First Chinese Virus case in NY: March 1. Trump China travel ban: January 31.

Right here is the reality...
Trump did ban travel from China after the Airlines stopped flights anyway.

This would slow down the virus coming, Biden even said so in a speech but Biden said it would slow NOT stop...

Trump instead of getting ready squandered the any time he gained and much more.

Yes Trump could make a comeback from his blundered start and wish he would. I am seriously genuine on this one.

But on yesterdays call he didn't even know the state of testing, sorry but COVID is not that complicated. Tests are vital, they are essential to stop the spread, no tests and everywhere turns into New York eventually.

I must say the Governors both GOP and Dems are trying to do there jobs and are showing the real leadership in this crisis. Honestly Trump looks so far out of touch that it is best he distances himself and just sign orders... His involvement is wasteful and distracting..

My heart goes out the those governors on the call yesterday pleading for tests tomorrow and gives them the 'Let them eat cake... ' next month answer.
Happened on the same day. Airlines stopped after Trump instituted the ban.

Your bullshit has already been debunked in this thread. You clowns are hilarious.
Cotton was warning to shut the borders back in january but everyone was laughing and mocking him.
Debunked your ass

Good Lord, Dumbass.

The joke Snopes has two corrections at the bottom proving their original rating is Bullshit. Being the leftist hack site they are, instead of corrected the story they put their "updates" in tiny type at the end. This is the same link two other window licking morons already brought to this thread. I shoved it up their asses too, idiot.

  • Updated to clarify that cuts to programs intended to fight epidemics globally did not take place.
  • Updated to clarify that the 2018 reductions in CDC efforts referenced were a result of the anticipated depletion of previously allotted funding, not a direct cut by the Trump administration.
Trump's travel ban went into effect the same day that airlines suspended flights. Both actions occurred independent of each other and European flights had been suspended days prior

It only affected Chinese nationals and thousands arrived and were set loose into the country

Of course Trump made no other mass actions (Disney-Mardi Gras-Spring Break)for months and didn't suspend flights from Europe until March 13
Unfortunately, once it entered and flooded into the GLOBALIST EU, there was no way to prevent it from getting here.

Still not sure this was not all by design. The educated ones know the percentage of deaths, they have been pushing the world over population "problem" for decades, we are all now under control of the globalists, are we not?

Not saying this is hoax. I am quarantining now for 9 days and there is no end in sight.
Debunked your ass

Good Lord, Dumbass.

The joke Snopes has two corrections at the bottom proving their original rating is Bullshit. Being the leftist hack site they are, instead of corrected the story they put their "updates" in tiny type at the end. This is the same link two other window licking morons already brought to this thread. I shoved it up their asses too, idiot.

  • Updated to clarify that cuts to programs intended to fight epidemics globally did not take place.
  • Updated to clarify that the 2018 reductions in CDC efforts referenced were a result of the anticipated depletion of previously allotted funding, not a direct cut by the Trump administration.
Neither disclaimer had anything to do with disbanding the Pandemic Response Team asswipe
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

View attachment 317651
Yeah. So? WTF does that have to do with my OP other than pointing out Trump reacted with a travel ban just days after it showed up in the US?
And then wasted the next two months telling us it was a hoax.

Them's the facts kiddo.
Up yours nostrils. It's common knowledge.
No, he didn't call the virus a hoax. The media reporting was. They reported 2 million would die, but of course as usual. They were wrong.

They were not wrong, even Trump's own experts say that many would have died if not for the extraordinary measures that have been put into place.

You are like the idiot whose doctors says "you need to lose 30 pounds or you will have a heart attack" and so you lose 40 pounds and then say the doctor was wrong because you did not have a heart attack.
Okay dealing with you loons. You saying Trump handled this great, or this is his Katrina?

right now somewhere in the middle. He wasted a lot of time at the beginning pretending it was not going to happen but he is doing a pretty good job now of trying to catch up.
He stopped travel from china while the democrats were trying to impeach him. Lol

and that was it...he bought us some time and then wasted that time telling us it was all good and everything was under control....just imagine if had gone to 3M in Jan and said "we are going to need a shit ton of mask in the near future" 3M would have been all over it thanks to the increased profit. But he did not do that till Mid-March.

That one right move does not remove the fact we sat in our thumbs for the next month and a half
You are taking today's knowledge and blasting Trump for not seeing the future.

Which Dimsocialist was calling for those things back then?

Names and links please.
Bet the dissolved pandemic task force would have seen it coming.
Quit lying. Just quit. You know it is a lie yet keep repeating it. I will be glad to go get the links for you I have posted previously , if you’d like.
Your links are bullshit. He took a dedicated taskforce that we NEEDED and rolled it in under a buncha other crap and it got deprioritized. This disaster is, at it's root, his fault. And he knows it too. That's why he's so desperately trying to find someone else to blame.

You know it too. You know you're in denial.
No, your lies about it are bullshit-
No, he did not. The ebola pandemic team funding expired. Quit lying.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

PolitiFact - NC Democrat says Trump is cutting the CDC budget by 80 percent Shows,it’s false

The broader point about there being “nobody here” to coordinate the response sells short what’s in place to handle an outbreak.

The public health system has a playbook to follow for pandemic preparation — regardless of who’s president or whether specific instructions are coming from the White House. Those plans were put into place in anticipation of another flu pandemic, but are designed to work for any respiratory-borne disease.

Among the health authorities overseeing the work are Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC’s principal deputy director and a veteran of previous outbreaks, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH’s infectious disease chief who has advised six presidents.

“The CDC’s response has been excellent, as it has been in the past,” said John Auerbach, president of the nonpartisan Trust for America’s Health, which works with government at all levels to improve the nation’s response to high-risk health crises. Some Democrats have charged that Trump decimated the nation’s public health leadership, but Auerbach said CDC’s top scientific ranks have remained stable during the past three years.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

Check out the act the replaced the last Act for pandemics passed in 2019. Makes for stronger support and response.

S.1379 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019
You are wasting your time.

Crepitus knows he is lying, he just doesn’t care.
Haven't you heard? Lying isn't a thing in American society any longer. It is a cultural value.
Must be one in your culture, that’s for certain, or are you the exception?
American culture. The entire "way of life" ruse is imploding in your face. Blowback. Choices and consequences.

Look at this dumbass shit, the stuff of empires in decline:

How's the hoax going?
This hoax imploded like all the other Dimsocialist hoaxes since Trump is handling it so well.

The hoax is this illusion that you have two oppositional political parties and a representative democratic form of governance.


Debunked your ass

Good Lord, Dumbass.

The joke Snopes has two corrections at the bottom proving their original rating is Bullshit. Being the leftist hack site they are, instead of corrected the story they put their "updates" in tiny type at the end. This is the same link two other window licking morons already brought to this thread. I shoved it up their asses too, idiot.

  • Updated to clarify that cuts to programs intended to fight epidemics globally did not take place.
  • Updated to clarify that the 2018 reductions in CDC efforts referenced were a result of the anticipated depletion of previously allotted funding, not a direct cut by the Trump administration.
Neither disclaimer had anything to do with disbanding the Pandemic Response Team asswipe
Both of them did.

Snopes is almost as big of a joke as you are.
Unfortunately, once it entered and flooded into the GLOBALIST EU, there was no way to prevent it from getting here.

Still not sure this was not all by design. The educated ones know the percentage of deaths, they have been pushing the world over population "problem" for decades, we are all now under control of the globalists, are we not?

Not saying this is hoax. I am quarantining now for 9 days and there is no end in sight.

You are wide open to any emerging pandemic that arises in the world. Blame has not served us well this far. Preparation and funding would have. Americans had other priorities. The consequences have come due. That's all. What is out of sight is this notion you're going back to what you had assumed was "normal". It never was.
Debunked your ass

Good Lord, Dumbass.

The joke Snopes has two corrections at the bottom proving their original rating is Bullshit. Being the leftist hack site they are, instead of corrected the story they put their "updates" in tiny type at the end. This is the same link two other window licking morons already brought to this thread. I shoved it up their asses too, idiot.

  • Updated to clarify that cuts to programs intended to fight epidemics globally did not take place.
  • Updated to clarify that the 2018 reductions in CDC efforts referenced were a result of the anticipated depletion of previously allotted funding, not a direct cut by the Trump administration.
Neither disclaimer had anything to do with disbanding the Pandemic Response Team asswipe
Both of them did.

Snopes is almost as big of a joke as you are.

There is no truth in America, we made it a reality show.
Cotton was warning to shut the borders back in january but everyone was laughing and mocking him.
Ummmm no not according to his own site

  • · Allow American citizens in China to evacuate under appropriate monitoring
  • · Allow critical trade to continue safely
  • · Allow medical personnel and scientists to travel to and from China
  • · Marshal the full resources of the federal government to engineer a vaccine
That ain't "closing the borders" by a long shot
So Dimsocialists, tell us again how Trump did nothing until it was too late. One here claims he did nothing until March 19.

View attachment 317651
Yeah. So? WTF does that have to do with my OP other than pointing out Trump reacted with a travel ban just days after it showed up in the US?
And then wasted the next two months telling us it was a hoax.

Them's the facts kiddo.
Hey, it's going to dry up and blow away.
Both of them did.

Snopes is almost as big of a joke as you are.
Dude...sayin it don't make it so.

The disclaimers talk about funding NOT whether the Pandemic Team was disbanded.

People can read ya know.

Stop embarrassing yourself
You have the reading comprehension skill so a retarded gnat.
Both of them did.

Snopes is almost as big of a joke as you are.
Dude...sayin it don't make it so.

The disclaimers talk about funding NOT whether the Pandemic Team was disbanded.

People can read ya know.

Stop embarrassing yourself
Facts mean nothing to him. But really we would give Trump a pass, sort of, for not instilling early panic IF he'd been ordering mass production of protective gear by the end of Jan, but the reality really was he did not want a crisis to get in his way, so he was told what he wanted to hear, except for Fauci, who may have been alone inside the admin, and people working in the field in academia, who kept forcing the media to ask questions. And Trump just made up false answers.

And that's what he is not going to be able to lie his way out of. It may be that his admin finally gets its shit together, and maybe the econ will bounce back in the fall. But there's absolutely NO fact today to believe the former is happening and the latter is just wishful thinking that might pan out.
You have the reading comprehension skill so a retarded gnat.
Hey the disclaimer and highlight the part that talks about the Pandemic Team...ya we can all see what you think you can see.

Cotton was warning to shut the borders back in january but everyone was laughing and mocking him.
Ummmm no not according to his own site

  • · Allow American citizens in China to evacuate under appropriate monitoring
  • · Allow critical trade to continue safely
  • · Allow medical personnel and scientists to travel to and from China
  • · Marshal the full resources of the federal government to engineer a vaccine
That ain't "closing the borders" by a long shot

He was calling for international travel ie shutting borders. Yes, thats closing the borders and he was calling for that in january. You're playing semantics and we can see through those hollow words.

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