First they "leak" the indictment before the jury even voted, then they forget to redact juror names

Yea, favored for injustice. Please show us how the Justice System favors black folks.
Dems have decriminalized crimes because blacks were committing them disproportionately.

On a lesser scale, it’s the same reason our liberal county stopped charging fines for late books. Blacks were the ones not returning them.
With Trump these grand juries are not peers and are induced in advance to decide in favor of what the prosecution wants
What people? Half of the voters were appalled at what happened in the Election, and a third still are.

So because he didn’t submit like Dems demand, they go after aith with a political persecution to keep him from running?

In the meantime, the REAL crook is being defended.
You MAGAs greatly overestimate your numbers.
Yup, It’s Georgia of the 1930s all over again, only this time its blacks railroading a white man.

Q: Why is the jury all black, or mostly black? Don’t whites live in Fulton County?

A: Just looked it up - it’s 45% black, and 45% white.

Predetermined outcome. thats how the modern Democrat has to get things done these days. Well, I think the trial selection will be more fair than the Grand jury selection.
He's been indicted. Everyone with a brain knows he's guilty.

asking to find more votes is racketeering? just being stubborn and believing you were cheated is racketeering? Trump's problem was he's not one to back down and he was attacked from the outset of his
first term... someone like him is going to double down and become more stubborn.. but that isnt a crime.

laws were broken when they tried to get Trump for Russian collussion, but it was just "ooopss mistake" You want to talk about classified documents? well back then the FBI purposely leaked information to their friends in the news media... to help bring down a sitting US president... and its just another "oooops" slap on the wrist.

They wanted Trump out of there the moment he was elected because they felt he didnt belong in Washington and is bad for business. Had Hillary been elected.... all of the Biden fiasco collecting millions from China and eastern Europe would have gone undetected, so you can bet they were pissed.
It takes a special breed to commit numerous unforced errors in a couple of hours.

If you saw the posse posing as a court of law you'd say, yeah, not surprised.

You people are so moronic its incredible...

"After a grand jury votes to charge someone with a crime, the presiding judge then reveals the indictment in open court. When an indictment becomes public, jurors’ names will appear on the document. In Georgia, grand jurors who are not present for a vote are crossed out. How each grand juror voted is not listed."

This article is from July 23rd......Do you understand that the people who feeds you this bullshit has ZERO RESPECT FOR YOUR INTELLIGENCE??

They know you will take whatever they tell you and run with it -- without having the intellect to do an OUNCE OF RESEARCH for yourself...because of your confirmation bias....and the funny part is, you don't even care that they lie to you constantly to manufacture outrage....outrage is your fetish, and Fox and others are the pornhub for your outrage

And please please please try to go intimidate and threaten these grand jurors like yall did Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss and see how that goes..
Twist pretzels lib loons all you want
It’s impossible to release results before there Are results unless it’s crooked
Twist pretzels lib loons all you want
It’s impossible to release results before there Are results unless it’s crooked
Why do yall keep avoiding the law in Georgia that clearly states

"After a grand jury votes to charge someone with a crime, the presiding judge then reveals the indictment in open court. When an indictment becomes public, jurors’ names will appear on the document."
Why do yall keep avoiding the law in Georgia that clearly states

"After a grand jury votes to charge someone with a crime, the presiding judge then reveals the indictment in open court. When an indictment becomes public, jurors’ names will appear on the yeah thus tie not clarify nor deal with the order in which events occurred and then the removal if the info once they realized they had jumped the gun document."
Yeah this has nothing to do with the order in which the information was released and then their removal of said info when they realized they had jumped the gun
They assigned a judge and placed the case on a trial docket before the G.J. even voted. Did the prosecutor even graduate from law school or was it some cheapo correspondence course.
It takes a special breed to commit numerous unforced errors in a couple of hours.

If you saw the posse posing as a court of law you'd say, yeah, not surprised.

WTF is up with that? She waits two and and a half years to bring these charges, and on the last day it's nothing but a clusterfuck chinese fire drill. Has to give the Trump haters at least a lettle bit of pause.
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