First China and now India....all creating 21st century environments, thanks to US greed!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Indian Railways to create 10,000 km of high speed corridors to run faster trains February 13, 2018 | 15:22 IST

Thanks to the US outsourcing its economy for cheap labor, cheap goods and mega profits for shareholders and corporations, China has surpassed this nation in all areas of revamping their landscape and their economy, thus financing a 21st century future for its citizens.....citizens who 2 decades ago, got fat on rice fields and cheap novelty goods sold at 5 and dimes here in america. Now another nation fed by US jobs is making its way into the 21st century, India. Meanwhile in the US we're fussing over budgets just to fill pot holes on our nations roads and highways and fussing to finance curve censors when a trains derail killing its passengers.

We gave the Chinese our manufacturing jobs, the people of India our customer service jobs, gave both Canada and Mexico an open door policy to enter our country at will and then we sit around wondering why the US has become a global hot mess and the only one's winning is this country is the top 2%!!!!

Meanwhile, we're debating AR-47's that kill kids, coal mines that kill its workers and a lunatic president that's killing our spirits, our economic potential and our unwillingness to change course.
Relax, hot mess. Trump is undoing the mistakes and poor judgment of the Dems during the last few decades.

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