f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

In light of the below evidence from the last 30 years, how can anyone say that the Teabagger plan will work?:

U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Every Republitard president has run a deficit and not one surplus in the past 30 years, especially Reagan, the ones they like to worship. Notice that there was no reduction in deficit nor increase in revenue with lowered taxes, the holy commandment of Republitard gospel to generate revenue and stimulate economy, they've all ran deficits and increased the size of govt.

In light of a community organizer who has over spent his budget by $5 trillion in only 2.5 years, how can you not support the Tea Party? It took this country 235 years to accumulate $9 trillion in debt, and Barack Hussein increased that by 55% in only 2.5 years.

Seriously Dumbocrats - how stupid are you people? Do you have no concept of what a trillion is? Do you realize that if each of you Dumbocrats live to 90 years old, you will not have lived for 3 billion seconds? That gives you and idea of a billion. A trillion is 1,000 billions. And we owe 14 of the 1,000 billions. Are you people capable of math? God almighty it's like trying to discuss this with small children.

watching the right lately is like watching a bowl of golddfish swim fervently in a circle arround each other.

Just keep swiming
with each passing day that they stick to their promises, they become even more popular with the American people.

CNN Poll: Unfavorable view of tea party on the rise – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Edited to add: just noticed that poll is from late march. Anyone know of a more recent one?

Here's another one from March with a different take...

Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics

March 30, 2011 (his) and April 5, 2010 (yours).

What? :eusa_eh:
watching the right lately is like watching a bowl of golddfish swim fervently in a circle arround each other.

Just keep swiming

And watching the left is like watching those goldfish that didnt survive the night. Floating on the top waiting to be flushed down the toilet.
The treasonous Tea Party is going to do great damage to America.

They are delusional.
Republitards, still no proper reply to the compiled 30 years worth of data? Do they support lower taxes and tax cuts for the rich spur economic growth and reduce deficits? Do they create surpluses?? I'm waiting. Kind of hard to argue against data for which rightwing propaganda has no defense against.

The Paul Ryan budget that every one of these tea party extremists voted FOR requiresraising the debt ceiling.

they aren't debating the paul ryan plan you retarted fucking moron of a dimocrat

There is a certain elegance of irony in misspelling the word retarded.

Irony, yes. But more than that, it reveals the educational deficit of the right. And that lack of an educational background in critical thinking skills reveals their intellectual shallowness. It's people like that who think that believing something means it must be true, otherwise they wouldn't believe it.
"No, America's credit rating isn't at risk because we can still service our debt even if the debt ceiling isn't raised."
And it shouldn't surprise anyone, therefore, that three of the talk radio heroes of the right (Rush, Hannity, and Beck) have no formal education past high school. Yeah, let's take their word regarding economic issues. And if they turn out to be wrong, they'll just blame Obama. What could be simpler than simpletons?
Typical tea bagger...talking with his mouth full. It is in defaulting on our loans that will bring about an economic collapse.

I've had a job since I was 13 and then served my country for 20 years. What branch of service were you in bagger?

Yep, you worked since you were 13 at minimum wage jobs, never trying to improve yourself, and like a typical Dumbocrat, you have nothing but hate and bitterness towards those that have done better than you in life.

Sorry my friend, but dragging others down to your level through Marxism/Socialism/Communism may make you feel better, but it will collapse this nation. While you sit stewing with venom and hate towards successful people, the rest of the world is busy learning from the failed policies of liberals. Greece has collapsed and has daily riots because of the idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. The U.S.S.R. completely collapsed under the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. Cuba has existed in a state of perpetual poverty since Fidel Castro took over by force as a dictator and implemented the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. And now the US is $14 trillion in debt and on the verge of collapse because of the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. How much evidence does the idiot Dumbocrat need to realize that liberal policy = poverty?

I would sumbit they already know it will create poverty, but in their bitter little minds, that's what they want because then everyone would be "equal" - equally wallowing in poverty. God bless you my friend. I pray some day you can get over your bitterness and envy towards those who were more successful than you in life.

Thanks for proving how incredibly stupid the tea baggers are. Did you miss the part where I said I spent 20 years serving the country you baggers want to destroy?

The USSR collapsed because we outspent them. How did we do that? Why by deficit spending, of course.

Ronald Reagan got 18 raises to the debt ceiling...with clean bills I might add. No douche bag tea baggers wanting to bring about financial collapse and holding it hostage like the fucking terrorists they are.

Ronald Reagan didn't have a $14 trillion debt genius. And the Cold War is over. Reagan out spent them as part of a strategic plan - and it worked. He ended the Cold War without firing a single shot. Is there a cold war I'm not aware of that Barack Hussien is fighting?

Another glaring example of how your party simply doesn't get it - you're trying to use policy from a president who was in office 30 years ago , who was using spending as a strategic weapon against the greatest threat we faced, and who was not faced with a $14 trillion debt as reason to go $16 trillion in debt today. Great thinking there! Also, Reagan would not have had to spend that much had passivist Dumbocrat Jimmy Carter not neglected the military during his 4 years.

Thank you for your service. Truly. But it doesn't change the fact that you are bitter and want government to bring down this country with Marxism/Socialism/Communism so that everyone is "equal" in poverty.
Let me get this straight. You honestly believe if we don't raise the Debt Ceiling by August 3 that there will not be any negative results from that?

Let me get this straight - you honestly believe that if we raise the debt ceiling and go from $14 trillion in debt to $16 trillion in debt, that there won't be any negative results from that? Seriously?!?!?

I don't care what we default on. I don't care if the skies fall and people die in the streets. The spending has to stop. We here at this "crisis" because past generations did exactly what the Dumbocrats are doing now - spending recklessly and kicking the can down the road. It has to end with us. Period. No matter how much it hurts. We owe that it to our children and grandchildren to be more considerate than our Dumbocrat parents and grandparents were to us.

The Paul Ryan budget that every one of these tea party extremists voted FOR requires raising the debt ceiling.

Exactly! It's called compromise - the Ryan plan and the Cut, Cap, and Balance plan both raised the ceiling in exchange for a balanced budget amendment. And both were not even voted in by Fascist Reid and Obama. Because they won't compromise. They want a blank check to spend this nation into collapse. And all the Tea Party representatives are trying to do is get spending under control and force government to be fiscally responsible (sad that we have to force them, if they were adults they would be fiscally responsible simply because it's the right thing to do).

You just exposed Barack Hussein and your party for the rigid, uncompromising jack-ass's that they are. The American people know that it is the Dumbocrats that are responsible for this debt and for their failure to compromise to reach a solution.
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Yep, you worked since you were 13 at minimum wage jobs, never trying to improve yourself, and like a typical Dumbocrat, you have nothing but hate and bitterness towards those that have done better than you in life.

Sorry my friend, but dragging others down to your level through Marxism/Socialism/Communism may make you feel better, but it will collapse this nation. While you sit stewing with venom and hate towards successful people, the rest of the world is busy learning from the failed policies of liberals. Greece has collapsed and has daily riots because of the idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. The U.S.S.R. completely collapsed under the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. Cuba has existed in a state of perpetual poverty since Fidel Castro took over by force as a dictator and implemented the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. And now the US is $14 trillion in debt and on the verge of collapse because of the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. How much evidence does the idiot Dumbocrat need to realize that liberal policy = poverty?

I would sumbit they already know it will create poverty, but in their bitter little minds, that's what they want because then everyone would be "equal" - equally wallowing in poverty. God bless you my friend. I pray some day you can get over your bitterness and envy towards those who were more successful than you in life.

Thanks for proving how incredibly stupid the tea baggers are. Did you miss the part where I said I spent 20 years serving the country you baggers want to destroy?

The USSR collapsed because we outspent them. How did we do that? Why by deficit spending, of course.

Ronald Reagan got 18 raises to the debt ceiling...with clean bills I might add. No douche bag tea baggers wanting to bring about financial collapse and holding it hostage like the fucking terrorists they are.

Ronald Reagan didn't have a $14 trillion debt genius. And the Cold War is over. Reagan out spent them as part of a strategic plan - and it worked. He ended the Cold War without firing a single shot. Is there a cold war I'm not aware of that Barack Hussien is fighting?

Another glaring example of how your party simply doesn't get it - you're trying to use policy from a president who was in office 30 years ago , who was using spending as a strategic weapon against the greatest threat we faced, and who was not faced with a $14 trillion debt as reason to go $16 trillion in debt today. Great thinking there! Also, Reagan would not have had to spend that much had passivist Dumbocrat Jimmy Carter not neglected the military during his 4 years.

Thank you for your service. Truly. But it doesn't change the fact that you are bitter and want government to bring down this country with Marxism/Socialism/Communism so that everyone is "equal" in poverty.

What a delusional post.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich. And the Soviet Union did not collapse because Reagan outspent them. It would have collapsed anyway according to the CIA.

And there are no Marxist politicians in this country. Obama's plan to have everyone buy healthcare from for profit corporations is the same plan the Republicans endorsed in the 1990's. But the Republicans have moved so far to the right that they now are against their own plan.

In reality Obama is slightly to the left of Bush.
In light of the below evidence from the last 30 years, how can anyone say that the Teabagger plan will work?:

U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Every Republitard president has run a deficit and not one surplus in the past 30 years, especially Reagan, the ones they like to worship. Notice that there was no reduction in deficit nor increase in revenue with lowered taxes, the holy commandment of Republitard gospel to generate revenue and stimulate economy, they've all ran deficits and increased the size of govt.

In light of a community organizer who has over spent his budget by $5 trillion in only 2.5 years, how can you not support the Tea Party? It took this country 235 years to accumulate $9 trillion in debt, and Barack Hussein increased that by 55% in only 2.5 years.

Seriously Dumbocrats - how stupid are you people? Do you have no concept of what a trillion is? Do you realize that if each of you Dumbocrats live to 90 years old, you will not have lived for 3 billion seconds? That gives you and idea of a billion. A trillion is 1,000 billions. And we owe 14 of the 1,000 billions. Are you people capable of math? God almighty it's like trying to discuss this with small children.


14 trillion dollars in debt from mostly 30 years of Republitards running up deficits. You still have no answers for my questions, when has reduced taxes and tax cuts every spurred economic growth and reduced deficits?
with each passing day that they stick to their promises, they become even more popular with the American people.

CNN Poll: Unfavorable view of tea party on the rise – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Edited to add: just noticed that poll is from late march. Anyone know of a more recent one?

Oh wow - a poll from a left-wing website shows that the Tea Party is not "popular"? Guess what, Fox News polls show the Tea Party at all time high. You have to do better than left-wing CNN for your "facts" about the Tea Party my friend.

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