts, due to economic growth.

Perhaps if you took more time to get the facts, you wouldn't be rooting for the team that is collapsing this nation with Marxism/Socialism/Communism. I've answered your questions with cold, hard, facts. How about you answer mine now - what's your plan for the $14 trillion debt (soon to be $16 if Dumbocrats have their way). You're totally comfortable with that kind of nation-collapsing debt? Amazing...
The Tea Party is disliked by most American even more than they dislike the far left in our politics. The apathy of America is wreaking a havoc on our culture and economy and politics. As more and more Americans wake to the causes, they will demand the solution come from the center, not the far right or the far left.

The vast majority of Americans support spending cuts, Progressives do not
We may need a default just to put an end to the crackpot tea partiers once and for all.

keep dreaming dear. The crackpot Democrats have more of a chance to go this next election, just as a LOT of them did the last.

so we be hoping THEY KEEP IT UP..

The majority NOW BLAME Obama and the Democrats in the latest polls. tsk tsk
The Tea Party is disliked by most American even more than they dislike the far left in our politics. The apathy of America is wreaking a havoc on our culture and economy and politics. As more and more Americans wake to the causes, they will demand the solution come from the center, not the far right or the far left.

LOL, if they want to KEEP THEIR FREEDOMS, they will never vote Democrat or for MORE BIG GOVERNMENT.

just saying.
In light of a community organizer who has over spent his budget by $5 trillion in only 2.5 years, how can you not support the Tea Party? It took this country 235 years to accumulate $9 trillion in debt, and Barack Hussein increased that by 55% in only 2.5 years.

Seriously Dumbocrats - how stupid are you people? Do you have no concept of what a trillion is? Do you realize that if each of you Dumbocrats live to 90 years old, you will not have lived for 3 billion seconds? That gives you and idea of a billion. A trillion is 1,000 billions. And we owe 14 of the 1,000 billions. Are you people capable of math? God almighty it's like trying to discuss this with small children.


14 trillion dollars in debt from mostly 30 years of Republitards running up deficits. You still have no answers for my questions, when has reduced taxes and tax cuts every spurred economic growth and reduced deficits?

So we're $14 trillion in debt, on the verge of collapse, and you're going to ignore that and ask about tax cuts? By the way, when Barack Hussien took office, we were $9 trillion in debt. That's right - it took the US 235 years to go $9 trillion in debt. He added $5 trillion (55% of that total) in only 2.5 years. So it was your idiot Marxist leader who ran up the debt, not the Republican's. But hey, when do liberals ever let facts get in the way?

To answer your questions about taxes - every single time they've been implemented. Reagan cut taxes deeper than anyone before him, and it ended the economic nightmare created by Jimmy Carter. Bush used them in 2003 and created economic expansion that roared for some 50 months and created 8.1 million jobs. President Bush signed the first wave of tax cuts in 2001, cutting rates and providing tax relief for families by, for example, doubling of the child tax credit to $1,000.

At Congress' insistence, the tax relief was initially phased in over many years, so the economy continued to lose jobs. In 2003, realizing its error, Congress made the earlier tax relief effective immediately. Congress also lowered tax rates on capital gains and dividends to encourage business investment, which had been lagging.

It was the then that the economy turned around. Within months of enactment, job growth shot up, eventually creating 8.1 million jobs through 2007. Tax revenues also increased after the Bush tax cuts, due to economic growth.

Perhaps if you took more time to get the facts, you wouldn't be rooting for the team that is collapsing this nation with Marxism/Socialism/Communism. I've answered your questions with cold, hard, facts. How about you answer mine now - what's your plan for the $14 trillion debt (soon to be $16 if Dumbocrats have their way). You're totally comfortable with that kind of nation-collapsing debt? Amazing...

Perhaps, you had better check YOUR facts.

National debt by U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The right wing extremists in the treasonous Tea Party would rather destroy our economy than compromise. They are ignoring advice from the Wall Street Journal , Standard & Poor’s rating agency, the US Chamber of Commerce, the manufacturers’ association and even Grover Norquist, the Republican guru of anti-tax pledges. That's how extreme thay are. The Tea Party will do far more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever will.
In light of the below evidence from the last 30 years, how can anyone say that the Teabagger plan will work?:

U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Every Republitard president has run a deficit and not one surplus in the past 30 years, especially Reagan, the ones they like to worship. Notice that there was no reduction in deficit nor increase in revenue with lowered taxes, the holy commandment of Republitard gospel to generate revenue and stimulate economy, they've all ran deficits and increased the size of govt.

What is the point of debating a delusional nitwit who posts complete horseshit?
WRAPUP 11-Republican rebels force new delay in US debt crisis | Reuters

beautiful. Finally, people who stick to what they believe. Fresh air never tasted so sweet. Liberty loving folk don't compromise with RINOs, socialists, or keynesians baby!

Without compromise we can have no government - period. The Founding Fathers knew that - that's why they made compromises - and the teabaggers know it - that's why they won't make compromises - they want no government.

Think about this folks - to form this nation required that people made a compromise on the issue of SLAVERY. Sorry but I can think of no bigger compromise than that.
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The right wing extremists in the treasonous Tea Party would rather destroy our economy than compromise. They are ignoring advice from the Wall Street Journal , Standard & Poor’s rating agency, the US Chamber of Commerce, the manufacturers’ association and even Grover Norquist, the Republican guru of anti-tax pledges. That's how extreme thay are. The Tea Party will do far more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever will.

If bin Laden was still alive, he would be cheering on those freshman teaparty House Republicans while laughing at their stupidity.
In light of the below evidence from the last 30 years, how can anyone say that the Teabagger plan will work?:

U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Every Republitard president has run a deficit and not one surplus in the past 30 years, especially Reagan, the ones they like to worship. Notice that there was no reduction in deficit nor increase in revenue with lowered taxes, the holy commandment of Republitard gospel to generate revenue and stimulate economy, they've all ran deficits and increased the size of govt.

What is the point of debating a delusional nitwit who posts complete horseshit?

Complete what? This is actually data Mr Ad-hominem, you are the delusional one.
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The right wing extremists in the treasonous Tea Party would rather destroy our economy than compromise. They are ignoring advice from the Wall Street Journal , Standard & Poor’s rating agency, the US Chamber of Commerce, the manufacturers’ association and even Grover Norquist, the Republican guru of anti-tax pledges. That's how extreme thay are. The Tea Party will do far more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever will.

Retardeddimocrat Alert.
The right wing extremists in the treasonous Tea Party would rather destroy our economy than compromise. They are ignoring advice from the Wall Street Journal , Standard & Poor’s rating agency, the US Chamber of Commerce, the manufacturers’ association and even Grover Norquist, the Republican guru of anti-tax pledges. That's how extreme thay are. The Tea Party will do far more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever will.

Treasonous? :muahaha:

Any credibility you may have had......however small......is totally gone. Go look up the word treason and explain just how the TP is treasonous. :cuckoo:
The right wing extremists in the treasonous Tea Party would rather destroy our economy than compromise. They are ignoring advice from the Wall Street Journal , Standard & Poor’s rating agency, the US Chamber of Commerce, the manufacturers’ association and even Grover Norquist, the Republican guru of anti-tax pledges. That's how extreme thay are. The Tea Party will do far more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever will.

oooooooooooooooooooo, they have not been called...
granny killers
kitten eaters
ANTI-TAXERS...and this one is the one that gets me. That we have people BITCHING about not being able to raise TAXES on the People, so this greedy ass Government CAN SPEND MORE..I never thought I'd see this day. But here they are..

AND the best of all, that little ole insignificant TEA PARTY is NOW THE FAULT FOR EVERYTHING...
you can't make this shit up folks.

...beautiful. Finally, people who stick to what they believe. Fresh air never tasted so sweet. Liberty loving folk don't compromise with RINOs, socialists, or keynesians baby!

So do Maoists, communists, fascists and other fanatics, hardly something to praise. The narrow minded everywhere sing the tea party song: 'Cliff or no cliff here we go.' I actually went by a church today that had a quotation that 'life means change.' That's was one interesting and sorta nice thought from that church.

The beginning of thought is in disagreement - not only with others but also with ourselves." Eric Hoffer
The right wing extremists in the treasonous Tea Party would rather destroy our economy than compromise. They are ignoring advice from the Wall Street Journal , Standard & Poor’s rating agency, the US Chamber of Commerce, the manufacturers’ association and even Grover Norquist, the Republican guru of anti-tax pledges. That's how extreme thay are. The Tea Party will do far more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever will.

If bin Laden was still alive, he would be cheering on those freshman teaparty House Republicans while laughing at their stupidity.

You people are losing it. good grief.

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