First they "leak" the indictment before the jury even voted, then they forget to redact juror names

Yeah this has nothing to do with the order in which the information was released and then their removal of said info when they realized they had jumped the gun
The information was released AFTER the clerk delivered the indictment to the judge....and it is not illegal...since I posted the actual Georgia law on grand jury procedures --- something you OBVIOUSLY DIDNT KNOW

The other document you morons are lying about was the list of charges that the GRAND JURY was set to vote on....not the actual indictments..

And the grand jury returned true bill votes on EVERY LISTED CHARGE....cope harder
The information was released AFTER the clerk delivered the indictment to the judge....and it is not illegal...since I posted the actual Georgia law on grand jury procedures --- something you OBVIOUSLY DIDNT KNOW

The other document you morons are lying about was the list of charges that the GRAND JURY was set to vote on....not the actual indictments..

And the grand jury returned true bill votes on EVERY LISTED CHARGE....cope harder
Posting in red like a 7 year old does not work
You have provided zero refutation of how a conclusion can be announced Before a conclusion has been made.
I kinda feel bad for democrats, they are going to lose every case, and bad.. the. Trump will be in the White House .. 3 time winner..

Next 6 years epic
If Trump has won the last two Presidential elections, wouldnt that make him ineligible to run this time?
WTF is up with that? She waits two and and a half years to bring these charges, and on the last day it's nothing but a clutserfuck chinese fire drill. Has to give the Trump haters at least a lettle bit of pause.
Yeah she waited until last night to collect all the evidence, do all the interviews and type up the 90 page indictment. You nailed it!
Yeah she waited until last night to collect all the evidence, do all the interviews and type up the 90 page indictment. You nailed it!
WTF are you babbling about? Have you ever seen a criminal indictment announced at 11:30 at night? Let alone a high profile indictment, such as indicting the former President of the United States?

Something is out of whack in that office.
WTF are you babbling about? Have you ever seen a criminal indictment announced at 11:30 at night? Let alone a high profile indictment, such as indicting the former President of the United States?

Something is out of whack in that office.
I was making fun of you questioning why it takes 2 years to prepare a RICO case. According to you, this should have been completed in a few weeks. LOL!
I was making fun of you questioning why it takes 2 years to prepare a RICO case. According to you, this should have been completed in a few weeks. LOL!
No, I wasn't questioning that. I was questioning why it was such a clusterfuck yesterday. Read slower - knee jerk less.
Posting in red like a 7 year old does not work
You have provided zero refutation of how a conclusion can be announced Before a conclusion has been made.
Indictments were not announced in advance you moron .....

Do you understand that your right-wing overlords are lying to you because they know you are dumb and easily manipulated?

Not only do they know you are easily manipulated, you even admit this yourself....

Which is why you folks claimed the FEDS tricked yall into storming the Capitol on Jan 6th...yall are you understand?
"She waits two and a half years to bring the charges". She wasnt "waiting".
Its considered a clusterfuck because a bunch of right-wingers have no idea how Georgia grand juries work -- so they have been fooled into believing indictments were announced before the vote...
How long should it take to collect evidence and prepare a case in a RICO filing in your opinion? You realize in addition to the co-conspirators named (all 18 of them) there are further unnamed co-conspirators that were not charged. There are millions of pages of evidence. This doesnt all happen overnight.
How long should it take to collect evidence and prepare a case in a RICO filing in your opinion? You realize in addition to the co-conspirators named (all 18 of them) there are further unnamed co-conspirators that were not charged. There are millions of pages of evidence. This doesnt all happen overnight.
Interesting question, because she is in completely uncharted and novel legal territory. Her attempt at applying a RICO statute to political speech has never been done before. Personally, I think it's going to go down in flames.
Dems have decriminalized crimes because blacks were committing them disproportionately.

On a lesser scale, it’s the same reason our liberal county stopped charging fines for late books. Blacks were the ones not returning them.
Where do you get this bullshit from? Stormfront, Hannity, Ingraham, etc.

Fani (Fanny) the Hoe is so eager to make a name for herself. They say she has to have protection. Why protection Fani? Just go at alone! You'll be fine. :p
It reminds me of how whites would railroad an innocent black into prison back in 1930’s Georgia.
If liberals get away with this one. They will do it to them again. Once they get complete power, they can do as they please. Look at how they treat black people now.

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