First day of school and pledge of allegiance

I don't recall reciting the pledge in school. I'm sure we did it in grade school, just don't recall it. It was quite awhile ago. I do remember the school assembly we had where each of the classrooms presented their 48 star flag and exchanged it for the new 50 star flag. That was cool.
It is funny how those that care about GOD are the biggest assholes to people of color, refugees. Homeless, muslims etc....didnt your God teach you to be kind, accepting, humble and most importantly not to back an pussy grabber and a cheater ?

So you think being religious means you should be docile pushovers who let their country be taken right out from under their feet by invaders?

As to backing pussy grabbers and cheaters, yeah, that is right in John 12:15. o_O The only problem was that all of the democratic alternative choices you offered us were even bigger pussies and cheaters!

Just remember, we are all DEPLORABLE, uneducated, knuckle-dragging superstitious inbreds, so please do not expect too much from us.
Nobody said you were all deplorable
Only the half that is racist, xenophobic, misogynistic and bigoted

Which half are you?
First day of school in Maryland. 4th period, each class, the school determines for the recitation for the Pledge of Allegiance. My 11th grade son is in is assigned class. He is the only one to stand up and recite. One of the slackers turns and says, “are we still doing this?”

I’d like to thank the Armed Forces, past and present, who made it possible for these malcontents and ingrates (and their parents and families) to sit idle during the Pledge of Allegiance. To the appeasing Big Education..... Go Fuck Yourself.
Do you know the history of the pledge?

It was originally written by Francis Bellamy - Wikipedia without the words "under goD". You guys woulda hated him by the way. He was a socialist who believed in "the rights of working people and the equal distribution of economic resources, which he believed was inherent in the teachings of Jesus" as well as a leader in the public education movement and the nationalization movement.

"Under god" was added in the 1950s as pretty much pure McCarthyism in response to the "red scare".

So you hate pretty much everything about the pledge's history, you just like the fact that it stirs your jingoism.

Another thought:

For people who claim to be fans of freedom and personal responsibility you sure don't seem to understand what either one of those is.

Here’s a thought... based on the History, looks like another case of Christian Capitalists taking a socialist concept and making it better. Here is another Fact: no where does Jesus mention taking care of the poor and sick must go through the State (Caesar). I am certain Jesus will not judge me on my donations to the State in the name of the Poor. I will be judged what I do Direct in alignment with His teachings. What is going to be interesting is how He views the statists that had Him removed from the schools and courts yet his cherry-picked teachings used as tools to hold his followed followers accountable to the State.
It is a pledge

If it has to be repeated every day, it is not much of a pledge
Repetition is necessary to make sure propaganda is securely lodged in young minds.


So pledging allegience to the US flag is now propaganda to the left? What is it with you people?
If it is forced, it is nothing but propaganda

An authentic pledge is voluntary and sincere

I guess the real question is why liberals(and their kids) seem to be the ones most often refusing to say they pledge?

Maybe they are unwilling to recite forced propaganda on command

Or maybe they are brainwashed liked their parents to be unpatriotic and to hate the US. Could be either I suppose.
Repetition is necessary to make sure propaganda is securely lodged in young minds.


So pledging allegience to the US flag is now propaganda to the left? What is it with you people?
If it is forced, it is nothing but propaganda

An authentic pledge is voluntary and sincere

I guess the real question is why liberals(and their kids) seem to be the ones most often refusing to say they pledge?

Maybe they are unwilling to recite forced propaganda on command

Or maybe they are brainwashed liked their parents to be unpatriotic and to hate the US. Could be either I suppose.
If children are so easily brainwashed......why are we expecting them to make a pledge?

Shouldn’t you have to be an adult to make such a pledge?
So pledging allegience to the US flag is now propaganda to the left? What is it with you people?
If it is forced, it is nothing but propaganda

An authentic pledge is voluntary and sincere

I guess the real question is why liberals(and their kids) seem to be the ones most often refusing to say they pledge?

Maybe they are unwilling to recite forced propaganda on command

Or maybe they are brainwashed liked their parents to be unpatriotic and to hate the US. Could be either I suppose.
If children are so easily brainwashed......why are we expecting them to make a pledge?

Shouldn’t you have to be an adult to make such a pledge?

Forget the Pledge of Allegiance. How about holding kids accountable? That’s the larger issue. If you think K-12 students are being held accountable compared to generations past, you are smoking crack.
If it is forced, it is nothing but propaganda

An authentic pledge is voluntary and sincere

I guess the real question is why liberals(and their kids) seem to be the ones most often refusing to say they pledge?

Maybe they are unwilling to recite forced propaganda on command

Or maybe they are brainwashed liked their parents to be unpatriotic and to hate the US. Could be either I suppose.
If children are so easily brainwashed......why are we expecting them to make a pledge?

Shouldn’t you have to be an adult to make such a pledge?

Forget the Pledge of Allegiance. How about holding kids accountable? That’s the larger issue. If you think K-12 students are being held accountable compared to generations past, you are smoking crack.
They are held accountable for different things
I guess the real question is why liberals(and their kids) seem to be the ones most often refusing to say they pledge?

Maybe they are unwilling to recite forced propaganda on command

Or maybe they are brainwashed liked their parents to be unpatriotic and to hate the US. Could be either I suppose.
If children are so easily brainwashed......why are we expecting them to make a pledge?

Shouldn’t you have to be an adult to make such a pledge?

Forget the Pledge of Allegiance. How about holding kids accountable? That’s the larger issue. If you think K-12 students are being held accountable compared to generations past, you are smoking crack.
They are held accountable for different things
Name those different things.
Maybe they are unwilling to recite forced propaganda on command

Or maybe they are brainwashed liked their parents to be unpatriotic and to hate the US. Could be either I suppose.
If children are so easily brainwashed......why are we expecting them to make a pledge?

Shouldn’t you have to be an adult to make such a pledge?

Forget the Pledge of Allegiance. How about holding kids accountable? That’s the larger issue. If you think K-12 students are being held accountable compared to generations past, you are smoking crack.
They are held accountable for different things
Name those different things.
Kids today are more accountable for bullying, making racist or homophobic statements
Every generation likes to think their generation was more patriotic than the current one. Yet, whenever this counrry goes to war, young men and women enlist and fill the ranks with volunteers.
My young cousin from Long Island had a friend whose father died on 9/1. Of course, my cousin knew his friend's father very well. Both boys were 12 years old and vowed to someday take vengeance. Sure enough, the week after graduating from high school they enlisted in the Marines, went through boot camp together and went to Afghanistan together. Both did two tours and camp back with commendations, medals and honorable discharges.
Or maybe they are brainwashed liked their parents to be unpatriotic and to hate the US. Could be either I suppose.
If children are so easily brainwashed......why are we expecting them to make a pledge?

Shouldn’t you have to be an adult to make such a pledge?

Forget the Pledge of Allegiance. How about holding kids accountable? That’s the larger issue. If you think K-12 students are being held accountable compared to generations past, you are smoking crack.
They are held accountable for different things
Name those different things.
Kids today are more accountable for bullying, making racist or homophobic statements
It is not the kids, it is the administration putting an emphasis on things that kids have done since the beginning of time. Trying to change certain behaviors that are part of growing up is meddling and damages these kids more than bullying or teasing classmates.
First day of school in Maryland. 4th period, each class, the school determines for the recitation for the Pledge of Allegiance. My 11th grade son is in is assigned class. He is the only one to stand up and recite. One of the slackers turns and says, “are we still doing this?”

I’d like to thank the Armed Forces, past and present, who made it possible for these malcontents and ingrates (and their parents and families) to sit idle during the Pledge of Allegiance. To the appeasing Big Education..... Go Fuck Yourself.
Do you know the history of the pledge?

It was originally written by Francis Bellamy - Wikipedia without the words "under goD". You guys woulda hated him by the way. He was a socialist who believed in "the rights of working people and the equal distribution of economic resources, which he believed was inherent in the teachings of Jesus" as well as a leader in the public education movement and the nationalization movement.

"Under god" was added in the 1950s as pretty much pure McCarthyism in response to the "red scare".

So you hate pretty much everything about the pledge's history, you just like the fact that it stirs your jingoism.

Another thought:

For people who claim to be fans of freedom and personal responsibility you sure don't seem to understand what either one of those is.

Here’s a thought... based on the History, looks like another case of Christian Capitalists taking a socialist concept and making it better. Here is another Fact: no where does Jesus mention taking care of the poor and sick must go through the State (Caesar). I am certain Jesus will not judge me on my donations to the State in the name of the Poor. I will be judged what I do Direct in alignment with His teachings. What is going to be interesting is how He views the statists that had Him removed from the schools and courts yet his cherry-picked teachings used as tools to hold his followed followers accountable to the State.
Weasel words.
First day of school in Maryland. 4th period, each class, the school determines for the recitation for the Pledge of Allegiance. My 11th grade son is in is assigned class. He is the only one to stand up and recite. One of the slackers turns and says, “are we still doing this?”

I’d like to thank the Armed Forces, past and present, who made it possible for these malcontents and ingrates (and their parents and families) to sit idle during the Pledge of Allegiance. To the appeasing Big Education..... Go Fuck Yourself.
Do you know the history of the pledge?

It was originally written by Francis Bellamy - Wikipedia without the words "under goD". You guys woulda hated him by the way. He was a socialist who believed in "the rights of working people and the equal distribution of economic resources, which he believed was inherent in the teachings of Jesus" as well as a leader in the public education movement and the nationalization movement.

"Under god" was added in the 1950s as pretty much pure McCarthyism in response to the "red scare".

So you hate pretty much everything about the pledge's history, you just like the fact that it stirs your jingoism.

Another thought:

For people who claim to be fans of freedom and personal responsibility you sure don't seem to understand what either one of those is.

Here’s a thought... based on the History, looks like another case of Christian Capitalists taking a socialist concept and making it better. Here is another Fact: no where does Jesus mention taking care of the poor and sick must go through the State (Caesar). I am certain Jesus will not judge me on my donations to the State in the name of the Poor. I will be judged what I do Direct in alignment with His teachings. What is going to be interesting is how He views the statists that had Him removed from the schools and courts yet his cherry-picked teachings used as tools to hold his followed followers accountable to the State.
What strange version of history are you reading?
If children are so easily brainwashed......why are we expecting them to make a pledge?

Shouldn’t you have to be an adult to make such a pledge?

Forget the Pledge of Allegiance. How about holding kids accountable? That’s the larger issue. If you think K-12 students are being held accountable compared to generations past, you are smoking crack.
They are held accountable for different things
Name those different things.
Kids today are more accountable for bullying, making racist or homophobic statements
It is not the kids, it is the administration putting an emphasis on things that kids have done since the beginning of time. Trying to change certain behaviors that are part of growing up is meddling and damages these kids more than bullying or teasing classmates.
Who cares?

The statement was that kids are not held accountable. I said they are
I pledge allegiance to the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands. One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

so is your allegiance to god or the USA?

a pledge of allegiance to the US should not include ANY religious reference

Nonsense; you want to change it there's a ready made competitor: ALLAHU AKBAR!!!

Go on; go full Venezuela!!!!


Hate to tell you Greg, but the predominant religion of Venezuela is Christian, not Muslim.

Venezuela - Wikipedia

Main article: Religion in Venezuela

Religion in Venezuela according to the 2011 census[2]

Catholic (71%)
Protestant (17%)
Agnostic/Atheist (7%)
Other religion (3%)
No answer (1%)

According to a 2011 poll (GIS XXI), 88% of the population is Christian, primarily Roman Catholic (71%), and the remaining 17% Protestant, primarily Evangelicals (in Latin America Protestants are usually called "evangelicos"). 8% of Venezuelans are irreligious (atheist 2% and agnostic and 6% indifferent). Almost 3% of the population follow another religion (1% of these people practice Santería).[2]
The pledge should be to the United States of America, its people, it’s values and its Constitution

It should not be to a flag

Exactly. Every time I enlisted/reenlisted, my Oath of Enlistment was to "support and defend the Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic".

Nothing was said about an anthem or a flag.
I don't recall reciting the pledge in school. I'm sure we did it in grade school, just don't recall it. It was quite awhile ago. I do remember the school assembly we had where each of the classrooms presented their 48 star flag and exchanged it for the new 50 star flag. That was cool.

I remember having to recite the pledge while in Catholic school (2nd and 3rd grade), and also in the 4th through 6th grade. Jr. high and high school, we didn't recite the pledge, we just got started with class.
I guess the real question is why liberals(and their kids) seem to be the ones most often refusing to say they pledge?

Maybe they are unwilling to recite forced propaganda on command

Or maybe they are brainwashed liked their parents to be unpatriotic and to hate the US. Could be either I suppose.
If children are so easily brainwashed......why are we expecting them to make a pledge?

Shouldn’t you have to be an adult to make such a pledge?

Forget the Pledge of Allegiance. How about holding kids accountable? That’s the larger issue. If you think K-12 students are being held accountable compared to generations past, you are smoking crack.
They are held accountable for different things

Why so vague? Can you be more specific? The Internet is replete with students disrespecting and assaulting teachers, disrupting classes, bullying students. Try and hold kids accountable through punishment or moving them to a different school and the bureaucracy (full of liberal social engineers) step in and say no.
Or maybe they are brainwashed liked their parents to be unpatriotic and to hate the US. Could be either I suppose.
If children are so easily brainwashed......why are we expecting them to make a pledge?

Shouldn’t you have to be an adult to make such a pledge?

Forget the Pledge of Allegiance. How about holding kids accountable? That’s the larger issue. If you think K-12 students are being held accountable compared to generations past, you are smoking crack.
They are held accountable for different things
Name those different things.
Kids today are more accountable for bullying, making racist or homophobic statements

Some, not all kids are held accountable. It depends on their race, religion and economic status.

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