First We Had "Legitimate Rape" from GOPer Akin - Now Jean Schmidt (R) Invents OPPORTUNITY RAPE

Wow…so not only do you support the rapist’s rights, you even deny that the victim might be too traumatized to make clear decisions. Now you are sounding like that Republican who said “if rape is inevitable the woman should just enjoy it”
Well done.
you baby killers are so stuck on killing babies that you cant stop to realize that women all over the world are raising and loving the children of men they wished they never slept with or ended up hating,,

but please continue telling us how much you want to kill innocent babies for you entertainment
you baby killers are so stuck on killing babies that you cant stop to realize that women all over the world are raising and loving the children of men they wished they never slept with or ended up hating,,

but please continue telling us how much you want to kill innocent babies for you entertainment
Yada yada yada…MAYBE if you weren’t so gung-ho on supporting the rights of rapists to father a child you would realize that their victims simply want the right to make that choice for themselves, whether it is the bear the child or to end the pregnancy. But you pro-rapists won’t even allow her that. Pregnant women have fewer rights than unborn babies and rapists In your eyes.
Yada yada yada…MAYBE if you weren’t so gung-ho on supporting the rights of rapists to father a child you would realize that their victims simply want the right to make that choice for themselves, whether it is the bear the child or to end the pregnancy. But you pro-rapists won’t even allow her that. Pregnant women have fewer rights than unborn babies and rapists In your eyes.
So your cool with anybodies [sic] baby that rapes your daughter?

The baby didn't commit the rape.

As far as I am concerned, a subhuman piece of shit who commits a violent rape can die a slow, painful, miserable death, and I am completely OK with that.

But I am not at all OK with putting an innocent child to death for a crime in which he had no willing part.

If I had a daughter, if she was raped, and if a child was thus produced, that child would be my grandchild. What kind of piece of shit would I be if I was OK with my own grandchild being murdered?
You need to find another article, that one does not dispute my statement.

That some women might think it will be harder on them emotionally to carry the child of a rape to term than to abort it does not indicate that it is.

Your article as far left as it is which is expected coming from such a publication doesn't show that women who gave those children up for adoption rather than killing them had worse outcomes in the long run than those who did.
The man disappeared. The child became the repository of a lifetime of revenge and hanged herself at 17. Mom drank herself to death before she was 50. Not having an abortion did neither any good.
For a woman that damaged having an abortion would likely have an even worse outcome or at least and equally bad one.

None of that would have likely occurred if she'd given that child up for adoption.

Parenthood isn't for everyone, even for generally sane and well adjusted folks.
Pregnant women have fewer rights than unborn babies and rapists In your eyes.

Pregnant women have the right not to be summarily put to death, simply because their existence is inconvenient to someone else.

That's a right that really, all human beings should have. It is a deep stain on our society and our culture, that we do not protect this right for the very most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.
I just asked my wife that gave up her child for adoption when she was 17 what would have hurt more, abortion or adoption,,

of course she said since she has a soul the abortion would have hurt more,,
I have a very close friend, a gal I almost married at one point who kept and raised the child produced by her being raped.

The only regret she has is that she didn't have the resources the child needed because he was profoundly retarded, violent and physically very large, strong, and dangerous.

If she'd known he'd turn out that a way she would have given him up very young so he could get the care he needed.
fathering children...allowing families of tapists to sue if the woman chooses abortion
I have yet to see anything proposed that allows the rapist to be in the child's life at all.

Donating sperm alone does not make one a father. Once the rapist is finished his role is over and will never be a part of either of their lives again in most cases and he certainly has no legal rights to the child.
I seriously doubt that to be true. You have to be one horribly cold bitch not to regret killing your unborn child.
It isn't a decision that fits neatly on a bumper sticker. That is why it should be left to the woman who will be the one who bears the burden and cost of her decisions.

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