First ever audit in the history of the PENTAGON is happening UNDER is that a BAD THING?

Happening under Trump?

The only thing that ever happens under Trump is Melania trying desperately not to vomit.
Everything with these morons is a partisan issue. I am sure they manage to turn sex with their SO into a partisan issue.

These partisan hacks on both sides are a way bigger threat to our nation than ISIS every was

Wrong fakey sock, everything becomes partisan to bed wetters like you. For everyone else it's a matter of right vs. wrong and unfortunately for you most people believe you are wrong.
Everything with these morons is a partisan issue. I am sure they manage to turn sex with their SO into a partisan issue.

These partisan hacks on both sides are a way bigger threat to our nation than ISIS every was

Wrong fakey sock, everything becomes partisan to bed wetters like you. For everyone else it's a matter of right vs. wrong and unfortunately for you most people believe you are wrong.

Yes, you do couch it as "right vs wrong" but what is right and what is wrong is determined solely by you partisanship. And you are correct, most people do think that I am wrong, because most people are partisan hacks that only care about their party and nothing else, you are a prime example of this.

I am perfectly fine with being in the minority, of the small group that is not beholden to the right or the left, but that has an actual working brain and think for ourselves. I do not need the approval of the masses to guide my way.

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