First We Had "Legitimate Rape" from GOPer Akin - Now Jean Schmidt (R) Invents OPPORTUNITY RAPE

I didn't see a hysterical rant in the Business Insider article. It was the yokel death angel that said it was a gift from God. State Representative Jean Schmidt, the bill's sponsor, defending no exclusion for rape, said it was an opportunity for the one who is assaulted. He did say "it's a shame that it happens." What a guy, knowing he won't have to carry a baby to term after he gets raped.
In the example case of rape of the 13 year old girl by a serial rapist he said "rape is a difficult issue," but continued that "if a baby is created, it is a human life, and whether that mother ends that pregnancy or not, the scars will not go away, period."
That sounds kind of like, she's already fucked anyway, so she can carry the rapist's baby to term, and this state ordered indignity for her to have this opportunity shouldn't matter to her and nothing she can do about it, if it does.

I read the in a study from February to March 2021 visits to the emergency room by girls 12-17 as a result of attempted suicide were up 50%.
The "Business Insider" quoted a rapist?

Republican say rape baby a gift for God.​

Dear Handle, if you want me to read your thread or consider your opinions seriously, at least show me first that you are an adult who graduated high school with a passing grade and care about the subject enough to actually write cogent english and don't spend half your daily existence grunting crap out on a smartphone.

Otherwise, I will have to just assume your OP was TRYING to say:
  • Republicans say rape-baby was a gift for God,
  • Republican says rape-baby a gift for God, or
  • A republican says rape-baby was a gift for God.
Seemingly small, subtle differences, I know, but that's the funny thing about English--- one letter can change the entire meaning of a sentence! Plus, it shows you actually put enough intelligent thought into the OP that it might be worth reading. Thank you for your consideration.
To be entirely truthful, I have known a woman who, for what ever reason chose to have the biracial child of her black rapist. In the end, her hatred and revenge destroyed both mother and daughter. It doesn't always result in happy families.
Post Abortion Syndrome is a very real thing that can seriously affect women for life because of the sense of guilt following an abortion.

I've yet to find a case of a woman who opted for having the baby and putting it up for adoption that had the same problem or anything close to it.

To be entirely truthful, I have known a woman who, for what ever reason chose to have the biracial child of her black rapist. In the end, her hatred and revenge destroyed both mother and daughter. It doesn't always result in happy families.
Then she probably should have put the baby up for adoption. Chewing it up with a blender and washing it down into the sewer rarely is without it's own mental scars.

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