Finicum family Files wrongful death lawsuit

as the evidence is has been mounting

it has become apparent the widespread and systemic corruption

of the fbi and blm and is more akin to a political assassination

The family of Oregon occupation spokesman Robert "LaVoy" Finicum filed a wrongful death lawsuit in federal court against the United States, the FBI, Oregon State Police, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Oregon's governor and others on the second anniversary of his death.

The complaint claims Finicum was shot "assassination style'' by "one or more militarized officers of the Oregon State Police and/or FBI'' as he was trying to drive "across the county border'' to seek the protection of Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer on Jan. 26, 2016.

The suit likened it to what happened to a North Korean soldier who was shot while running across the border last November to South Korea, though he survived.

"Finicum was deliberately executed by a pre-planned government ambush, after he had exited his vehicle with his hands up,'' the complaint says.

Finicum family files wrongful death lawsuit against FBI, BLM, Oregon State Police and others

"Hands up don't shoot". Now you derps are starting to get it.

Finicum though reached for his weapon. All the other nonsense in this thread is just that. All that matters are his actions at the moment he had to surrender peacefully and he didn't.

fuck you fascist

mike brown attacked a cop ya dumb fucker

the hands up dont shoot was proven to be a lie liar

A fascist that calls other fascist. You are a funny funny schlemiel.

i am not a fascist

unlike you a believe in free speech

and do not support violence to prevent it

so fuck you fascist

as the evidence is has been mounting

it has become apparent the widespread and systemic corruption

of the fbi and blm and is more akin to a political assassination

The family of Oregon occupation spokesman Robert "LaVoy" Finicum filed a wrongful death lawsuit in federal court against the United States, the FBI, Oregon State Police, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Oregon's governor and others on the second anniversary of his death.

The complaint claims Finicum was shot "assassination style'' by "one or more militarized officers of the Oregon State Police and/or FBI'' as he was trying to drive "across the county border'' to seek the protection of Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer on Jan. 26, 2016.

The suit likened it to what happened to a North Korean soldier who was shot while running across the border last November to South Korea, though he survived.

"Finicum was deliberately executed by a pre-planned government ambush, after he had exited his vehicle with his hands up,'' the complaint says.

Finicum family files wrongful death lawsuit against FBI, BLM, Oregon State Police and others

"Hands up don't shoot". Now you derps are starting to get it.

Finicum though reached for his weapon. All the other nonsense in this thread is just that. All that matters are his actions at the moment he had to surrender peacefully and he didn't.
Randy Weaver went for his weapon and shot back and won @ 5 million dollars so your point is mute

and the government was in the wrong that time too
as the evidence is has been mounting

it has become apparent the widespread and systemic corruption

of the fbi and blm and is more akin to a political assassination

The family of Oregon occupation spokesman Robert "LaVoy" Finicum filed a wrongful death lawsuit in federal court against the United States, the FBI, Oregon State Police, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Oregon's governor and others on the second anniversary of his death.

The complaint claims Finicum was shot "assassination style'' by "one or more militarized officers of the Oregon State Police and/or FBI'' as he was trying to drive "across the county border'' to seek the protection of Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer on Jan. 26, 2016.

The suit likened it to what happened to a North Korean soldier who was shot while running across the border last November to South Korea, though he survived.

"Finicum was deliberately executed by a pre-planned government ambush, after he had exited his vehicle with his hands up,'' the complaint says.

Finicum family files wrongful death lawsuit against FBI, BLM, Oregon State Police and others

"Hands up don't shoot". Now you derps are starting to get it.

Finicum though reached for his weapon. All the other nonsense in this thread is just that. All that matters are his actions at the moment he had to surrender peacefully and he didn't.
Randy Weaver went for his weapon and shot back and won @ 5 million dollars so your point is mute

Hmm, wondering where the derps are that follow me around and point out it's 'moot' not 'mute'. No worries we know what you mean.

Who is Randy Weaver.
Finnicum commited suicide by cop. The videos prove that. The rest of the Bundys are criminals and freeloaders. That is why they could not get a single Eastern Oregon rancher to sign on to their idiocy.

What thing that you have going for you is that you don't let the fact that you are stupid and ignorant of pertinent facts stand in your way.........HELL no, you dive right in and expose yourself for the blithering idiot that you are. It certainly goes a long ways explaining as to how you subscribe to the leftard side of things. Please tell me that your seed did not find purchase in the womb of some strumpet whose standards are so low that they would "lay" with the likes of you....and that you have offspring that could spread the type of stupidity you spew.........

Who here would light a fire right next to cows and a corral full cattle? I do believe I would tell the boss to go FK. HIMSELF? Anybody else agree with me?

Bureau of Land Management creates massive wildfire hazard on Oregon ranch

Juniper trees thrive in arid and windy high desert climes throughout the West. And, although it is good forestry practice to thin, log, and clear dead trees and undergrowth, in this case the BLM is to be raising the risk of fire in the Oregon high desert by felling trees without actually clearing them. What has resulted are countless dead trees strewn over thousands of acres, where they have been left to dry out and become potential kindling for wildfires. Where the trees are not lying where they fell, they have been piled high, creating tangled walls of dead trees and branches, immediately next to the roads leading in and out of the ranch.

The operators of the ranch said they have been “begging the BLM to clean up this mess (downfall, brush & juniper) for over 10 years, ( as have their parents before them).”

They also indicated that the BLM started cutting juniper trees in June of this year, during the height of Oregon’s fire season. The federal agency dropped more than 5,000 acres of Juniper trees, surrounding the ranch and into the adjacent Mormon Basin. The ranchers claim that none of the juniper downfall abutting 3 sides of the ranch, which was cut and piled up by the BLM, has been cleaned up in over 40 years.

It’s easy to see how a spark or lightening hit will ignite these Juniper trees like gasoline-soaked tinder.

These ranchers are have not received a satisfactory answer to why the BLM has’t disposed of the wildfire fuel they created with this project.
BLM: The poster child for federal waste, mismanagement, corruption and thuggery

Of course, who can forget the Bundy ranch showdown, where the BLM brought in snipers and armed agents as they attempted to use the appearance of force and intimidation to get their way, a way not authorized under the U.S. Constitution; a way that is unAmerican!

And in 2013, Robert C. Jones, chief judge of the United States District Court of Nevada, issued a bench ruling that stated: “So I’m finding and concluding as a matter of law… that the government and the agents of the government in that locale, sometime in the ’70s and ’80s, entered into a conspiracy, a literal, intentional conspiracy, to deprive the Hages of not only their permit grazing rights, for whatever reason, but also to deprive them of their vested property rights under the takings clause, and I find that that’s a sufficient basis to hold that there is irreparable harm if I don’t — and it’s in the public interest, if I don’t restrain the government from continuing in that conduct.” The Judge went on to accuse the federal bureaucrats of “racketeering” under the federal RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organizations) statute, extortion, and mail fraud.

And as a part of the same proceeding, Tonopah BLM manager Tom Seley, and Forest Ranger Steve Williams were both found to be in contempt of court, and were referred to the U.S. attorney for possible prosecution for criminal obstruction of justice. Noting that Seley and Williams knew of ongoing litigation between the parties in this court and the CFC, they “took actions to interfere with the defense of the present trespass action by intimidating witnesses.”

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