FISA Court... Should we be concerned?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds' snooping

Established in 1978 at the height of the Cold War, the clandestine FISA court, known as the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, is located blocks away from the White House and the Capitol in a bunker-like complex.

The barest of details about the court and its oversight were publicly disclosed until the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when 19 militants associated with al-Qaida carried out suicide attacks, hijacking four planes and flying them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, triggering major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism.

Authorities began dramatically intensifying their espionage efforts, doubling the number of warrant applications. This prompted the court to authorize sweeping collections of mass data.

The FISA court approves more than 99 percent of the domestic electronic surveillance requests the deep state brings to its vaulted door, according to the Wall Street Journal

A 2016 Justice Department report showed the National Security Agency and the FBI made 1,457 requests for permission to the FISA court to conduct electronic surveillance in 2015.

While it is the sole responsibility of the FISA court to scrutinize every one of these requests, only one application was rejected by the government in all of 2015.

As for the rest, “FISC did not deny any applications in whole, or in part,” the Justice Department said.

The FISA court also issues subpoenas that intelligence agencies use to compel private companies to turn over personal data on customers. These “national security letters” contain everything from Americans’ billing information to their browsing histories.

Read more at Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds’ snooping

Ninety Nine Percent of the FISA requests were approved in 2015. 1457 requests approved, one denied. Does the FISA Court have too much faith in the FBI? I don't like those numbers.
Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds' snooping

Established in 1978 at the height of the Cold War, the clandestine FISA court, known as the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, is located blocks away from the White House and the Capitol in a bunker-like complex.

The barest of details about the court and its oversight were publicly disclosed until the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when 19 militants associated with al-Qaida carried out suicide attacks, hijacking four planes and flying them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, triggering major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism.

Authorities began dramatically intensifying their espionage efforts, doubling the number of warrant applications. This prompted the court to authorize sweeping collections of mass data.

The FISA court approves more than 99 percent of the domestic electronic surveillance requests the deep state brings to its vaulted door, according to the Wall Street Journal

A 2016 Justice Department report showed the National Security Agency and the FBI made 1,457 requests for permission to the FISA court to conduct electronic surveillance in 2015.

While it is the sole responsibility of the FISA court to scrutinize every one of these requests, only one application was rejected by the government in all of 2015.

As for the rest, “FISC did not deny any applications in whole, or in part,” the Justice Department said.

The FISA court also issues subpoenas that intelligence agencies use to compel private companies to turn over personal data on customers. These “national security letters” contain everything from Americans’ billing information to their browsing histories.

Read more at Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds’ snooping

Ninety Nine Percent of the FISA requests were approved in 2015. 1457 requests approved, one denied. Does the FISA Court have too much faith in the FBI? I don't like those numbers.

Y’all should have been concerned after 9/11 when all the political elites said in order to keep you safe you will have to give up some of your rights, it’s a bit late now to be worried since it will never go away.
Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds' snooping

Established in 1978 at the height of the Cold War, the clandestine FISA court, known as the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, is located blocks away from the White House and the Capitol in a bunker-like complex.

The barest of details about the court and its oversight were publicly disclosed until the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when 19 militants associated with al-Qaida carried out suicide attacks, hijacking four planes and flying them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, triggering major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism.

Authorities began dramatically intensifying their espionage efforts, doubling the number of warrant applications. This prompted the court to authorize sweeping collections of mass data.

The FISA court approves more than 99 percent of the domestic electronic surveillance requests the deep state brings to its vaulted door, according to the Wall Street Journal

A 2016 Justice Department report showed the National Security Agency and the FBI made 1,457 requests for permission to the FISA court to conduct electronic surveillance in 2015.

While it is the sole responsibility of the FISA court to scrutinize every one of these requests, only one application was rejected by the government in all of 2015.

As for the rest, “FISC did not deny any applications in whole, or in part,” the Justice Department said.

The FISA court also issues subpoenas that intelligence agencies use to compel private companies to turn over personal data on customers. These “national security letters” contain everything from Americans’ billing information to their browsing histories.

Read more at Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds’ snooping

Ninety Nine Percent of the FISA requests were approved in 2015. 1457 requests approved, one denied. Does the FISA Court have too much faith in the FBI? I don't like those numbers.

Y’all should have been concerned after 9/11 when all the political elites said in order to keep you safe you will have to give up some of your rights, it’s a bit late now to be worried since it will never go away.

fisa court was created in 1978.

what does 911 have to do with it?
cons never used to have an issue with fisa and the fbi

i wonder what happened to change that?

Do you ever post anything that isnt fucking retarded? Ever?

Even rightwinger does, every once and a while.
Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds' snooping

Established in 1978 at the height of the Cold War, the clandestine FISA court, known as the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, is located blocks away from the White House and the Capitol in a bunker-like complex.

The barest of details about the court and its oversight were publicly disclosed until the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when 19 militants associated with al-Qaida carried out suicide attacks, hijacking four planes and flying them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, triggering major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism.

Authorities began dramatically intensifying their espionage efforts, doubling the number of warrant applications. This prompted the court to authorize sweeping collections of mass data.

The FISA court approves more than 99 percent of the domestic electronic surveillance requests the deep state brings to its vaulted door, according to the Wall Street Journal

A 2016 Justice Department report showed the National Security Agency and the FBI made 1,457 requests for permission to the FISA court to conduct electronic surveillance in 2015.

While it is the sole responsibility of the FISA court to scrutinize every one of these requests, only one application was rejected by the government in all of 2015.

As for the rest, “FISC did not deny any applications in whole, or in part,” the Justice Department said.

The FISA court also issues subpoenas that intelligence agencies use to compel private companies to turn over personal data on customers. These “national security letters” contain everything from Americans’ billing information to their browsing histories.

Read more at Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds’ snooping

Ninety Nine Percent of the FISA requests were approved in 2015. 1457 requests approved, one denied. Does the FISA Court have too much faith in the FBI? I don't like those numbers.

The FISA Farce
By James Bovard

The FISA court may be the biggest bunch of lapdogs in the federal government. The court approved almost every one of the 15,000 search warrant requests the feds submitted between 1978 and 2002, and it continues to approve more than 99 percent of requests.

FISA provides a judicial process only in the sense that the room where the political appointees convene is called a “court.” As national security expert James Bamford observed, “Like a modern Star Chamber, the FISA court meets behind a cipher-locked door in a windowless, bug-proof, vault-like room guarded 24 hours a day on the top floor of the Justice Department building. The eleven judges (increased from seven by the Patriot Act) hear only the government’s side.”
Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds' snooping

Established in 1978 at the height of the Cold War, the clandestine FISA court, known as the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, is located blocks away from the White House and the Capitol in a bunker-like complex.

The barest of details about the court and its oversight were publicly disclosed until the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when 19 militants associated with al-Qaida carried out suicide attacks, hijacking four planes and flying them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, triggering major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism.

Authorities began dramatically intensifying their espionage efforts, doubling the number of warrant applications. This prompted the court to authorize sweeping collections of mass data.

The FISA court approves more than 99 percent of the domestic electronic surveillance requests the deep state brings to its vaulted door, according to the Wall Street Journal

A 2016 Justice Department report showed the National Security Agency and the FBI made 1,457 requests for permission to the FISA court to conduct electronic surveillance in 2015.

While it is the sole responsibility of the FISA court to scrutinize every one of these requests, only one application was rejected by the government in all of 2015.

As for the rest, “FISC did not deny any applications in whole, or in part,” the Justice Department said.

The FISA court also issues subpoenas that intelligence agencies use to compel private companies to turn over personal data on customers. These “national security letters” contain everything from Americans’ billing information to their browsing histories.

Read more at Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds’ snooping

Ninety Nine Percent of the FISA requests were approved in 2015. 1457 requests approved, one denied. Does the FISA Court have too much faith in the FBI? I don't like those numbers.

If I were concerned, I'd be more concerned about this.
Senate passes controversial spying law that scoops up Americans' phone calls and emails without a warrant

There is no "truth" in media reporting anymore. The gop mantra has become "the Steele dossier." And it is salacious, no doubt, but it's not unusual for one politician to buy information about another. But if the truth was really reported, Flynn, and Manafort and Page's conversations with foreigners abroad were routinely monitored, and any Russian or Cuban or whatever INSIDE the US can have his communictions spied upon without a warrant. So the fact is that anytime an American wants to talk to someone not an American, the gummit don't need no stinkin' warrant. And to make it even better, whatever that American may say to, or be told by, that foreigner can then be used to get a FISA warrant on his own sorry ass.
heh - the bulk of what i get here is:
FISA said obama and company was bad.
Liberals now want to trash FISA.

did i miss anything?
heh - the bulk of what i get here is:
FISA said obama and company was bad.
Liberals now want to trash FISA.

did i miss anything?

Yes, you missed the point where anyone that even remotely considers themselves a conservative could never support something like the FISA court

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heh - the bulk of what i get here is:
FISA said obama and company was bad.
Liberals now want to trash FISA.

did i miss anything?

Yes, you missed the point where anyone that even remotely considers themselves a conservative could never support something like the FISA court

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didn't see that in the article.

Some of us do not need an article to tell us what to think. Then I guess there is you

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heh - the bulk of what i get here is:
FISA said obama and company was bad.
Liberals now want to trash FISA.

did i miss anything?

Yes, you missed the point where anyone that even remotely considers themselves a conservative could never support something like the FISA court

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I don't agree with that. FISA judges' actions are monitored by Justice Roberts. I don't see it as a partisan or even political issue, so much as a practical issue of "given the foreign threats against us, does the law provide the maximum safeguards against govt collecting information not related to nat security, and misusing that information to abridge constitutional rights like speech?"
heh - the bulk of what i get here is:
FISA said obama and company was bad.
Liberals now want to trash FISA.

did i miss anything?

Yes, you missed the point where anyone that even remotely considers themselves a conservative could never support something like the FISA court

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didn't see that in the article.

Some of us do not need an article to tell us what to think. Then I guess there is you

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why do you do this? the whole assume what i'm asking then get a dig in? the entire point of putting these up here is to talk about it and so forth. but i guess for some their entire reason to be here is to get shots in.

congrats. you win. whatever it was you thought we were "fighting" for.
So the FBI learns from two indep and unconnected sources (Steele and Papadopolous) that the Russians are seeking to infiltrate the Trump campaign. What should the do? That's the small question that apparently is a partisan issue.

The larger issue is suppose you are sympathetic - to Kurdish independence or Hamas providing sanitation to Pales, or in years gone by sympathetic to a Jewish state even though your govt hasn't officially endorsed it and the Jews are blowing up British soldiers - and you make contact with a person overseas with some Kurd, Hamas or Zionist connection. Does that mean the govt should be able to monitor your communication with that person, and then use any information they find to support search warrants to your communications and even finances in the US?

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