First We Had "Legitimate Rape" from GOPer Akin - Now Jean Schmidt (R) Invents OPPORTUNITY RAPE

Even for those who believe it is a life.. . . in an age when the World Health Organization seeks to take control over what a "life," is and what is not a life, to let the government make those decisions? And cede the political sovereignty of the family to the STATE, is a dangerous path to travel. . .

Though I do agree, lives of the pre-born are very important and should be protected, that power should be kept out of the hands of the STATE, especially when we have seen how it colluded with the global oligarchs on this COVID world agenda, letting the government decide what "human," is, or is not, along with jab mandates, and letting the government decide what medical procedures you MUST have, in order to participate in society?

Currently, ironically, we should probably count ourselves lucky that we, the people, do have this in our power.

Such a ruling, letting the STATE, have control over reproduction, would open the door for the government to dictate which babies could be birthed in the first place, or even mandatory genetic engineering. How long till the government is telling us Down Syndrome babies are not worth having, or that they must be genetically engineered to be born?

No, I am afraid, we can't have Roe v. Wade overturned. We need to keep family sovereignty and family decisions IN THE FAMILY. Not with the state.

Constitutional Sources of the Penumbral Right to Privacy Constitutional Sources of the Penumbral Right to Privacy


Changing What It Means To Be Human​

Even for those who believe it is a life.. . . in an age when the World Health Organization seeks to take control over what a "life," is and what is not a life, to let the government make those decisions? And cede the political sovereignty of the family to the STATE, is a dangerous path to travel. . .

Though I do agree, lives of the pre-born are very important and should be protected, that power should be kept out of the hands of the STATE, especially when we have seen how it colluded with the global oligarchs on this COVID world agenda, letting the government decide what "human," is, or is not, along with jab mandates, and letting the government decide what medical procedures you MUST have, in order to participate in society?

Currently, ironically, we should probably count ourselves lucky that we, the people, do have this in our power.

Such a ruling, letting the STATE, have control over reproduction, would open the door for the government to dictate which babies could be birthed in the first place, or even mandatory genetic engineering. How long till the government is telling us Down Syndrome babies are not worth having, or that they must be genetically engineered to be born?

No, I am afraid, we can't have Roe v. Wade overturned. We need to keep family sovereignty and family decisions IN THE FAMILY. Not with the state.

Constitutional Sources of the Penumbral Right to Privacy Constitutional Sources of the Penumbral Right to Privacy


Changing What It Means To Be Human​

All I'm saying is the rapist should have no choice in who they force the have a baby with.

If you are into a rapists getting the choice on who they force the have their baby then I'm not on board with that.
Nobody in the history of this great democracy ever said that "rape was a gift from God" Leave it to the Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters folks to turn an internal state discussion about abortion into a hysterical rant.
coming from a baby killer like you your confusion is understandable,,
Wow…so not only do you support the rapist’s rights, you even deny that the victim might be too traumatized to make clear decisions. Now you are sounding like that Republican who said “if rape is inevitable the woman should just enjoy it”
Well done.

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