First We Had "Legitimate Rape" from GOPer Akin - Now Jean Schmidt (R) Invents OPPORTUNITY RAPE

No. You want rapists to have the right to force women to have their baby. Not me.
no I dont,, thats your spin on youre obsession to murder unborn children,,,

why we talking about abortion with rape,, a women knows the minute she is raped and should go directly to the police and get a rape kit done and take a morning after pill if she doesnt want to be prego,,
no I dont,, thats your spin on youre obsession to murder unborn children,,,

why we talking about abortion with rape,, a women knows the minute she is raped and should go directly to the police and get a rape kit done and take a morning after pill if she doesnt want to be prego,,
Hey your obsession with forcing tormented women into having their rapist baby is the issue.
no I dont,, thats your spin on youre obsession to murder unborn children,,,

why we talking about abortion with rape,, a women knows the minute she is raped and should go directly to the police and get a rape kit done and take a morning after pill if she doesnt want to be prego,,
Yes, I’m sure she is very clear headed and un traumatized by it all and should be fully able to make good decisions.

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