First We Had "Legitimate Rape" from GOPer Akin - Now Jean Schmidt (R) Invents OPPORTUNITY RAPE

give it up baby killer,, she gets to have a child thats [sic] hers and not feel guilty for the rest of her life that she murdered her own child,,
Try telling that to the rape victim, pro-rapist.
I've known several of them. By far those that gave the child up for adoption had far better long term outcomes than those who chose abortion.

I have a sister who is adopted. Some time after reaching adulthood, she succeeded at tracking down her birth mother.

It turns out that my sister is, what some of you on the left wrong hatefully call a “rape baby”

But her birth mother did not choose to murder her. Instead, she put her up for adoption, my parents adopted her, and that is how I have a sister.

What am I to think of those of you who would prefer that he had been murdered, rather than being given the chance to be part of my family? No need to answer; that was a rhetorical question. I know very well what to think of that kind.
It isn't a decision that fits neatly on a bumper sticker. That is why it should be left to the woman who will be the one who bears the burden and cost of her decisions.
If she gives the baby up she's not bearing any cost.
I have yet to see anything proposed that allows the rapist to be in the child's life at all.

Donating sperm alone does not make one a father. Once the rapist is finished his role is over and will never be a part of either of their lives again in most cases and he certainly has no legal rights to the child.
His family apparently does. Rape is not an act of sperm donation.
Not as sick as you who give rapists more rights than pregnant women.

Someone who openly advocates and defends the cold-blooded murder of innocent children (and in other threads, openly defends the sexual grooming and brainwashing of innocent children) is in no position to make any moral judgement of anyone else.

You are one of the lowest forms of subhuman shit.
I’ve know people who made both types of choices. None of those who chose abortion regretted it or had lasting effects from it.

It goes to the sort of creatures with whom you associate.

It takes a special kind of evil to murder a child in cold blood, and have no remorse or regret.
If she gives the baby up she's not bearing any cost.
You really think that? 9 months of pregnancy with it's risks and potential mortality, possible education and job loss, and then further loss in giving up the baby. Not only was choice taken from her by rapist, it was taken a second time by the people claiming to be her saviors.
You really think that? 9 months of pregnancy with it's risks and potential mortality, possible education and job loss, and then further loss in giving up the baby. Not only was choice taken from her by rapist, it was taken a second time by the people claiming to be her saviors.
Oh sweet Jesus, if pregnancy was that dangerous and traumatic the human race would have become extinct eons ago.
You really think that? 9 months of pregnancy with it's risks and potential mortality, possible education and job loss, and then further loss in giving up the baby. Not only was choice taken from her by rapist, it was taken a second time by the people claiming to be her saviors.
this is 2022 not 1850 you sick baby killing bitch,, all those risks are few and far between,,

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