Finland votes to liberalise abortion laws - Great news for Finnish women

All of their actions have an authoritarian bent. They are a latter day nazi party.
Some folk like bossing everyone else around. The end of slavery left these people in need of another group to domineer.
Appalling intolerance from woke Nazis: Mother arrested after calling a transgender woman a man

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Well it is difficult to tell without knowing a bit more. I assume the woman knew the person was trans and did not mistakenly think she was a man? If that is so, it would appear that calling her a man was deliberately offensive. Trans people seem to have about the highest rate of suicide there is so it would be cruel to be deliberately offensive about their gender. Arresting is something different. In the UK the first arrest of this kind I heard of, may not be the first just that I heard, was someone mouthing off about Israel. People took offense and he was arrested for saying antisemetic things. Once you start something it has to be the same for everybody. However I was reading that Sunak is going to stop 'woke' police work so I am guessing he is going to stop this.
Well it is difficult to tell without knowing a bit more. I assume the woman knew the person was trans and did not mistakenly think she was a man? If that is so, it would appear that calling her a man was deliberately offensive.

As a matter of undeniable biological fact, a “trans woman” is a man, and not, in any rational sense, a woman.

It takes a seriously fucked-up mind to be so confused about the difference between male and female, or to think that anyone should be punished for telling the plain truth about this insane bullshit.
Well it is difficult to tell without knowing a bit more. I assume the woman knew the person was trans and did not mistakenly think she was a man? If that is so, it would appear that calling her a man was deliberately offensive. Trans people seem to have about the highest rate of suicide there is so it would be cruel to be deliberately offensive about their gender. Arresting is something different. In the UK the first arrest of this kind I heard of, may not be the first just that I heard, was someone mouthing off about Israel. People took offense and he was arrested for saying antisemetic things. Once you start something it has to be the same for everybody. However I was reading that Sunak is going to stop 'woke' police work so I am guessing he is going to stop this.

The whole of your post, in a broader scope, goes to show why it is that we Americans kicked the British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago, and demonstrates that our reasons for having done so remain valid to this day. They have not caught up, even now, in terms of basic human rights, to where we were two hundred forty-six years ago; as proven by the fact that in the UK, you can be arrested and criminally prosecuted simply for what you believe and say.
The whole of your post, in a broader scope, goes to show why it is that we Americans kicked the British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago, and demonstrates that our reasons for having done so remain valid to this day. They have not caught up, even now, in terms of basic human rights, to where we were two hundred forty-six years ago; as proven by the fact that in the UK, you can be arrested and criminally prosecuted simply for what you believe and say.
nah for being a prick at least.
Appalling intolerance from woke Nazis: Mother arrested after calling a transgender woman a man

tommy, have you ever tried to think for yourself or do you just parrot whatever liberal talking points that are out there
Only goes to show how fucked-up you are, that you think that pointing out the biological reality of the “transgenderism” madness constitutes “being a prick”.
Believing that abortion is ‘wrong’ or ‘immoral’ has nothing to do with using the authority of the state to ‘ban’ the practice; subjective moral or religious beliefs aren’t ‘justification’ for more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

Individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state; more unwarranted government excess and overreach is neither the answer nor solution.
Appalling intolerance from woke Nazis: Mother arrested after calling a transgender woman a man


Three unreliable sources from three rightwing fake news sites.

‘Cancel culture’ is a myth; a ridiculous lie contrived by the right.

And the notion that ‘the left’ is somehow ‘intolerant’ is likewise a ridiculous lie.

To denounce and oppose rightwing racism, bigotry, and hate is not to be ‘intolerant.’

Opposing rightwing hate speech is not to be ‘intolerant.’

And opposing the intolerant, authoritarian, neo-fascist right is not to be ‘intolerant.’
Believing that abortion is ‘wrong’ or ‘immoral’ has nothing to do with using the authority of the state to ‘ban’ the practice; subjective moral or religious beliefs aren’t ‘justification’ for more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

Individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state; more unwarranted government excess and overreach is neither the answer nor solution.
The right bellieves that people should be free to manage their own lives. Apart from a growing list of exceptions based on half baked right ing prejudice.
The whole of your post, in a broader scope, goes to show why it is that we Americans kicked the British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago, and demonstrates that our reasons for having done so remain valid to this day. They have not caught up, even now, in terms of basic human rights, to where we were two hundred forty-six years ago; as proven by the fact that in the UK, you can be arrested and criminally prosecuted simply for what you believe and say.
You ,might want to speak to the author of "Maus" about freedom of expression.

Isnt it incredible that people support access to abortion when asked ?

It seems that only in the Handmaid states of the US is this even an issue. There again Kansas showed the way a few weeks ago.
Thank goodness. Now all those white women can kill their offspring off. The country will need people to fill jobs though so they can bring in more African and Muslim refugees and immigrants. It will all work out I am sure.
Thank goodness. Now all those white women can kill their offspring off. The country will need people to fill jobs though so they can bring in more African and Muslim refugees and immigrants. It will all work out I am sure.
There isnt any story that you cant crowbar your racist great replacement shit into. How can you function as an adult when you hold so much hate in your heart ?
There isnt any story that you cant crowbar your racist great replacement shit into. How can you function as an adult when you hold so much hate in your heart ?
I can function as an adult just fine. I see things as they are. You’re the one that can’t handle reality and scream epithets when someone points out the hypocrisy and lunacy of your ideas and Agenda.
Well it is difficult to tell without knowing a bit more. I assume the woman knew the person was trans and did not mistakenly think she was a man? If that is so, it would appear that calling her a man was deliberately offensive. Trans people seem to have about the highest rate of suicide there is so it would be cruel to be deliberately offensive about their gender. Arresting is something different. In the UK the first arrest of this kind I heard of, may not be the first just that I heard, was someone mouthing off about Israel. People took offense and he was arrested for saying antisemetic things. Once you start something it has to be the same for everybody. However I was reading that Sunak is going to stop 'woke' police work so I am guessing he is going to stop this.
I think the transgender industry is cruel. Mutilating someone’s genitals isn’t a solution for anything.

I hope we can all agree that stifling free speech is wrong.
Believing that abortion is ‘wrong’ or ‘immoral’ has nothing to do with using the authority of the state to ‘ban’ the practice; subjective moral or religious beliefs aren’t ‘justification’ for more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

Individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state; more unwarranted government excess and overreach is neither the answer nor solution.
Do you think murder is wrong and the government should punish murderers?
There isnt any story that you cant crowbar your racist great replacement shit into. How can you function as an adult when you hold so much hate in your heart ?

Says the piece of shit who is brimming with glee over the slaughter of more innocent children. You cannot get much more evil nor hateful than that.
Great News for Finnish Women Gang Raped by Swarthy uncut Heathen Foreigners ?

Three unreliable sources from three rightwing fake news sites.

‘Cancel culture’ is a myth; a ridiculous lie contrived by the right.

And the notion that ‘the left’ is somehow ‘intolerant’ is likewise a ridiculous lie.

To denounce and oppose rightwing racism, bigotry, and hate is not to be ‘intolerant.’

Opposing rightwing hate speech is not to be ‘intolerant.’

And opposing the intolerant, authoritarian, neo-fascist right is not to be ‘intolerant.’
So you demonize those you disagree with and demand they be silenced. Sorry but you are the neo-fascist.

Do you think big corporations should censor news about Hunter Biden’s corrupt activities?

Why do you ignore censorship on campus?


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