First handguns for beginners.......Europeans need not watch this video....

A hickory-dickery-glock?.....Oh well, at least they will appreciate a CZ later on. ;)
A woman is grabbed by a serial rapist at a bas stop….

The woman in the scenario is being attacked by one man not an entire gang. No reason to fill the air with lead.

How about a good old snub nosed belly gun revolver.


We are talking extreme close range. The woman can draw her revolver and shove it into the guys stomach and it will fire (That’s why it is called a belly gun). The Glock will not as it will be “out of battery.” If the woman has the revolver in her purse or jacket pocket she can still shoot right through the purse or pocket. The Glock will fire at the most one round and jam.

Plus only a few rare revolvers come with a safety to forget to disengage. YOU are the safety when you are holding a revolver.

Revolvers are old tech that simply works and works simply.
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for a first gun for a beginner, Id go with a .22 Ruger. Funny story though, I took three friends from ICELAND to an indoor gun range because they WANTED to try it. Went through the whole saftey and operations course with a .22 Ruger but when they all got into the firing box.... none of them could raise the gun to eye level... to squeeze off one shot, without their hand shaking wildly ... the teenage boy didn't even try. the other two were female and one started to cry, but damn. i felt sorry for their society at that moment.
Sadly I had to fire off all the rounds and felt terrible. was the most unenjoyable experience at the gun range ever.
for a first gun for a beginner, Id go with a .22 Ruger. Funny story though, I took three friends from ICELAND to an indoor gun range because they WANTED to try it. Went through the whole saftey and operations course with a .22 Ruger but when they all got into the firing box.... none of them could raise the gun to eye level... to squeeze off one shot, without their hand shaking wildly ... the teenage boy didn't even try. the other two were female and one started to cry, but damn. i felt sorry for their society at that moment.
Sadly I had to fire off all the rounds and felt terrible. was the most unenjoyable experience at the gun range ever.
That's pretty sad. Maybe start them on lazer tag then advance then to paint ball competition then, maybe they could dredge up the courage to shoot a real firearm.
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That's pretty sad. Maybe start them on lazer tag then advance them to paint ball competition then, maybe they could dredge up the courage to shoot a real firearm.

Yeah, I think they may have been intimidated by the other loud echoing shots inside the range, but still... it was painful to watch. I felt like I had done a bad thing by bringing them there, even though they had asked me. Afterwards I decided it would have been better to take them to an open range and maybe use a .22 rifle. I think for someone who has never come in contact with a gun and seems skittish about it, it would be a better experience for a first time.
Yeah, I think they may have been intimidated by the other loud echoing shots inside the range, but still... it was painful to watch. I felt like I had done a bad thing by bringing them there, even though they had asked me. Afterwards I decided it would have been better to take them to an open range and maybe use a .22 rifle. I think for someone who has never come in contact with a gun and seems skittish about it, it would be a better experience for a first time.
I meant to actually MAKE them compete in lazar tag and paint ball. Defending oneself with any kind of weapon is more of a mental thing. IOW they have to stop thinking of a firearm as a scary thing that can kill them, to thinking of a firearm as a 'scary' thing that they can use to protect themselves by killing existential threats.
I think the best handgun for a beginner is a .22. If it's for self-defense then I wouldn't go for a revolver cuz you only get 6 shots or so, so a semi-auto with 10 or more cartridges would make more sense to me. The guns are cheap and the ammo is way cheaper than anything else, and the beginner would be wise to get used to the recoil and aiming it. I'd tell them to get one with a threaded barrel so if they decide to get a silencer/suppressor they don't have to get another gun. Tell you what, even a .22 is pretty loud indoors.
for a first gun for a beginner, Id go with a .22 Ruger. Funny story though, I took three friends from ICELAND to an indoor gun range because they WANTED to try it. Went through the whole saftey and operations course with a .22 Ruger but when they all got into the firing box.... none of them could raise the gun to eye level... to squeeze off one shot, without their hand shaking wildly ... the teenage boy didn't even try. the other two were female and one started to cry, but damn. i felt sorry for their society at that moment.
Sadly I had to fire off all the rounds and felt terrible. was the most unenjoyable experience at the gun range ever.
The .22 Ruger Mark IV is an excellent pistol for beginners. The ammo (when you can get it) is normally inexpensive enough to allow you to master the basics of shooting a handgun without having to deal with heavy recoil.

Some will even argue the Ruger Mark IV can work for self defense although most shooters consider .22 LR ammo underpowered for that job.

True story: when I bought my first handgun some years ago, I got a .357 magnum 6-shooter. It was on sale (Black Friday), and I got a couple boxes of cartridges to go with it. Thought I was Marshall effing Dillon, draw MFer. Then I loaded it up and took my first shot with it. Damnation, what a kick! First off, it's heavier than shit and I realized pretty quick that my chances of getting a hit with the first shot wasn't good cuz it was so heavy and my chances of getting a 2nd shot off before I could fire again weren't good cuz it took me awhile to reacquire the target. I realized pretty quick that this gun wasn't going to work for me, I had to move down to a smaller caliber weapon and did so.

Which is why for some people a .22 is maybe their best choice cuz anything else is more problematic, as I described above. Elderly people, arthritis, and so on. For home defense, my house is small, only about 1200 sf, and a scant 12 feet or so away from the house on either side. They got kids, and I'll be damned if I'm going to take a chance on shooting a kid, so I arranged the bedroom furniture such that if I gotta start shooting, the bullets will have to go through 2 interior walls and the brick exterior wall too. And not in the direction of the neighbor's houses. My gun is a Walther WMP 4.5" barrel .22 WMR that has a 15+1 capacity. It came with an extra magazine, so I got 30 bullets ready to go if needed. And BTW, that sucker is loud. Got a backup handgun too, a Beretta .22 that carries 10+1 with an extra magazine for that one too. Those guns may not have a lot of stopping power or penetration, but from 12-15 feet or so I figure I can put a few into the bad guy's coconut. That or shoot his dick off.
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