First day of school and pledge of allegiance

First day of school in Maryland. 4th period, each class, the school determines for the recitation for the Pledge of Allegiance. My 11th grade son is in is assigned class. He is the only one to stand up and recite. One of the slackers turns and says, “are we still doing this?”

I’d like to thank the Armed Forces, past and present, who made it possible for these malcontents and ingrates (and their parents and families) to sit idle during the Pledge of Allegiance. To the appeasing Big Education..... Go Fuck Yourself.
We should collect all the combat veterans who want a job, and turn them into teachers. They already signed papers that said they would defend America and the Constitution. In fact, they oughta replace ALL university leftist lemons with twice the salary. And any puddin'head student who skips class will have to do 999 pushups in less than a week. :muahaha:
First day of school in Maryland. 4th period, each class, the school determines for the recitation for the Pledge of Allegiance. My 11th grade son is in is assigned class. He is the only one to stand up and recite. One of the slackers turns and says, “are we still doing this?”

I’d like to thank the Armed Forces, past and present, who made it possible for these malcontents and ingrates (and their parents and families) to sit idle during the Pledge of Allegiance. To the appeasing Big Education..... Go Fuck Yourself.
I grew up with a lot of Catholic kids who used to tell me how the nuns would beat them with rulers and make them kneel in painful positions and all kinds of stuff. Something seriously wrong here, I think they ought to hot wire a neon transformer to each seat and turn it on for the kids that think it too much bother to stand and respect the flag then go to the parent's house and beat the crap out of the old man.

This isn't free choice, this is a weakened nation, soft, unprepared, undeserving and unfit to remain free much longer.
And this is true "patriotism", folks.....the CRC way.
First day of school in Maryland. 4th period, each class, the school determines for the recitation for the Pledge of Allegiance. My 11th grade son is in is assigned class. He is the only one to stand up and recite. One of the slackers turns and says, “are we still doing this?”

I’d like to thank the Armed Forces, past and present, who made it possible for these malcontents and ingrates (and their parents and families) to sit idle during the Pledge of Allegiance. To the appeasing Big Education..... Go Fuck Yourself.
I grew up with a lot of Catholic kids who used to tell me how the nuns would beat them with rulers and make them kneel in painful positions and all kinds of stuff. Something seriously wrong here, I think they ought to hot wire a neon transformer to each seat and turn it on for the kids that think it too much bother to stand and respect the flag then go to the parent's house and beat the crap out of the old man.

This isn't free choice, this is a weakened nation, soft, unprepared, undeserving and unfit to remain free much longer.
And this is true "patriotism", folks.....the CRC way.

Define patriotism and allegiance.

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