Finns are making fun of Donald's "raking the forest" comment

Gavin Newsom was standing right next to Mafia Don. I can’t figure out how he managed to keep a straight face. In fact if you look at him his face his still as stone, you can tell he’s barely holding it in.
Yeah, you had no idea he knew what he was talking about either, huh?
Except that he didn’t know what he was talking about. It’s estimated that more than 10,000 buildings are gone. How many forest are filled with 10,000 buildings? The problem there isn’t raking the forest which by the way are controlled by the federal government. The problem is peoples bushes and the plants around their houses and 50 mile an hour winds and climate change and the fact their houses are made out of flammable materials. Just like houses everywhere.

See what Trump is managed to do? He’s managed to convince people these fires happen in Forrests. They didn’t happen in forests. Look at the pictures, where the forests?

Trump is such a fucking idiot.
Anybody who's been in CA in recent years know the topography and rain levels are no comparison to a country like Finland that gets hit by Arctic cold and rain fronts coming at them from the North Sea.

He's a fucking idiot and he was just trying to insult Brown and Newsome who were standing there with him on camera.
Why can't republicans see him for the obvious fn idiot he is?? Do they support him just because he wears an R on his forehead or are they all idiots too? Just asking

I don't know.
This is a question that one of my best friends, a Republican, and I discuss constantly.
He sees the bullshit and the threat that Trump poses.
He sees the authoritarian approach, the slow moving coup that Trump is taking.
But then we all know people who seem to have their faculties intact and yet have a huge blind spot when it comes to Trump.
I think it all goes back to the myth that Trump is responsible for eight years of growth preceding this election to office.
i.e., they fail to see the sugar rush of deregulation of EPA laws as a long term path to disaster.
They must be OK with dirty water and air.
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Gavin Newsom was standing right next to Mafia Don. I can’t figure out how he managed to keep a straight face. In fact if you look at him his face his still as stone, you can tell he’s barely holding it in.

Yes I saw the look on Newsom's and Brown's faces when trump said that.

The look on Brown was like he couldn't believe something that ridiculous was coming from a president of the United States and I agree with him.
Brown? Crazy train Brown?

Yeah, Governor Jerry Brown, who presides over the 5th largest economy in the world, and Gavin Newsom who is the Governor-Elect.
No, they are not suck-up Republicans.
Gavin Newsom was standing right next to Mafia Don. I can’t figure out how he managed to keep a straight face. In fact if you look at him his face his still as stone, you can tell he’s barely holding it in.

Yes I saw the look on Newsom's and Brown's faces when trump said that.

The look on Brown was like he couldn't believe something that ridiculous was coming from a president of the United States and I agree with him.
Brown? Crazy train Brown?

Yeah, Governor Jerry Brown, who presides over the 5th largest economy in the world, and Gavin Newsom who is the Governor-Elect.
No, they are not suck-up Republicans.

Correct, they are people who have had a handle in turning a beautiful State into a shit hole.
Yeah, you had no idea he knew what he was talking about either, huh?
Except that he didn’t know what he was talking about. It’s estimated that more than 10,000 buildings are gone. How many forest are filled with 10,000 buildings? The problem there isn’t raking the forest which by the way are controlled by the federal government. The problem is peoples bushes and the plants around their houses and 50 mile an hour winds and climate change and the fact their houses are made out of flammable materials. Just like houses everywhere.

See what Trump is managed to do? He’s managed to convince people these fires happen in Forrests. They didn’t happen in forests. Look at the pictures, where the forests?

Trump is such a fucking idiot.
Anybody who's been in CA in recent years know the topography and rain levels are no comparison to a country like Finland that gets hit by Arctic cold and rain fronts coming at them from the North Sea.

He's a fucking idiot and he was just trying to insult Brown and Newsome who were standing there with him on camera.
Why can't republicans see him for the obvious fn idiot he is?? Do they support him just because he wears an R on his forehead or are they all idiots too? Just asking

You can keep claiming that Trump is an "obvious fn idiot", Eddie but then you need to explain why it is that the "idiot" is outperforming the "intellectual" Barack Obama in every thing that he does! If you can't...then perhaps it's YOU who's the idiot?
ALL he's done is continue what Obama started What has he done besides give huge tax breaks to billionaires like him?? Cut regulations on clean air,, water ? Notice HIS DOW recently?? off another 400+ today And tariff war with China ?? The deal maker old is FOS

He gave tax breaks to more than just billionaires...he gave them to average Americans and more small American businesses. He cut regulations that were stupid and put our businesses at a competitive disadvantage with businesses overseas. He redid trade deals to benefit American workers and he did so by threatening the EU, Canada and Mexico with tariffs. Bottom line is this...Donald Trump has a firm grasp on what makes an economy grow...Barack Obama didn't have a CLUE!
Progressives are too far lost to realize SWEEPING is a general term. They're bent over too far to recognize CLEANING UP FORESTS IS BASIC METHOD for reducing the risk and damage from forest fires. If they're still confused, they should pull up their pants and talk to someone in the division of forestry.

This business is further proof progressives are stung by the fact they cannot objectively criticize Trump. Everyday you people prove what a good job he's doing for us, because you appear desperate.
DOW OFF 500 Tariffs will kill us

How did the tariffs work out for us with the EU, Canada and Mexico, Eddie?
You can’t be serious. Then again, you probably are.

Over 142,000 acres burned in Butte county. That would be one home for every 14 acres, but it was structures burned. Not just homes. That includes sheds, barns, etc.
View attachment 229655
View attachment 229656

And once it started it spread quickly to other more populated areas.
Gavin Newsom was standing right next to Mafia Don. I can’t figure out how he managed to keep a straight face. In fact if you look at him his face his still as stone, you can tell he’s barely holding it in.
Yeah, you had no idea he knew what he was talking about either, huh?
Except that he didn’t know what he was talking about. It’s estimated that more than 10,000 buildings are gone. How many forest are filled with 10,000 buildings? The problem there isn’t raking the forest which by the way are controlled by the federal government. The problem is peoples bushes and the plants around their houses and 50 mile an hour winds and climate change and the fact their houses are made out of flammable materials. Just like houses everywhere.

See what Trump is managed to do? He’s managed to convince people these fires happen in Forrests. They didn’t happen in forests. Look at the pictures, where the forests?

I was in that area last month on a photography trip with a friend. We captured the fall colors.

Yes while there are spots that area with ponds and trees, most of that area is low mountains with a lot of wild grasses and flowers with spots of trees.

It's easy to take a tight in shot of just a spot of that area.

The shots you see below were taken with a 14-28mm lens.

Please share with all of us where the "raking" and "clearing" should be done.

In the forest back there.
You can’t be serious. Then again, you probably are.

Over 142,000 acres burned in Butte county. That would be one home for every 14 acres, but it was structures burned. Not just homes. That includes sheds, barns, etc.
View attachment 229655
View attachment 229656

And once it started it spread quickly to other more populated areas.
Gavin Newsom was standing right next to Mafia Don. I can’t figure out how he managed to keep a straight face. In fact if you look at him his face his still as stone, you can tell he’s barely holding it in.
Yeah, you had no idea he knew what he was talking about either, huh?
Except that he didn’t know what he was talking about. It’s estimated that more than 10,000 buildings are gone. How many forest are filled with 10,000 buildings? The problem there isn’t raking the forest which by the way are controlled by the federal government. The problem is peoples bushes and the plants around their houses and 50 mile an hour winds and climate change and the fact their houses are made out of flammable materials. Just like houses everywhere.

See what Trump is managed to do? He’s managed to convince people these fires happen in Forrests. They didn’t happen in forests. Look at the pictures, where the forests?

I was in that area last month on a photography trip with a friend. We captured the fall colors.

Yes while there are spots that area with ponds and trees, most of that area is low mountains with a lot of wild grasses and flowers with spots of trees.

It's easy to take a tight in shot of just a spot of that area.

The shots you see below were taken with a 14-28mm lens.

Please share with all of us where the "raking" and "clearing" should be done.

View attachment 229731 View attachment 229732
You can’t be serious. Then again, you probably are.

Over 142,000 acres burned in Butte county. That would be one home for every 14 acres, but it was structures burned. Not just homes. That includes sheds, barns, etc.
View attachment 229655
View attachment 229656

And once it started it spread quickly to other more populated areas.
Gavin Newsom was standing right next to Mafia Don. I can’t figure out how he managed to keep a straight face. In fact if you look at him his face his still as stone, you can tell he’s barely holding it in.
Yeah, you had no idea he knew what he was talking about either, huh?
Except that he didn’t know what he was talking about. It’s estimated that more than 10,000 buildings are gone. How many forest are filled with 10,000 buildings? The problem there isn’t raking the forest which by the way are controlled by the federal government. The problem is peoples bushes and the plants around their houses and 50 mile an hour winds and climate change and the fact their houses are made out of flammable materials. Just like houses everywhere.

See what Trump is managed to do? He’s managed to convince people these fires happen in Forrests. They didn’t happen in forests. Look at the pictures, where the forests?

I was in that area last month on a photography trip with a friend. We captured the fall colors.

Yes while there are spots that area with ponds and trees, most of that area is low mountains with a lot of wild grasses and flowers with spots of trees.

It's easy to take a tight in shot of just a spot of that area.

The shots you see below were taken with a 14-28mm lens.

Please share with all of us where the "raking" and "clearing" should be done.

View attachment 229731 View attachment 229732

"In" the forest? Duh? You take a picture of a meadow and ask what the problem is? Really...
In the forest back there.
You can’t be serious. Then again, you probably are.

Over 142,000 acres burned in Butte county. That would be one home for every 14 acres, but it was structures burned. Not just homes. That includes sheds, barns, etc.
View attachment 229655
View attachment 229656

And once it started it spread quickly to other more populated areas.
Gavin Newsom was standing right next to Mafia Don. I can’t figure out how he managed to keep a straight face. In fact if you look at him his face his still as stone, you can tell he’s barely holding it in.
Yeah, you had no idea he knew what he was talking about either, huh?
Except that he didn’t know what he was talking about. It’s estimated that more than 10,000 buildings are gone. How many forest are filled with 10,000 buildings? The problem there isn’t raking the forest which by the way are controlled by the federal government. The problem is peoples bushes and the plants around their houses and 50 mile an hour winds and climate change and the fact their houses are made out of flammable materials. Just like houses everywhere.

See what Trump is managed to do? He’s managed to convince people these fires happen in Forrests. They didn’t happen in forests. Look at the pictures, where the forests?

I was in that area last month on a photography trip with a friend. We captured the fall colors.

Yes while there are spots that area with ponds and trees, most of that area is low mountains with a lot of wild grasses and flowers with spots of trees.

It's easy to take a tight in shot of just a spot of that area.

The shots you see below were taken with a 14-28mm lens.

Please share with all of us where the "raking" and "clearing" should be done.

View attachment 229731 View attachment 229732

You show that you don't know much about the environment and what is highly flammable and what isn't.

Those are mostly Ponderosa Pine trees. They are old with thick bark. That thick bark protects the tree from fire. It's not those trees that are the problem.

I showed you the problem in those photos. It's the different grasses and other growth but you can't rake it. That grass and other grow are very dry. They go up in flames quickly and easily.

You should know the forest floor in that area is very dry. The whole area is very dry because of the droughts and global warming. The forest floor there doesn't have much of anything to rake. Those Ponderosa Pine trees don't lose a lot of needles and pine cones.

There isn't debris to rake.

The forest isn't the problem.

Which was my whole point.

If you knew anything about trees and the eco system you would know how down right stupid "raking" the forest is.
It was stupid what he said, of course.
The humidity levels are so low and no rain due to climate change.
So welcome relief from the Finns after DUH Donald made his stupid comment.

Pyry Luminen on Twitter

Pyry Luminen‏ @pyryluminen

Just an ordinary day in the Finnish forest ~ Ihan normipäivä suomalaisessa metsässä #Trump #forest #firesafety #raking #forestry #Finland #Finnish #CaliforniaFire #RakingAmericaGreatAgain #rakingtheforest #Suomi #haravointi #metsäpalot #rakingleaves


6:13 AM - 18 Nov 2018

A dumb blond from a nation of dumb blinds and you make fun of out fire fighters? Bet you pissed on the 9/11 memorial to.
In the forest back there.
You can’t be serious. Then again, you probably are.

Over 142,000 acres burned in Butte county. That would be one home for every 14 acres, but it was structures burned. Not just homes. That includes sheds, barns, etc.
View attachment 229655
View attachment 229656

And once it started it spread quickly to other more populated areas.
Yeah, you had no idea he knew what he was talking about either, huh?
Except that he didn’t know what he was talking about. It’s estimated that more than 10,000 buildings are gone. How many forest are filled with 10,000 buildings? The problem there isn’t raking the forest which by the way are controlled by the federal government. The problem is peoples bushes and the plants around their houses and 50 mile an hour winds and climate change and the fact their houses are made out of flammable materials. Just like houses everywhere.

See what Trump is managed to do? He’s managed to convince people these fires happen in Forrests. They didn’t happen in forests. Look at the pictures, where the forests?

I was in that area last month on a photography trip with a friend. We captured the fall colors.

Yes while there are spots that area with ponds and trees, most of that area is low mountains with a lot of wild grasses and flowers with spots of trees.

It's easy to take a tight in shot of just a spot of that area.

The shots you see below were taken with a 14-28mm lens.

Please share with all of us where the "raking" and "clearing" should be done.

View attachment 229731 View attachment 229732

You show that you don't know much about the environment and what is highly flammable and what isn't.

Those are mostly Ponderosa Pine trees. They are old with thick bark. That thick bark protects the tree from fire. It's not those trees that are the problem.

I showed you the problem in those photos. It's the different grasses and other growth but you can't rake it. That grass and other grow are very dry. They go up in flames quickly and easily.

You should know the forest floor in that area is very dry. The whole area is very dry because of the droughts and global warming. The forest floor there doesn't have much of anything to rake. Those Ponderosa Pine trees don't lose a lot of needles and pine cones.

There isn't debris to rake.

The forest isn't the problem.

Which was my whole point.

If you knew anything about trees and the eco system you would know how down right stupid "raking" the forest is.

You forgot all the snags made by barkbeatles
“Fire experts use the term wildlife urban interface, or WUI, to refer to the area where human building meets or intermingles with undeveloped natural land. California’s WUI zone grew 20 percent from 1990 to 2010, according to U.S. Forest Service data.

Paved streets have replaced underbrush, but most developments on natural land keep some native trees and other vegetation intact, said Keith Gilless, dean emeritus and a current professor of forest economics in UC Berkeley’s College of Natural Resources.

When fires get large enough that they “crown” — spread from treetop to treetop — they’ll move nearly as quickly in a vegetation-rich residential neighborhood as they would in the woods, Gilless said.

“We have a lot of people living in ‘urban forest’ conditions,” Gilless said. “It’s sort of a mixed bag. If you have a forest canopy and put homes under it and roads under it, that can help (limit the fire) ... but in an extreme fire, homes become fuel themselves.”

Read more here: California wildfires start in the woods. Why do cities keep burning?

In the forest back there.
You can’t be serious. Then again, you probably are.

Over 142,000 acres burned in Butte county. That would be one home for every 14 acres, but it was structures burned. Not just homes. That includes sheds, barns, etc.
View attachment 229655
View attachment 229656

And once it started it spread quickly to other more populated areas.
Yeah, you had no idea he knew what he was talking about either, huh?
Except that he didn’t know what he was talking about. It’s estimated that more than 10,000 buildings are gone. How many forest are filled with 10,000 buildings? The problem there isn’t raking the forest which by the way are controlled by the federal government. The problem is peoples bushes and the plants around their houses and 50 mile an hour winds and climate change and the fact their houses are made out of flammable materials. Just like houses everywhere.

See what Trump is managed to do? He’s managed to convince people these fires happen in Forrests. They didn’t happen in forests. Look at the pictures, where the forests?

I was in that area last month on a photography trip with a friend. We captured the fall colors.

Yes while there are spots that area with ponds and trees, most of that area is low mountains with a lot of wild grasses and flowers with spots of trees.

It's easy to take a tight in shot of just a spot of that area.

The shots you see below were taken with a 14-28mm lens.

Please share with all of us where the "raking" and "clearing" should be done.

View attachment 229731 View attachment 229732

You show that you don't know much about the environment and what is highly flammable and what isn't.

Those are mostly Ponderosa Pine trees. They are old with thick bark. That thick bark protects the tree from fire. It's not those trees that are the problem.

I showed you the problem in those photos. It's the different grasses and other growth but you can't rake it. That grass and other grow are very dry. They go up in flames quickly and easily.

You should know the forest floor in that area is very dry. The whole area is very dry because of the droughts and global warming. The forest floor there doesn't have much of anything to rake. Those Ponderosa Pine trees don't lose a lot of needles and pine cones.

There isn't debris to rake.

The forest isn't the problem.

Which was my whole point.

If you knew anything about trees and the eco system you would know how down right stupid "raking" the forest is.

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