First they "leak" the indictment before the jury even voted, then they forget to redact juror names

It takes a special breed to commit numerous unforced errors in a couple of hours.

If you saw the posse posing as a court of law you'd say, yeah, not surprised.


Can you die of **chef's kiss**?


And also

It takes a special breed to commit numerous unforced errors in a couple of hours.

If you saw the posse posing as a court of law you'd say, yeah, not surprised.

Definately a low shot from the prosecution ... not even notifying the defendants attorneys , and they had to see it all on TV. In my mind I can see this vicious jackal of a woman trying to let those defendants sleep on it after watching the news... trying to get them to say anything in order to avoid prison time.

Yeah , theres 99 problems and the Bitch is one. The other 98 are BS, first and foremost the recording. SHe actually tried to refer to CONTEXT of the phone call as a ploy of the Defense ....all whilst, shes using a ploy of using a single clip out of a phone call... without direct context of that phone call, SO that she can try to tie in other events that happened.
There seems to be little or no honesty left in our justice system.

People tried to tell Trump this and begged for him to listen and he dismissed them and called them SOB's.

Trump supporters called them worse.

People tried to tell Trump this and begged for him to listen and he dismissed them and called them SOB's.

Trump supporters called them worse.

What people? Half of the voters were appalled at what happened in the Election, and a third still are.

So because he didn’t submit like Dems demand, they go after aith with a political persecution to keep him from running?

In the meantime, the REAL crook is being defended.
I kinda feel bad for democrats, they are going to lose every case, and bad.. the. Trump will be in the White House .. 3 time winner..

Next 6 years epic
Watching events unfold last night (Monday), how could you not notice that every human involved in the shenanigans was Black? Except for the judge, of course. A Black judge would have made the whole farce so obvious that even Democrats might have picked up on it.

Anyone else notice that all four of these cases are grounded in Leftist shithole venues? DC, Manhattan, Atlanta. Why not West Virginia?
Watching events unfold last night (Monday), how could you not notice that every human involved in the shenanigans was Black? Except for the judge, of course. A Black judge would have made the whole farce so obvious that even Democrats might have picked up on it.

Anyone else notice that all four of these cases are grounded in Leftist shithole venues? DC, Manhattan, Atlanta. Why not West Virginia?
Yup, It’s Georgia of the 1930s all over again, only this time its blacks railroading a white man.

Q: Why is the jury all black, or mostly black? Don’t whites live in Fulton County?

A: Just looked it up - it’s 45% black, and 45% white.

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