First they "leak" the indictment before the jury even voted, then they forget to redact juror names

The information was released AFTER the clerk delivered the indictment to the judge....and it is not illegal...since I posted the actual Georgia law on grand jury procedures --- something you OBVIOUSLY DIDNT KNOW

The other document you morons are lying about was the list of charges that the GRAND JURY was set to vote on....not the actual indictments..

And the grand jury returned true bill votes on EVERY LISTED CHARGE....cope harder
This didn't age well. LOL!
You sound like a complete fool, because obviously you don't know what is going on in America.

Come on, man! We all are aware of what was said when Biden was speaking before the Council on Foreign Relations and joking about threatening a foreign government, he would withhold U.S. tax dollars if they didn't get rid of a prosecutor who was investigating his son's shady business deals.

Yup, It’s Georgia of the 1930s all over again, only this time its blacks railroading a white man.

Q: Why is the jury all black, or mostly black? Don’t whites live in Fulton County?

A: Just looked it up - it’s 45% black, and 45% white.
It wasn't a jury, it was a grand jury.... Procedures are different.
It wasn't a jury, it was a grand jury.... Procedures are different.
So why was the Grand Jury all black. It reminded me of the fake trials of Georgia 100 years ago as an all-white jury was getting set to lynch an innocent black man?

What happened to the value of diversify?!
It takes a special breed to commit numerous unforced errors in a couple of hours.

If you saw the posse posing as a court of law you'd say, yeah, not surprised.

I'm uncertain if you know this or not, or if it was mentioned by another poster,

But Georgia law requires grand jurors be identified to the public.
And what is happening to Trump is not justice, either - DAs in blue states getting juries of Trump-haters to decide his fate.
DAs don’t pick their own juries, there’s a process that involves input from the judge and defense as well. The point is to choose impartial juries.

That’s justice and that’s what’s happening to Trump.
DAs don’t pick their own juries, there’s a process that involves input from the judge and defense as well. The point is to choose impartial juries.

That’s justice and that’s what’s happening to Trump.
The judge, prosecutor, and juries are all anti-Trumpers.

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