First We Had "Legitimate Rape" from GOPer Akin - Now Jean Schmidt (R) Invents OPPORTUNITY RAPE

Then she probably should have put the baby up for adoption. Chewing it up with a blender and washing it down into the sewer rarely is without it's own mental scars.
The man disappeared. The child became the repository of a lifetime of revenge and hanged herself at 17. Mom drank herself to death before she was 50. Not having an abortion did neither any good.
I just asked my wife that gave up her child for adoption when she was 17 what would have hurt more, abortion or adoption,,

of course she said since she has a soul the abortion would have hurt more,,
I've known several of them. By far those that gave the child up for adoption had far better long term outcomes than those who chose abortion.
I’ve know people who made both types of choices. None of those who chose abortion regretted it or had lasting effects from it.


The title of the post is designed to elicit an emotional response among people who are gradually realizing that unrestricted abortion is an abomination in the civilized world. Nobody except rapists (and abortionists) say that rape is a gift from God. Abortionists become hysterical about any restriction on the killing of the unborn and reasonable people have to see through that argument.
Try telling that to the rape victim, pro-rapist.
Killing the child does not punish the rapist. Most women screaming rape to get an abortion are lying anyway. They are killing the kid because boyfriend told them to. Women that want an abortion because of rape should be required to name the rapist. Then prosecute the man for the death of the child.

That will stop rape abortions.
The title of the post is designed to elicit an emotional response among people who are gradually realizing that unrestricted abortion is an abomination in the civilized world. Nobody except rapists (and abortionists) say that rape is a gift from God. Abortionists become hysterical about any restriction on the killing of the unborn and reasonable people have to see through that argument.
No one said that rape was a gift from God.

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