f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

Obama has single handedly destroyed all the gains made by the black middle class the past 30 years and has run up black unemployment to 16%. Grow a fucking sac and tell him "enough!"

The fact you think the current economic situation is single handedly Obama's fault speaks volumes.

Had it happened during the Bush Administration (over the same period of time) you and your hypocritical ilk would absolutely have fully blamed President Bush.
Then why the fuck wasn't it addressed?

I'm not Seawytch or anyone else's keeper. We're talking about you and I Willow, nobody else. Though I notice you are trying to deflect while trying to equate Seawytch's usage of teabagger to your usage of the word retard.
Typical tea bagger...talking with his mouth full. It is in defaulting on our loans that will bring about an economic collapse.

I've had a job since I was 13 and then served my country for 20 years. What branch of service were you in bagger?

Yep, you worked since you were 13 at minimum wage jobs, never trying to improve yourself, and like a typical Dumbocrat, you have nothing but hate and bitterness towards those that have done better than you in life.

Sorry my friend, but dragging others down to your level through Marxism/Socialism/Communism may make you feel better, but it will collapse this nation. While you sit stewing with venom and hate towards successful people, the rest of the world is busy learning from the failed policies of liberals. Greece has collapsed and has daily riots because of the idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. The U.S.S.R. completely collapsed under the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. Cuba has existed in a state of perpetual poverty since Fidel Castro took over by force as a dictator and implemented the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. And now the US is $14 trillion in debt and on the verge of collapse because of the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. How much evidence does the idiot Dumbocrat need to realize that liberal policy = poverty?

I would sumbit they already know it will create poverty, but in their bitter little minds, that's what they want because then everyone would be "equal" - equally wallowing in poverty. God bless you my friend. I pray some day you can get over your bitterness and envy towards those who were more successful than you in life.

Hmm, last time I looked, this collapse is a capitalist one, as they attempted to buy their way out of their failing system. And capitalism by definition creates poverty & creates division. You might note the gap between the rich & middle class. LOL!

Clearly you don't "check" or you check with MSNBC, because our entire collapse was created by Marxist/Socialist/Communist government policies of the Dumbocrats. It was Bill Clinton who signed the bill forcing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make loans to people who didn't qualify, because Marxists/Socialists/Communists believe that everyone should have a home whether they can afford one or not. As those people who could not afford the home they were in started to go under water, they survived by placing more and more costs on credit cards. After enough people defaulted on the homes and the cards, the banks could no longer recoup the costs of the loan, and the bottom fell out.

This is what happens when government gets involved with "regulations". Had Dumbocrat Bill Clinton stayed the hell out of the private housing market, we would not have experienced this collapse.
Obama added more taxes at the last minute because he did not negotiate in good faith

What, you just noticed that Obama was in favor of tax increases for the wealthiest Americans? Republican refuse to even allow taxes to be on the table. 70% of Americans are in favor of increased taxes on the rich. Good faith requires he represent their interests. :clap2:

Oh wow that 70 billion a year balances the budget.

Another class warfare clown.

Who claimed it would balance the budget?
Obama has single handedly destroyed all the gains made by the black middle class the past 30 years and has run up black unemployment to 16%. Grow a fucking sac and tell him "enough!"

The fact you think the current economic situation is single handedly Obama's fault speaks volumes.

The recession ended in early 09. How much more time do democrats need to get off their ass?
Had it happened during the Bush Administration (over the same period of time) you and your hypocritical ilk would absolutely have fully blamed President Bush.

The current economic situation is the result of actions taken over the last thirty years. No one person or group gets full blame for this.

However, if you wish to simply have a discussion where you project your masturbatory what ifs, be my guest but I rather have a discussion about the issues at hand.
Obama has single handedly destroyed all the gains made by the black middle class the past 30 years and has run up black unemployment to 16%. Grow a fucking sac and tell him "enough!"

The fact you think the current economic situation is single handedly Obama's fault speaks volumes.

By no means Obamas fault single handedly.
He campaigned to watch every penny and he has by no means made things better. To the contrary, he made things worse.
Obama added more taxes at the last minute because he did not negotiate in good faith

What, you just noticed that Obama was in favor of tax increases for the wealthiest Americans? Republican refuse to even allow taxes to be on the table. 70% of Americans are in favor of increased taxes on the rich. Good faith requires he represent their interests. :clap2:

Oh wow that 70 billion a year balances the budget.

Another class warfare clown.

70% of Americans are class warfare clowns in your world. Noted. Now I know not to take anything you claim seriously.
Yep, you worked since you were 13 at minimum wage jobs, never trying to improve yourself, and like a typical Dumbocrat, you have nothing but hate and bitterness towards those that have done better than you in life.

Sorry my friend, but dragging others down to your level through Marxism/Socialism/Communism may make you feel better, but it will collapse this nation. While you sit stewing with venom and hate towards successful people, the rest of the world is busy learning from the failed policies of liberals. Greece has collapsed and has daily riots because of the idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. The U.S.S.R. completely collapsed under the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. Cuba has existed in a state of perpetual poverty since Fidel Castro took over by force as a dictator and implemented the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. And now the US is $14 trillion in debt and on the verge of collapse because of the same idiot Socialist liberal policies you Dumbocrats advocate. How much evidence does the idiot Dumbocrat need to realize that liberal policy = poverty?

I would sumbit they already know it will create poverty, but in their bitter little minds, that's what they want because then everyone would be "equal" - equally wallowing in poverty. God bless you my friend. I pray some day you can get over your bitterness and envy towards those who were more successful than you in life.

Hmm, last time I looked, this collapse is a capitalist one, as they attempted to buy their way out of their failing system. And capitalism by definition creates poverty & creates division. You might note the gap between the rich & middle class. LOL!

Clearly you don't "check" or you check with MSNBC, because our entire collapse was created by Marxist/Socialist/Communist government policies of the Dumbocrats. It was Bill Clinton who signed the bill forcing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make loans to people who didn't qualify,

Fannie and Freddie didn't make loans to any homebuyers. of any income or credit worthiness. During any administration.

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What, you just noticed that Obama was in favor of tax increases for the wealthiest Americans? Republican refuse to even allow taxes to be on the table. 70% of Americans are in favor of increased taxes on the rich. Good faith requires he represent their interests. :clap2:

Oh wow that 70 billion a year balances the budget.

Another class warfare clown.

70% of Americans are class warfare clowns in your world. Noted. Now I know not to take anything you claim seriously.

All men are created equal, except in taxes, racial preferences ........ETC. APPROVED GOVERNMENT DISCRIMINATION.

No I cant take you seriously
What, you just noticed that Obama was in favor of tax increases for the wealthiest Americans? Republican refuse to even allow taxes to be on the table. 70% of Americans are in favor of increased taxes on the rich. Good faith requires he represent their interests. :clap2:

Oh wow that 70 billion a year balances the budget.

Another class warfare clown.

70% of Americans are class warfare clowns in your world. Noted. Now I know not to take anything you claim seriously.

70 % of Americans want tax increases on the rich.

Now seeing as not one of those 70% will be affected, are you surprised at the number?

How can you put credence in that poll? Of course people will say "sure, as long as it doesnt affect me"

Why not do this....take a poll of who favors tax increases on everyone.

If that number comes in at 51% or more, I will personally cast my vote to tax JUST THE RICH....and I am a 5%er......
Then why the fuck wasn't it addressed?

I'm not Seawytch or anyone else's keeper. We're talking about you and I Willow, nobody else. Though I notice you are trying to deflect while trying to equate Seawytch's usage of teabagger to your usage of the word retard.

You aren't my keeper either MODMORON, if you let their vile language slide regarding the tea party then expect to get it back,, if I can be called a "CU**" then I can fucking use the word retard. so keep defending her vileness and you;ll reap you sow.
In light of the below evidence from the last 30 years, how can anyone say that the Teabagger plan will work?:

U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Every Republitard president has run a deficit and not one surplus in the past 30 years, especially Reagan, the ones they like to worship. Notice that there was no reduction in deficit nor increase in revenue with lowered taxes, the holy commandment of Republitard gospel to generate revenue and stimulate economy, they've all ran deficits and increased the size of govt.

Republitards, still no proper reply to the compiled 30 years worth of data? Do they support lower taxes and tax cuts for the rich spur economic growth and reduce deficits? Do they create surpluses?? I'm waiting. Kind of hard to argue against data for which rightwing propaganda has no defense against.
The far right wing is playing class warfare. OK, let's resolve this mess, then concentrate on eliminating the influence of the Tea Party. Then let's take down the far left hard heads. Build the center, eliminate the extremes.
As confused as you are......

Should I be surprised?

Let me get this straight. You honestly believe if we don't raise the Debt Ceiling by August 3 that there will not be any negative results from that?

Let me get this straight - you honestly believe that if we raise the debt ceiling and go from $14 trillion in debt to $16 trillion in debt, that there won't be any negative results from that? Seriously?!?!?

I don't care what we default on. I don't care if the skies fall and people die in the streets. The spending has to stop. We here at this "crisis" because past generations did exactly what the Dumbocrats are doing now - spending recklessly and kicking the can down the road. It has to end with us. Period. No matter how much it hurts. We owe that it to our children and grandchildren to be more considerate than our Dumbocrat parents and grandparents were to us.
In light of the below evidence from the last 30 years, how can anyone say that the Teabagger plan will work?:

U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Every Republitard president has run a deficit and not one surplus in the past 30 years, especially Reagan, the ones they like to worship. Notice that there was no reduction in deficit nor increase in revenue with lowered taxes, the holy commandment of Republitard gospel to generate revenue and stimulate economy, they've all ran deficits and increased the size of govt.

Republitards, still no proper reply to the compiled 30 years worth of data? Do they support lower taxes and tax cuts for the rich spur economic growth and reduce deficits? Do they create surpluses?? I'm waiting. Kind of hard to argue against data for which rightwing propaganda has no defense against.

[BYeah, won't it just be GREAT when all of our interest rates go up? Awesome job tea mother fucking baggers.

I hereby pledge to kick Grover Norquist in the balls if he is ever within kicking distance.

RETARDED dimocrats
As confused as you are......

Should I be surprised?

Let me get this straight. You honestly believe if we don't raise the Debt Ceiling by August 3 that there will not be any negative results from that?

Let me get this straight - you honestly believe that if we raise the debt ceiling and go from $14 trillion in debt to $16 trillion in debt, that there won't be any negative results from that? Seriously?!?!?

I don't care what we default on. I don't care if the skies fall and people die in the streets. The spending has to stop. We here at this "crisis" because past generations did exactly what the Dumbocrats are doing now - spending recklessly and kicking the can down the road. It has to end with us. Period. No matter how much it hurts. We owe that it to our children and grandchildren to be more considerate than our Dumbocrat parents and grandparents were to us.

The Paul Ryan budget that every one of these tea party extremists voted FOR requires raising the debt ceiling.
In light of the below evidence from the last 30 years, how can anyone say that the Teabagger plan will work?:

U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Every Republitard president has run a deficit and not one surplus in the past 30 years, especially Reagan, the ones they like to worship. Notice that there was no reduction in deficit nor increase in revenue with lowered taxes, the holy commandment of Republitard gospel to generate revenue and stimulate economy, they've all ran deficits and increased the size of govt.

Republitards, still no proper reply to the compiled 30 years worth of data? Do they support lower taxes and tax cuts for the rich spur economic growth and reduce deficits? Do they create surpluses?? I'm waiting. Kind of hard to argue against data for which rightwing propaganda has no defense against.

The far right wing is playing class warfare. OK, let's resolve this mess, then concentrate on eliminating the influence of the Tea Party. Then let's take down the far left hard heads. Build the center, eliminate the extremes.

The Tea Party is Not Extreme. Unless of course you view living within your means extreme.
The far right wing is playing class warfare. OK, let's resolve this mess, then concentrate on eliminating the influence of the Tea Party. Then let's take down the far left hard heads. Build the center, eliminate the extremes.

The Tea Party is the center my lost little MSNBC friend. They are asking the government to be fiscally responsible and constitutionally legal. What is radical about that? They advocate everything our founders built this country on - if that's radical in your mind then you are a Marxist/Socialist/Communist buffoon. George Washington, John Adams, and Ben Franklin were not "radicals" - and there is nothing "radical" about the Constitution. That's all the Tea Party is advocating - constiutional, fiscally responsible government.

That's how far the political spectrum in this country has shifted to the left. Being a left-wing nut liberal now makes you a "right-wing nut" and being an actual conservative (ie the Tea Party) makes you "radical" in the minds of the lost little Marxist/Socialist/Communist MSNBC crowd....

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