First New Year Blow Job...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
Ah, at last. My first blow job of the new year!

I'll admit I was a little nervous about it at first. I wanted to have it done, knew I'd really enjoy it, but at my age it isn't as easy for me as it once was. But I was determined and really wanted to experience the feeling again. So I took it out. She was a bit cold at first but after only a couple of tugs I felt like it was coming to life. Pulled and jerked at it a bit and it really started to feel good. So good that my confidence grew, it was much bigger now, and I really felt like she was going to make it happen. It was a really exciting feeling.

"Faster," I said to myself. "C'mon, keep at it...that's it! Yeah, c'mon...faster, FASTER!!! It was like she could almost hear my thoughts. She was suddenly more responsive and I could tell she wanted it to happen too, even after she choked a bit. So I let off a little, just relaxed my grip on her for a second or two to let the little sucker breathe a tad until I sensed she was ready for more of me.

Fully and eagerly engaged now my excitement was palpable. I could feel my heartbeat quicken along with the pace of my breathing as a tingling sensation seemed to vibrate my extremities. I knew from experience I was almost there. I could feel it coming.

And then, finally, it happened. My whole body felt it. It was like an explosion, followed by a mighty roar as my efforts were rewarded with an incredible climax. She had done it! My trusty Toro two-stroke snow blower was very loudly alive again and the first blow job of the year was about to send my snow into my neighbor’s yard and the street out front.

And afterward, tuckered out from tuggin’ her starter cord and the rest of the activity, I napped a spell.

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