Fire Police joking about rape

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Fire Police Officers Who Joked About Rape
Posted by Lindsey Weedston Share on twitter Tweet Share on gmail Gmail Share on yahoomail Yahoo Share on care2 Care2 More Sharing Services More
Target: Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo

Goal: Fire two police officers who made vulgar jokes about rape while on duty

Two police officers in Austin, Texas were caught on tape making crude jokes about rape while they were on duty. The video was pulled from the dashboard camera of a police car and determined to be authentic, yet their department doesn’t consider it “necessary” to fire them. The most they will get is mandatory sensitivity training.

When police departments across the country have shown themselves to have serious problems in dealing with sexual assault cases and victims, it’s completely unacceptable for officers of the law to be making jokes about rape at any time. Sensitivity training is not good enough and is very unlikely to create any change in the actual attitudes of these men who have power over both victims and any women they might pull over on the side of the road. There have been plenty of cases of police officers assaulting women in such situations, so it is incredibly important that each and every police officer in any department takes the issue of rape and sexual assault seriously.

By signing this petition, you’ll stand with women and sexual assault victims everywhere by demanding that these men be permanently removed from their positions and banned from being hired at any other department. We need to send a message to all police departments in the United States that attitudes like the ones displayed by these two officers are absolutely unacceptable. If we are ever going to stem the epidemic of rape in this country, the people who enforce our laws need to take it seriously.

They must be Rush Limbaugh fans.

No wonder women don't report rape.
So Cthulhu walks into a bar...

Cthulhu eats some sashimi, drinks a bunch of Saki, walks out drunk and sees a sweet innocent virgin schoolgirl running for her life.

What happens next?

Certainly they shouldn't be fired. Having a bad sense of humor isn't against the law. This is getting ridiculous. Simply ridiculous.
OK: bitch slap the dolts....make 'em clean out trash cans. Give them Parking lot duty but fire them?? Tempting but over the top.

Then again: what was the "joke"? I recall that it was common for police to call wife killings "chickenshit" in the '50s. Front line "humour" can be quite interesting.

So Cthulhu walks into a bar...

Cthulhu eats some sashimi, drinks a bunch of Saki, walks out drunk and sees a sweet innocent virgin schoolgirl running for her life.

What happens next?

I give up, what?





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Unless they were in the middle of a rape investigation at the time I could care less. If the joke was funny I care even less than before.

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