First We Had "Legitimate Rape" from GOPer Akin - Now Jean Schmidt (R) Invents OPPORTUNITY RAPE

Sez the pro-rapist.

Nobody here is supporting rape.

Your own positions expressed in other threads regarding the sexual grooming of children puts you much, much, much closer to advocating rape, than anyone here in this thread is who is opposing the murder of innocent children.

Do something about the huge beam in your own eye before you fuss about the tiny mote that you delusionally imagine that you see in someone else's eye.
I have a sister who is adopted. Some time after reaching adulthood, she succeeded at tracking down her birth mother.

It turns out that my sister is, what some of you on the left wrong hatefully call a “rape baby”

But her birth mother did not choose to murder her. Instead, she put her up for adoption, my parents adopted her, and that is how I have a sister.

What am I to think of those of you who would prefer that he had been murdered, rather than being given the chance to be part of my family? No need to answer; that was a rhetorical question. I know very well what to think of that kind.
Key detail you miss here. CHOICE
The rapist should be punished. If his acts result in death he should be punished for that death.

I agree with that, in an abstract principle, but I fear that such a legal principle would give a vengeful rape victim a motive to have an abortion, just to condemn the rapist to death along with the innocent child.
I agree with that, in an abstract principle, but I fear that such a legal principle would give a vengeful rape victim a motive to have an abortion, just to condemn the rapist to death along with the innocent child.
Since it's the mother who gets to choose the emotion you could not extend guilt to the rapist who fathered it.

His actions cannot directly or indirectly lead to the death since that life doesn't exist prior to the event.
I take Coyote's reaction as an affirmation that she wishes that my sister had been murdered, rather than allowed to live and become part of my family.

Not at all surprising, given how morally and ethically fucked-up Coyote has shown herself to be on many occasions.

I take Coyote's reaction as an affirmation that she wishes that my sister had been murdered, rather than allowed to live and become part of my family.

Not at all surprising, given how morally and ethically fucked-up Coyote has shown herself to be on many occasions.

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No, you should take as an affirmation that her mother was able to have a choice, something you would deny women.

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