f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

Steph, the Tea Party wants big government fascism to turn back the tide to the 1950s and early 1960s. Since the Tea Party does not have the votes, it will have to use Big Government tactics on abortion, gays, universal marriage, race relations, etc.

Actually, except for the 13th and 14the Amendments, I'd like to turn the clock back to 1860, but I'm not in the TEA party. I think they are too willing to compromise.
Steph, the Tea Party wants big government fascism to turn back the tide to the 1950s and early 1960s. Since the Tea Party does not have the votes, it will have to use Big Government tactics on abortion, gays, universal marriage, race relations, etc.

Actually, except for the 13th and 14the Amendments, I'd like to turn the clock back to 1860, but I'm not in the TEA party. I think they are too willing to compromise.
You think states should be able to tell blacks they can't vote?
Obama is looking at a loss so massive, so huge, so game changing that Jake Starkey and the Dems are going to think Mondale did great
What is the point of debating a delusional nitwit who posts complete horseshit?

Complete what? This is actually data Mr Ad-hominem, you are the delusional one.

Your characterization of the data is complete horseshit. Libtards can look at a triangle and say "circle." There's no point in debating such deluded imbeciles. They aren't capable of absorbing facts and logic.

Read the data for yourself, the data show that no Republitard president over the last 30 years has presided over a surplus, nor have they reduced spending, nor have lower taxes and tax cuts balanced and budgets. Read for yourself, why so emotional, Foxnews didn't give you a prepared statement for "rebut" this data?
Obama is looking at a loss so massive, so huge, so game changing that Jake Starkey and the Dems are going to think Mondale did great

I don't know what's going to happen in the upcoming presidential election. It's depends on who the Rep nominee is along with a host of other factors.

But I DO have a prediction. I predict that a LOT of Congressmen and women are going to get voted out of office over the next couple of elections, regardless of party, because the American people are really, Really, REALLY pissed off at this debt ceiling, budget argument impasse. It's absolutely ridiculous that it went on this long, this late. Hell, it's ridiculous that it happened at all. And conservatives in the House want to do it all again in a Part II just six months from now? That's just insanity.
WRAPUP 11-Republican rebels force new delay in US debt crisis | Reuters

beautiful. Finally, people who stick to what they believe. Fresh air never tasted so sweet. Liberty loving folk don't compromise with RINOs, socialists, or keynesians baby!

Don't be so quick to cream yourself Libertard:

Republican bill passes, opening path to debt deal - Yahoo! News


The revised Republican plan budget includes tougher requirements on Congress to pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution and send it to the states for ratification, a long-time core demand of conservative Republicans who say it is the only way to control spending.

That could help it pass the Republican-controlled House but it will go no further. The Senate is expected to vote on it, defeat it and then begin debate on a rival deficit reduction plan from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Reid's plan is expected to be amended to make it more palatable to moderate Republicans in the House, and with Democratic votes offset the inevitable loss of support from fiscally conservative Tea Party-aligned Republicans.

Beware of those RINOS that you love to hate, their numbers might expand to rid the House and Senate of scum like you.

If a compromise is worked out, a final vote in the Senate could take place as early as Monday or by midday on Tuesday, a Senate Democratic aide told Reuters.
pelosi already said NO bass

She said the bill is dead in the water.

THe dems are being stupid in the senate, the house softened the bill a little for the dems to come on board and pelosi and the senate still say no!

This is bullshit, the democrats are just being idiots now....first obama tossing almost 50% more revenue into an agreement that was already negotiated and accepted by both sides destroying the agreement and now this with Pelose saying its dead in the water.

The repubs and tea party comprimsed some and yet the dems still say no

Fuck you senate!
pelosi already said NO bass

She said the bill is dead in the water.

THe dems are being stupid in the senate, the house softened the bill a little for the dems to come on board and pelosi and the senate still say no!

Softened it? They added a mandatory balanced budget amendment.

and the problem with a balanced budget is?

Dont both dems and reps want the budget balanced so we can stop adding to the debt in near future and get this problem under control? Or do the dems want to run unbalanced budgets?
Obama is looking at a loss so massive, so huge, so game changing that Jake Starkey and the Dems are going to think Mondale did great

Teabggers like mental masturbation.

Sycophants love their glorious leaders no matter how much harm they inflict.

Obamanomics: Black Unemployment at Great Depression Levels - Unemployment Rate - Fox Nation

Youngstown News, Urban League: Black middle class losing ground

AdHominemFrank playing the race card. I never said I was supporter of Obama, keep chewing those straws.
Obama is looking at a loss so massive, so huge, so game changing that Jake Starkey and the Dems are going to think Mondale did great

I don't know what's going to happen in the upcoming presidential election. It's depends on who the Rep nominee is along with a host of other factors.

But I DO have a prediction. I predict that a LOT of Congressmen and women are going to get voted out of office over the next couple of elections, regardless of party, because the American people are really, Really, REALLY pissed off at this debt ceiling, budget argument impasse. It's absolutely ridiculous that it went on this long, this late. Hell, it's ridiculous that it happened at all. And conservatives in the House want to do it all again in a Part II just six months from now? That's just insanity.

It's called a workout. Insanity is giving the credit cards to a guy who proudly blows a Trillion hole in the budget and tell you to fuck off when you ask for his plan to balance it

AdHominemFrank playing the race card. I never said I was supporter of Obama, keep chewing those straws.

LOL Yeah You're not an Obama supporter. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol::lol: :lol::cuckoo::lol: :lol: :lol:

AdHominemFrank playing the race card. I never said I was supporter of Obama, keep chewing those straws.

LOL Yeah You're not an Obama supporter. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol::lol: :lol::cuckoo::lol: :lol: :lol:

If I am one so are the RINOS in the Repugs are too. I'm moderate with no preference for any president nor party, Democrats justify the socially sinful BS and Repugs feign like they are but do the same sinful things they call Democrats out on.

AdHominemFrank playing the race card. I never said I was supporter of Obama, keep chewing those straws.

See what I mean about Sycophants? I criticized Obama and you took it personally

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