First Chinese Virus case in NY: March 1. Trump China travel ban: January 31.

So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

View attachment 317651
Yeah. So? WTF does that have to do with my OP other than pointing out Trump reacted with a travel ban just days after it showed up in the US?
And then wasted the next two months telling us it was a hoax.

Them's the facts kiddo.
Up yours nostrils. It's common knowledge.
No, he didn't call the virus a hoax. The media reporting was. They reported 2 million would die, but of course as usual. They were wrong.

They were not wrong, even Trump's own experts say that many would have died if not for the extraordinary measures that have been put into place.

You are like the idiot whose doctors says "you need to lose 30 pounds or you will have a heart attack" and so you lose 40 pounds and then say the doctor was wrong because you did not have a heart attack.
Okay dealing with you loons. You saying Trump handled this great, or this is his Katrina?

right now somewhere in the middle. He wasted a lot of time at the beginning pretending it was not going to happen but he is doing a pretty good job now of trying to catch up.
He stopped travel from china while the democrats were trying to impeach him. Lol

and that was it...he bought us some time and then wasted that time telling us it was all good and everything was under control....just imagine if had gone to 3M in Jan and said "we are going to need a shit ton of mask in the near future" 3M would have been all over it thanks to the increased profit. But he did not do that till Mid-March.

That one right move does not remove the fact we sat in our thumbs for the next month and a half
You are taking today's knowledge and blasting Trump for not seeing the future.

Which Dimsocialist was calling for those things back then?

Names and links please.
Bet the dissolved pandemic task force would have seen it coming.
Quit lying. Just quit. You know it is a lie yet keep repeating it. I will be glad to go get the links for you I have posted previously , if you’d like.
Your links are bullshit. He took a dedicated taskforce that we NEEDED and rolled it in under a buncha other crap and it got deprioritized. This disaster is, at it's root, his fault. And he knows it too. That's why he's so desperately trying to find someone else to blame.

You know it too. You know you're in denial.
No, your lies about it are bullshit-
No, he did not. The ebola pandemic team funding expired. Quit lying.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

PolitiFact - NC Democrat says Trump is cutting the CDC budget by 80 percent Shows,it’s false

The broader point about there being “nobody here” to coordinate the response sells short what’s in place to handle an outbreak.

The public health system has a playbook to follow for pandemic preparation — regardless of who’s president or whether specific instructions are coming from the White House. Those plans were put into place in anticipation of another flu pandemic, but are designed to work for any respiratory-borne disease.

Among the health authorities overseeing the work are Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC’s principal deputy director and a veteran of previous outbreaks, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH’s infectious disease chief who has advised six presidents.

“The CDC’s response has been excellent, as it has been in the past,” said John Auerbach, president of the nonpartisan Trust for America’s Health, which works with government at all levels to improve the nation’s response to high-risk health crises. Some Democrats have charged that Trump decimated the nation’s public health leadership, but Auerbach said CDC’s top scientific ranks have remained stable during the past three years.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

Check out the act the replaced the last Act for pandemics passed in 2019. Makes for stronger support and response.

S.1379 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019
You are wasting your time.

Crepitus knows he is lying, he just doesn’t care.
Haven't you heard? Lying isn't a thing in American society any longer. It is a cultural value.
Must be one in your culture, that’s for certain, or are you the exception?
What I don't get is this....

Where was all this hysteria 10 years ago with H1N1?

How about Bird Flu?

H1N2, H1N3, SARS, West Nile...

All of these were worse as far as survival rates go. This whole thing is media generated hysteria to obstruct attention from the Hong Kong protests and an effort to hurt Trump and the US.
Why are you people still saying this. No this is worse than all you listed death rate wise except for SARS and west Nile. Not a lot of people got tested for H1N1, unless you were sick enough to go to the hospital. It’s way worse than a flu. Not at all for most people, but most certainly enough people create huge problems for hospitals. It’s not the fucking flu. Stop comparing it to that. It’s a pneumonia that’ll make it feel like you’re inhaling glass for 3 weeks, and you’ll probably have permanent lung damage after. Definitely not the flu. It’s way worse than west Nile and SARS because it’s twice as contagious as the flu, and virtually impossible to contain. Both west Nile and SARS, very easy to contain. Not this. This is a way more contagious SARS that luckily isn’t as deadly as SARS.

Believe me, I am on the front lines of this. My hospital is going nuts and only 1% of the pop is infected. Imagine when that number hits 5%, 10%, 15%. It’s not going to be pretty.
NYC and cruise ships
Way out of line
Similiar bad transmission of air flow I think.
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

View attachment 317651
Yeah. So? WTF does that have to do with my OP other than pointing out Trump reacted with a travel ban just days after it showed up in the US?
And then wasted the next two months telling us it was a hoax.

Them's the facts kiddo.

What you're being told by Whoopi, Joy and the gang are not facts.

Them's the facts kiddo!

Son, you RWNJs wouldn't recognize a fact if I wrapped it around a set fish and slapped you with it.
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

View attachment 317651
Yeah. So? WTF does that have to do with my OP other than pointing out Trump reacted with a travel ban just days after it showed up in the US?
And then wasted the next two months telling us it was a hoax.

Them's the facts kiddo.

What you're being told by Whoopi, Joy and the gang are not facts.

Them's the facts kiddo!

Son, you RWNJs wouldn't recognize a fact if I wrapped it around a set fish and slapped you with it.
Debating with me face to face I would have you curled up in the fetal position in the corner of your safe space clutching your therapy animal within 10 minutes.
how many Chinese nationals?
The Dems are totally ignoring the big increase in Chinese students at American universities. There was the window of opportunity for Chinese students to fly back home in December and then fly back to the universities they attend in America in January. When they came back to America they might have brought Coronavirus with them.
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

When President Trump announced the travel ban to Red China, the libs exploded in rage. Trump was called a "racist" and a "xenophobe". Libs encouraged people to party in the streets, go to large gatherings and eat chop suey and other tremendous chinese cuisine in protest.
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

When President Trump announced the travel ban to Red China, the libs exploded in rage. Trump was called a "racist" and a "xenophobe". Libs encouraged people to party in the streets, go to large gatherings and eat chop suey and other tremendous chinese cuisine in protest.
Now they claim it never happened.
What I don't get is this....

Where was all this hysteria 10 years ago with H1N1?

How about Bird Flu?

H1N2, H1N3, SARS, West Nile...

All of these were worse as far as survival rates go. This whole thing is media generated hysteria to obstruct attention from the Hong Kong protests and an effort to hurt Trump and the US.
Why are you people still saying this. No this is worse than all you listed death rate wise except for SARS and west Nile. Not a lot of people got tested for H1N1, unless you were sick enough to go to the hospital. It’s way worse than a flu. Not at all for most people, but most certainly enough people create huge problems for hospitals. It’s not the fucking flu. Stop comparing it to that. It’s a pneumonia that’ll make it feel like you’re inhaling glass for 3 weeks, and you’ll probably have permanent lung damage after. Definitely not the flu. It’s way worse than west Nile and SARS because it’s twice as contagious as the flu, and virtually impossible to contain. Both west Nile and SARS, very easy to contain. Not this. This is a way more contagious SARS that luckily isn’t as deadly as SARS.

Believe me, I am on the front lines of this. My hospital is going nuts and only 1% of the pop is infected. Imagine when that number hits 5%, 10%, 15%. It’s not going to be pretty.
You are full of shit.

What I don't get is this....

Where was all this hysteria 10 years ago with H1N1?

How about Bird Flu?

H1N2, H1N3, SARS, West Nile...

All of these were worse as far as survival rates go. This whole thing is media generated hysteria to obstruct attention from the Hong Kong protests and an effort to hurt Trump and the US.
Why are you people still saying this. No this is worse than all you listed death rate wise except for SARS and west Nile. Not a lot of people got tested for H1N1, unless you were sick enough to go to the hospital. It’s way worse than a flu. Not at all for most people, but most certainly enough people create huge problems for hospitals. It’s not the fucking flu. Stop comparing it to that. It’s a pneumonia that’ll make it feel like you’re inhaling glass for 3 weeks, and you’ll probably have permanent lung damage after. Definitely not the flu. It’s way worse than west Nile and SARS because it’s twice as contagious as the flu, and virtually impossible to contain. Both west Nile and SARS, very easy to contain. Not this. This is a way more contagious SARS that luckily isn’t as deadly as SARS.

Believe me, I am on the front lines of this. My hospital is going nuts and only 1% of the pop is infected. Imagine when that number hits 5%, 10%, 15%. It’s not going to be pretty.
You are full of shit.

Nope, but you’ll find out soon enough. I’ve said many times, this isn’t the plague. The majority of us will be fine. But it is enough to overwhelm the system. Look at Italy. They’re refusing medicine to anyone over 60. Not because they want to be evil globalist. Because their hospitals are overwhelmed. It gets that bad.
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

View attachment 317651
Yeah. So? WTF does that have to do with my OP other than pointing out Trump reacted with a travel ban just days after it showed up in the US?
And then wasted the next two months telling us it was a hoax.

Them's the facts kiddo.
Up yours nostrils. It's common knowledge.
No, he didn't call the virus a hoax. The media reporting was. They reported 2 million would die, but of course as usual. They were wrong.

They were not wrong, even Trump's own experts say that many would have died if not for the extraordinary measures that have been put into place.

You are like the idiot whose doctors says "you need to lose 30 pounds or you will have a heart attack" and so you lose 40 pounds and then say the doctor was wrong because you did not have a heart attack.
Okay dealing with you loons. You saying Trump handled this great, or this is his Katrina?

right now somewhere in the middle. He wasted a lot of time at the beginning pretending it was not going to happen but he is doing a pretty good job now of trying to catch up.
He stopped travel from china while the democrats were trying to impeach him. Lol

and that was it...he bought us some time and then wasted that time telling us it was all good and everything was under control....just imagine if had gone to 3M in Jan and said "we are going to need a shit ton of mask in the near future" 3M would have been all over it thanks to the increased profit. But he did not do that till Mid-March.

That one right move does not remove the fact we sat in our thumbs for the next month and a half
You are taking today's knowledge and blasting Trump for not seeing the future.

Which Dimsocialist was calling for those things back then?

Names and links please.
Bet the dissolved pandemic task force would have seen it coming.
Quit lying. Just quit. You know it is a lie yet keep repeating it. I will be glad to go get the links for you I have posted previously , if you’d like.
Your links are bullshit. He took a dedicated taskforce that we NEEDED and rolled it in under a buncha other crap and it got deprioritized. This disaster is, at it's root, his fault. And he knows it too. That's why he's so desperately trying to find someone else to blame.

You know it too. You know you're in denial.
No, your lies about it are bullshit-
No, he did not. The ebola pandemic team funding expired. Quit lying.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

PolitiFact - NC Democrat says Trump is cutting the CDC budget by 80 percent Shows,it’s false

The broader point about there being “nobody here” to coordinate the response sells short what’s in place to handle an outbreak.

The public health system has a playbook to follow for pandemic preparation — regardless of who’s president or whether specific instructions are coming from the White House. Those plans were put into place in anticipation of another flu pandemic, but are designed to work for any respiratory-borne disease.

Among the health authorities overseeing the work are Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC’s principal deputy director and a veteran of previous outbreaks, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH’s infectious disease chief who has advised six presidents.

“The CDC’s response has been excellent, as it has been in the past,” said John Auerbach, president of the nonpartisan Trust for America’s Health, which works with government at all levels to improve the nation’s response to high-risk health crises. Some Democrats have charged that Trump decimated the nation’s public health leadership, but Auerbach said CDC’s top scientific ranks have remained stable during the past three years.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

Check out the act the replaced the last Act for pandemics passed in 2019. Makes for stronger support and response.

S.1379 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019
You are wasting your time.

Crepitus knows he is lying, he just doesn’t care.
Haven't you heard? Lying isn't a thing in American society any longer. It is a cultural value.
Must be one in your culture, that’s for certain, or are you the exception?
American culture. The entire "way of life" ruse is imploding in your face. Blowback. Choices and consequences.

Look at this dumbass shit, the stuff of empires in decline:

How's the hoax going?
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

View attachment 317651
Yeah. So? WTF does that have to do with my OP other than pointing out Trump reacted with a travel ban just days after it showed up in the US?
And then wasted the next two months telling us it was a hoax.

Them's the facts kiddo.
Up yours nostrils. It's common knowledge.
No, he didn't call the virus a hoax. The media reporting was. They reported 2 million would die, but of course as usual. They were wrong.

They were not wrong, even Trump's own experts say that many would have died if not for the extraordinary measures that have been put into place.

You are like the idiot whose doctors says "you need to lose 30 pounds or you will have a heart attack" and so you lose 40 pounds and then say the doctor was wrong because you did not have a heart attack.
Okay dealing with you loons. You saying Trump handled this great, or this is his Katrina?

right now somewhere in the middle. He wasted a lot of time at the beginning pretending it was not going to happen but he is doing a pretty good job now of trying to catch up.
He stopped travel from china while the democrats were trying to impeach him. Lol

and that was it...he bought us some time and then wasted that time telling us it was all good and everything was under control....just imagine if had gone to 3M in Jan and said "we are going to need a shit ton of mask in the near future" 3M would have been all over it thanks to the increased profit. But he did not do that till Mid-March.

That one right move does not remove the fact we sat in our thumbs for the next month and a half
You are taking today's knowledge and blasting Trump for not seeing the future.

Which Dimsocialist was calling for those things back then?

Names and links please.
Bet the dissolved pandemic task force would have seen it coming.
Quit lying. Just quit. You know it is a lie yet keep repeating it. I will be glad to go get the links for you I have posted previously , if you’d like.
Your links are bullshit. He took a dedicated taskforce that we NEEDED and rolled it in under a buncha other crap and it got deprioritized. This disaster is, at it's root, his fault. And he knows it too. That's why he's so desperately trying to find someone else to blame.

You know it too. You know you're in denial.
No, your lies about it are bullshit-
No, he did not. The ebola pandemic team funding expired. Quit lying.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

PolitiFact - NC Democrat says Trump is cutting the CDC budget by 80 percent Shows,it’s false

The broader point about there being “nobody here” to coordinate the response sells short what’s in place to handle an outbreak.

The public health system has a playbook to follow for pandemic preparation — regardless of who’s president or whether specific instructions are coming from the White House. Those plans were put into place in anticipation of another flu pandemic, but are designed to work for any respiratory-borne disease.

Among the health authorities overseeing the work are Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC’s principal deputy director and a veteran of previous outbreaks, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH’s infectious disease chief who has advised six presidents.

“The CDC’s response has been excellent, as it has been in the past,” said John Auerbach, president of the nonpartisan Trust for America’s Health, which works with government at all levels to improve the nation’s response to high-risk health crises. Some Democrats have charged that Trump decimated the nation’s public health leadership, but Auerbach said CDC’s top scientific ranks have remained stable during the past three years.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

Check out the act the replaced the last Act for pandemics passed in 2019. Makes for stronger support and response.

S.1379 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019
You are wasting your time.

Crepitus knows he is lying, he just doesn’t care.
Haven't you heard? Lying isn't a thing in American society any longer. It is a cultural value.
Sorry. I don’t run in your circles.
Your president is our quientissential example. Your next election, like all, will be a quibbling over who lies less.
What I don't get is this....

Where was all this hysteria 10 years ago with H1N1?

How about Bird Flu?

H1N2, H1N3, SARS, West Nile...

All of these were worse as far as survival rates go. This whole thing is media generated hysteria to obstruct attention from the Hong Kong protests and an effort to hurt Trump and the US.
Why are you people still saying this. No this is worse than all you listed death rate wise except for SARS and west Nile. Not a lot of people got tested for H1N1, unless you were sick enough to go to the hospital. It’s way worse than a flu. Not at all for most people, but most certainly enough people create huge problems for hospitals. It’s not the fucking flu. Stop comparing it to that. It’s a pneumonia that’ll make it feel like you’re inhaling glass for 3 weeks, and you’ll probably have permanent lung damage after. Definitely not the flu. It’s way worse than west Nile and SARS because it’s twice as contagious as the flu, and virtually impossible to contain. Both west Nile and SARS, very easy to contain. Not this. This is a way more contagious SARS that luckily isn’t as deadly as SARS.

Believe me, I am on the front lines of this. My hospital is going nuts and only 1% of the pop is infected. Imagine when that number hits 5%, 10%, 15%. It’s not going to be pretty.
You are full of shit.

Nope, but you’ll find out soon enough. I’ve said many times, this isn’t the plague. The majority of us will be fine. But it is enough to overwhelm the system. Look at Italy. They’re refusing medicine to anyone over 60. Not because they want to be evil globalist. Because their hospitals are overwhelmed. It gets that bad.
Sometimes you have to just watch an addict hit bottom. A society can be much the same. The only question left is will we as a society get into recovery afterward or go back to the same old societal behavioral and prioritization patterns.
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

View attachment 317651
Yeah. So? WTF does that have to do with my OP other than pointing out Trump reacted with a travel ban just days after it showed up in the US?
And then wasted the next two months telling us it was a hoax.

Them's the facts kiddo.
Up yours nostrils. It's common knowledge.
No, he didn't call the virus a hoax. The media reporting was. They reported 2 million would die, but of course as usual. They were wrong.

They were not wrong, even Trump's own experts say that many would have died if not for the extraordinary measures that have been put into place.

You are like the idiot whose doctors says "you need to lose 30 pounds or you will have a heart attack" and so you lose 40 pounds and then say the doctor was wrong because you did not have a heart attack.
Okay dealing with you loons. You saying Trump handled this great, or this is his Katrina?

right now somewhere in the middle. He wasted a lot of time at the beginning pretending it was not going to happen but he is doing a pretty good job now of trying to catch up.
He stopped travel from china while the democrats were trying to impeach him. Lol

and that was it...he bought us some time and then wasted that time telling us it was all good and everything was under control....just imagine if had gone to 3M in Jan and said "we are going to need a shit ton of mask in the near future" 3M would have been all over it thanks to the increased profit. But he did not do that till Mid-March.

That one right move does not remove the fact we sat in our thumbs for the next month and a half
You are taking today's knowledge and blasting Trump for not seeing the future.

Which Dimsocialist was calling for those things back then?

Names and links please.
Bet the dissolved pandemic task force would have seen it coming.
Quit lying. Just quit. You know it is a lie yet keep repeating it. I will be glad to go get the links for you I have posted previously , if you’d like.
Your links are bullshit. He took a dedicated taskforce that we NEEDED and rolled it in under a buncha other crap and it got deprioritized. This disaster is, at it's root, his fault. And he knows it too. That's why he's so desperately trying to find someone else to blame.

You know it too. You know you're in denial.
No, your lies about it are bullshit-
No, he did not. The ebola pandemic team funding expired. Quit lying.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

PolitiFact - NC Democrat says Trump is cutting the CDC budget by 80 percent Shows,it’s false

The broader point about there being “nobody here” to coordinate the response sells short what’s in place to handle an outbreak.

The public health system has a playbook to follow for pandemic preparation — regardless of who’s president or whether specific instructions are coming from the White House. Those plans were put into place in anticipation of another flu pandemic, but are designed to work for any respiratory-borne disease.

Among the health authorities overseeing the work are Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC’s principal deputy director and a veteran of previous outbreaks, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH’s infectious disease chief who has advised six presidents.

“The CDC’s response has been excellent, as it has been in the past,” said John Auerbach, president of the nonpartisan Trust for America’s Health, which works with government at all levels to improve the nation’s response to high-risk health crises. Some Democrats have charged that Trump decimated the nation’s public health leadership, but Auerbach said CDC’s top scientific ranks have remained stable during the past three years.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

Check out the act the replaced the last Act for pandemics passed in 2019. Makes for stronger support and response.

S.1379 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019
You are wasting your time.

Crepitus knows he is lying, he just doesn’t care.
I am not lying. Yer little butt-buddy moved the goalposts with his last post. I never claimed anything but dissolving the pandemic task force, which it true.

You dumb-asses can't even win an argument on a discussion board without cheating.
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

View attachment 317651
Yeah. So? WTF does that have to do with my OP other than pointing out Trump reacted with a travel ban just days after it showed up in the US?
And then wasted the next two months telling us it was a hoax.

Them's the facts kiddo.
Up yours nostrils. It's common knowledge.
No, he didn't call the virus a hoax. The media reporting was. They reported 2 million would die, but of course as usual. They were wrong.

They were not wrong, even Trump's own experts say that many would have died if not for the extraordinary measures that have been put into place.

You are like the idiot whose doctors says "you need to lose 30 pounds or you will have a heart attack" and so you lose 40 pounds and then say the doctor was wrong because you did not have a heart attack.
Okay dealing with you loons. You saying Trump handled this great, or this is his Katrina?

right now somewhere in the middle. He wasted a lot of time at the beginning pretending it was not going to happen but he is doing a pretty good job now of trying to catch up.
He stopped travel from china while the democrats were trying to impeach him. Lol

and that was it...he bought us some time and then wasted that time telling us it was all good and everything was under control....just imagine if had gone to 3M in Jan and said "we are going to need a shit ton of mask in the near future" 3M would have been all over it thanks to the increased profit. But he did not do that till Mid-March.

That one right move does not remove the fact we sat in our thumbs for the next month and a half
You are taking today's knowledge and blasting Trump for not seeing the future.

Which Dimsocialist was calling for those things back then?

Names and links please.
Bet the dissolved pandemic task force would have seen it coming.
Quit lying. Just quit. You know it is a lie yet keep repeating it. I will be glad to go get the links for you I have posted previously , if you’d like.
Your links are bullshit. He took a dedicated taskforce that we NEEDED and rolled it in under a buncha other crap and it got deprioritized. This disaster is, at it's root, his fault. And he knows it too. That's why he's so desperately trying to find someone else to blame.

You know it too. You know you're in denial.
No, your lies about it are bullshit-
No, he did not. The ebola pandemic team funding expired. Quit lying.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

PolitiFact - NC Democrat says Trump is cutting the CDC budget by 80 percent Shows,it’s false

The broader point about there being “nobody here” to coordinate the response sells short what’s in place to handle an outbreak.

The public health system has a playbook to follow for pandemic preparation — regardless of who’s president or whether specific instructions are coming from the White House. Those plans were put into place in anticipation of another flu pandemic, but are designed to work for any respiratory-borne disease.

Among the health authorities overseeing the work are Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC’s principal deputy director and a veteran of previous outbreaks, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH’s infectious disease chief who has advised six presidents.

“The CDC’s response has been excellent, as it has been in the past,” said John Auerbach, president of the nonpartisan Trust for America’s Health, which works with government at all levels to improve the nation’s response to high-risk health crises. Some Democrats have charged that Trump decimated the nation’s public health leadership, but Auerbach said CDC’s top scientific ranks have remained stable during the past three years.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

Check out the act the replaced the last Act for pandemics passed in 2019. Makes for stronger support and response.

S.1379 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019
You are wasting your time.

Crepitus knows he is lying, he just doesn’t care.
Haven't you heard? Lying isn't a thing in American society any longer. It is a cultural value.
Only if you're a tRumpling.
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

View attachment 317651
Yeah. So? WTF does that have to do with my OP other than pointing out Trump reacted with a travel ban just days after it showed up in the US?
And then wasted the next two months telling us it was a hoax.

Them's the facts kiddo.
Up yours nostrils. It's common knowledge.
No, he didn't call the virus a hoax. The media reporting was. They reported 2 million would die, but of course as usual. They were wrong.

They were not wrong, even Trump's own experts say that many would have died if not for the extraordinary measures that have been put into place.

You are like the idiot whose doctors says "you need to lose 30 pounds or you will have a heart attack" and so you lose 40 pounds and then say the doctor was wrong because you did not have a heart attack.
Okay dealing with you loons. You saying Trump handled this great, or this is his Katrina?

right now somewhere in the middle. He wasted a lot of time at the beginning pretending it was not going to happen but he is doing a pretty good job now of trying to catch up.
He stopped travel from china while the democrats were trying to impeach him. Lol

and that was it...he bought us some time and then wasted that time telling us it was all good and everything was under control....just imagine if had gone to 3M in Jan and said "we are going to need a shit ton of mask in the near future" 3M would have been all over it thanks to the increased profit. But he did not do that till Mid-March.

That one right move does not remove the fact we sat in our thumbs for the next month and a half
You are taking today's knowledge and blasting Trump for not seeing the future.

Which Dimsocialist was calling for those things back then?

Names and links please.
Bet the dissolved pandemic task force would have seen it coming.
Quit lying. Just quit. You know it is a lie yet keep repeating it. I will be glad to go get the links for you I have posted previously , if you’d like.
Your links are bullshit. He took a dedicated taskforce that we NEEDED and rolled it in under a buncha other crap and it got deprioritized. This disaster is, at it's root, his fault. And he knows it too. That's why he's so desperately trying to find someone else to blame.

You know it too. You know you're in denial.
No, your lies about it are bullshit-
No, he did not. The ebola pandemic team funding expired. Quit lying.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

PolitiFact - NC Democrat says Trump is cutting the CDC budget by 80 percent Shows,it’s false

The broader point about there being “nobody here” to coordinate the response sells short what’s in place to handle an outbreak.

The public health system has a playbook to follow for pandemic preparation — regardless of who’s president or whether specific instructions are coming from the White House. Those plans were put into place in anticipation of another flu pandemic, but are designed to work for any respiratory-borne disease.

Among the health authorities overseeing the work are Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC’s principal deputy director and a veteran of previous outbreaks, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH’s infectious disease chief who has advised six presidents.

“The CDC’s response has been excellent, as it has been in the past,” said John Auerbach, president of the nonpartisan Trust for America’s Health, which works with government at all levels to improve the nation’s response to high-risk health crises. Some Democrats have charged that Trump decimated the nation’s public health leadership, but Auerbach said CDC’s top scientific ranks have remained stable during the past three years.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

Check out the act the replaced the last Act for pandemics passed in 2019. Makes for stronger support and response.

S.1379 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019
You are wasting your time.

Crepitus knows he is lying, he just doesn’t care.
Haven't you heard? Lying isn't a thing in American society any longer. It is a cultural value.
Sorry. I don’t run in your circles.
Right, you run in your individual circle.
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

View attachment 317651
Yeah. So? WTF does that have to do with my OP other than pointing out Trump reacted with a travel ban just days after it showed up in the US?
And then wasted the next two months telling us it was a hoax.

Them's the facts kiddo.

What you're being told by Whoopi, Joy and the gang are not facts.

Them's the facts kiddo!

Son, you RWNJs wouldn't recognize a fact if I wrapped it around a set fish and slapped you with it.
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

View attachment 317651
Yeah. So? WTF does that have to do with my OP other than pointing out Trump reacted with a travel ban just days after it showed up in the US?
And then wasted the next two months telling us it was a hoax.

Them's the facts kiddo.

What you're being told by Whoopi, Joy and the gang are not facts.

Them's the facts kiddo!

Son, you RWNJs wouldn't recognize a fact if I wrapped it around a set fish and slapped you with it.
Debating with me face to face I would have you curled up in the fetal position in the corner of your safe space clutching your therapy animal within 10 minutes.
Lol, ooooh I'm so scared!!

Fuckin' moron.
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

View attachment 317651
Yeah. So? WTF does that have to do with my OP other than pointing out Trump reacted with a travel ban just days after it showed up in the US?
And then wasted the next two months telling us it was a hoax.

Them's the facts kiddo.
Up yours nostrils. It's common knowledge.
No, he didn't call the virus a hoax. The media reporting was. They reported 2 million would die, but of course as usual. They were wrong.

They were not wrong, even Trump's own experts say that many would have died if not for the extraordinary measures that have been put into place.

You are like the idiot whose doctors says "you need to lose 30 pounds or you will have a heart attack" and so you lose 40 pounds and then say the doctor was wrong because you did not have a heart attack.
Okay dealing with you loons. You saying Trump handled this great, or this is his Katrina?

right now somewhere in the middle. He wasted a lot of time at the beginning pretending it was not going to happen but he is doing a pretty good job now of trying to catch up.
He stopped travel from china while the democrats were trying to impeach him. Lol

and that was it...he bought us some time and then wasted that time telling us it was all good and everything was under control....just imagine if had gone to 3M in Jan and said "we are going to need a shit ton of mask in the near future" 3M would have been all over it thanks to the increased profit. But he did not do that till Mid-March.

That one right move does not remove the fact we sat in our thumbs for the next month and a half
You are taking today's knowledge and blasting Trump for not seeing the future.

Which Dimsocialist was calling for those things back then?

Names and links please.
Bet the dissolved pandemic task force would have seen it coming.
Quit lying. Just quit. You know it is a lie yet keep repeating it. I will be glad to go get the links for you I have posted previously , if you’d like.
Your links are bullshit. He took a dedicated taskforce that we NEEDED and rolled it in under a buncha other crap and it got deprioritized. This disaster is, at it's root, his fault. And he knows it too. That's why he's so desperately trying to find someone else to blame.

You know it too. You know you're in denial.
No, your lies about it are bullshit-
No, he did not. The ebola pandemic team funding expired. Quit lying.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

PolitiFact - NC Democrat says Trump is cutting the CDC budget by 80 percent Shows,it’s false

The broader point about there being “nobody here” to coordinate the response sells short what’s in place to handle an outbreak.

The public health system has a playbook to follow for pandemic preparation — regardless of who’s president or whether specific instructions are coming from the White House. Those plans were put into place in anticipation of another flu pandemic, but are designed to work for any respiratory-borne disease.

Among the health authorities overseeing the work are Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC’s principal deputy director and a veteran of previous outbreaks, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH’s infectious disease chief who has advised six presidents.

“The CDC’s response has been excellent, as it has been in the past,” said John Auerbach, president of the nonpartisan Trust for America’s Health, which works with government at all levels to improve the nation’s response to high-risk health crises. Some Democrats have charged that Trump decimated the nation’s public health leadership, but Auerbach said CDC’s top scientific ranks have remained stable during the past three years.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

Check out the act the replaced the last Act for pandemics passed in 2019. Makes for stronger support and response.

S.1379 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019
You are wasting your time.

Crepitus knows he is lying, he just doesn’t care.
Haven't you heard? Lying isn't a thing in American society any longer. It is a cultural value.
Must be one in your culture, that’s for certain, or are you the exception?
American culture. The entire "way of life" ruse is imploding in your face. Blowback. Choices and consequences.

Look at this dumbass shit, the stuff of empires in decline:

How's the hoax going?
This hoax imploded like all the other Dimsocialist hoaxes since Trump is handling it so well.
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

View attachment 317651
Yeah. So? WTF does that have to do with my OP other than pointing out Trump reacted with a travel ban just days after it showed up in the US?
And then wasted the next two months telling us it was a hoax.

Them's the facts kiddo.
Up yours nostrils. It's common knowledge.
No, he didn't call the virus a hoax. The media reporting was. They reported 2 million would die, but of course as usual. They were wrong.

They were not wrong, even Trump's own experts say that many would have died if not for the extraordinary measures that have been put into place.

You are like the idiot whose doctors says "you need to lose 30 pounds or you will have a heart attack" and so you lose 40 pounds and then say the doctor was wrong because you did not have a heart attack.
Okay dealing with you loons. You saying Trump handled this great, or this is his Katrina?

right now somewhere in the middle. He wasted a lot of time at the beginning pretending it was not going to happen but he is doing a pretty good job now of trying to catch up.
He stopped travel from china while the democrats were trying to impeach him. Lol

and that was it...he bought us some time and then wasted that time telling us it was all good and everything was under control....just imagine if had gone to 3M in Jan and said "we are going to need a shit ton of mask in the near future" 3M would have been all over it thanks to the increased profit. But he did not do that till Mid-March.

That one right move does not remove the fact we sat in our thumbs for the next month and a half
You are taking today's knowledge and blasting Trump for not seeing the future.

Which Dimsocialist was calling for those things back then?

Names and links please.
Bet the dissolved pandemic task force would have seen it coming.
Quit lying. Just quit. You know it is a lie yet keep repeating it. I will be glad to go get the links for you I have posted previously , if you’d like.
Your links are bullshit. He took a dedicated taskforce that we NEEDED and rolled it in under a buncha other crap and it got deprioritized. This disaster is, at it's root, his fault. And he knows it too. That's why he's so desperately trying to find someone else to blame.

You know it too. You know you're in denial.
No, your lies about it are bullshit-
No, he did not. The ebola pandemic team funding expired. Quit lying.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

PolitiFact - NC Democrat says Trump is cutting the CDC budget by 80 percent Shows,it’s false

The broader point about there being “nobody here” to coordinate the response sells short what’s in place to handle an outbreak.

The public health system has a playbook to follow for pandemic preparation — regardless of who’s president or whether specific instructions are coming from the White House. Those plans were put into place in anticipation of another flu pandemic, but are designed to work for any respiratory-borne disease.

Among the health authorities overseeing the work are Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC’s principal deputy director and a veteran of previous outbreaks, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH’s infectious disease chief who has advised six presidents.

“The CDC’s response has been excellent, as it has been in the past,” said John Auerbach, president of the nonpartisan Trust for America’s Health, which works with government at all levels to improve the nation’s response to high-risk health crises. Some Democrats have charged that Trump decimated the nation’s public health leadership, but Auerbach said CDC’s top scientific ranks have remained stable during the past three years.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

Check out the act the replaced the last Act for pandemics passed in 2019. Makes for stronger support and response.

S.1379 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019
You are wasting your time.

Crepitus knows he is lying, he just doesn’t care.
I am not lying. Yer little butt-buddy moved the goalposts with his last post. I never claimed anything but dissolving the pandemic task force, which it true.

You dumb-asses can't even win an argument on a discussion board without cheating.
Nothing was dissolved. That is a lie that has been debunked long ago.
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late

Jan. 22:We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” — Trump

Then Trump did something. On Jan 31st he stoped travel from China foreign nationals who have been to China in the last 14 days from coming in.

Feb. 23:We have it very much under control in this country.” — Trump

Should we give him credit stoping such travel - yes. On balance it was a good move....thats where his good moves pretty much ended for a while as he downplayed virus risk, spread misinformation and politicized the issue.

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